New Look and expanding FGCP website

Dear Israelite brethren,

If you haven't been to our website in the past week, it's received a clean and refreshing makeover!  Our website is updated every week with a variety of content from Pastors Elmore and Downey and also from Jim Jester.  With the new look, we are now in the process of expanding the articles section by categorizing each sermon so that they appear in the 'articles' menu on the right side. 

We continue to have a regular weekly worship service, singing, praying, and fellowship and invite Identity Christians to write us if you would like to join us on any Sunday. In October and November, we had visiting pastors, Pastors Ken Kemble and Brian Jones and their families.  Four of Pastor Kemble's lovely daughters graced us with their beautiful, harmonious voices and we recorded them and also added that recording to our website. 

And even more good news, we've just recently added 2 'WakeUp Call' articles from Pastor McCurry.  We are so happy that he is once again writing, after the passing of his wife last August.  Please remember to keep him in your prayers.

We live in times where prophecy is coming to pass and count it all joy that we have eyes to see and ears to hear as we stand in the gap. We thank you for your support and prayers, as we also pray for you and it is our hope that this website is a blessing to you and other Christian Israelites.

With warmest regards and the love of Christ,

The Fellowship of God's Covenant People

Guest Speaker and Podcast


We are pleased to announce that Christian Identity Greek scholar and author, William Finck, will be our guest speaker at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People on Sunday, June 21st in Florence, Kentucky.  After more than a decade of meticulous study, Bill has translated a Christian Identity New Testament Bible and written a commentary of the book of Revelation, 'ChristReich'.  Bill's website is and is a wealth of information!  Come join us for worship service, starting at 11:00AM, and edifying fellowship. 

Also, please be sure to listen to ''Christogenea Saturdays' online radio program at 8:00PM (Eastern Time) on June 20th,  where Pastor Mark Downey will be joining Bill Finck in a discussion on the misbegotten mantra of "White Genocide." 

For further details, contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Special Guest this Sunday - Dr. Everett Ramsey

Dear Kindred,

You are cordially invited to join us this Sunday, August 3, 2014 at 11AM at the Fellowship of God’s Covenant People for a very special guest, Pastor Everett Ramsey from Missouri.  Dr. Ramsey is remembered for his church in Nebraska being America’s first padlocked church for courageously refusing to bow to the government demand that he license their church school.  He went to federal prison for standing his ground on Christian principles.  He is also known for his super conferences and the Court of Divine Justice.  Pastor Everett is a well known and respected Christian Identity author and speaker.  You won’t want to miss this special event.  Please contact Pastor Don Elmore for further details at [email protected] or 859-992-6403.

Talkshoe Program 8/17/2013

You are cordially invited to listen in on

William Finck’s
Christogenea Talkshoe Program for 8-17-13, Saturday 8:00pm

with Pastors Don Elmore and Mark Downey
of the
Fellowship of God’s Covenant People in northern Kentucky

Subject:  State of the Church in Christian Identity

A general discussion about church life in our movement and the importance of worship and fellowshipping together.

Link to program:

New articles 5/27/2012

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

We're happy to have Greek scholar William Finck, publisher of as our guest speaker next Sunday, June 3rd.  His message will be on "Paul, the First Identity Preacher".  Bill has translated the New Testament (The Christogenea New Testament) and his expertise is in the field of ancient literature.  We hope you can join us.   Let us know if you need directions to our new location.

The newest articles on our website can be always be found by clicking on "Recent Posts" on the menu at the top of our website.  Since the last newsletter, we have added several new audios, 3 Wake Up Heralds, a message on Catholicism and a message on Pentecost ... 

  • Audio on Satan's Deception by Pastor Brian Jones
  • Audio and Text for Stand Your Ground Part 3 by Pastor Mark Downey
  • Audio and Text for America's Disastrous Choice by Pastor Don Elmore
  • Audio and Text for The Catholic Menace Part 1 by Pastor Mark Downey
  • Pentecost text message by Pastor Don Elmore.  Presented today.  The audio will be added next week.

    • "Same-sex Marriage Debacle Part 4:  The progressive erosion of God-designed marriage has been ongoing for a long time with divorce leading the erosion process. Divorce knows no social, economic, family, or religious restraints and boundaries. It is now pervasive in the culture at large. Sadly, it is reported that more ‘Christians’ than non-Christians are now leading this trend. A tragic spin-off of this tragedy is that an increasing number of ‘Christian’ and non-Christian couples alike are circumventing ‘divorce’ by avoiding marriage—choosing rather ‘cohabitation’—a New Age word for ‘shacking up.'  ... more
    • "Same-sex Marriage Debacle Part 5: Occasionally, there is a bright light in the darkness. Here’s one:  50+ Professors & Staff Resign From Christian University After Refusing to Sign Homosexuality Pledge ... more
    • "Why We are Where We Are" Part 25:   Hollywood is the largest source of smut, immorality, violence, corruption and filth in America.  Sadly, many ‘Christians’ continue to support Hollywood with their theatre attendance. The rational goes like this. “I know this movie contains ‘cursing’ and/or ‘sexual scenes’ but these ‘scenes’ are not that much and not that bad.” Question. How much is too much and how bad is too bad? More

Our newsletter, The New Covenant Messenger, gets mailed out on a regular monthly basis.  The main articles are posted on the site, however if you wish to be added to our mailing list, please click on "Contact" at, give us your address and mention that you would like to start receiving copies of The New Covenant Messenger.  We appreciate your gifts to help defray postage and handling. 

We thank you for your ongoing prayers and support for the Fellowship of God's Covenant People.  Updates to the site are weekly, so visit often and share with others. 

God Bless!

New articles 5/3/2012

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

Next week's service will be in our new location.  If you plan on attending please send us an e-mail through the Contact section on our website and let us know so we can give you directions. 

We were blessed to have Brian Jones and his family visiting last week.  The audio of his message will be on next week's updates. 

Also, mark your calendar for the first Sunday in June when William Finck, publisher of will be visiting and giving the message.

This past week, we added a new audio, three new Wake Up Herald's and a short discussion of Easter/Passover.  The newest articles on our website can be always be found by clicking on "Recent Posts" on the menu at the top of our website.  The articles added this week include:

  • Short article on Easter and Passover by Pastor Don Elmore
  • Audio for "No Good Choice" by Pastor Elmore
  • WAKE UP HERALD:  "Why We are Where We Are":
    • Part 18: There is no disagreement among historians that the Pilgrims who arrived in November of 1620 on the ship Mayflower at New Plymouth, now Provincetown Harbor near Cape Cod, Massachusetts, did not come to America to establish a Hindu, Buddhist, Judaic, Catholic, or Islam nation. A written agreement known as the Mayflower Compact was signed by all 41 of the adult male members on the Mayflower that declared they came here ...  more
    • Part 19: We are where we are because of an ever-increasing compromise and capitulation of the Christian faith by many, with a few exceptions, Protestant and Baptist pastors of all stripes who should be its guardians, have rather become complicit with the popular postmodern ‘Christianity’ philosophy that bears no resemblance to the biblical norm of faith and practice ... more
    • Part 20:  Thousands, if not millions, of church members sitting in America’s pews aren’t really born-again Christians, a Washington, D.C., pastor said April 10 to a pastors’ conference in Louisville, Ky. Mark Dever, senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in the nation’s capital, warned on the opening day of the 2012 Together for the Gospel Conference that “false conversions” are “the suicide of the local church.” ... more

Our newsletter, The New Covenant Messenger, gets mailed out on a regular monthly basis.  The main articles are posted on the site, however if you wish to be added to our mailing list, please click on "Contact" at, give us your address and mention that you would like to start receiving copies of The New Covenant Messenger.  We appreciate your gifts to help defray postage and handling. 

We thank you for your ongoing prayers and support for the Fellowship of God's Covenant People.  Updates to the site are weekly, so visit often and share with others. 

God Bless!

New articles 4/23/2012

Welcome to our first online newsletter!  This newsletter will inform you of new articles posted on our website and also notify you of our special events with guest speakers and other opportunities for fellowship.

The newest articles on our website can be found by clicking on "Recent Posts" on the menu at the top of our website.  The articles added this week include:

  • No Good Choice by Pastor Don Elmore
  • Stand Your Ground, Part 2 by Pastor Mark Downey
  • A new issue of Wake Up Herald:  We're All Branch Davidians Now by Robert McCurry
  • Waco, Texas: Where A Part of America's Heart and Soul Died by Robert McCurry
  • Audios added for "The Strangeness of Mormonism" and "Stand Your Ground, Part 2"

Our newsletter, The New Covenant Messenger, gets mailed out on a regular monthly basis.  The main articles are posted on the site, however if you wish to be added to our mailing list, please click on "Contact" at, give us your address and mention that you would like to start receiving copies of The New Covenant Messenger.  We appreciate your gifts to help defray postage and handling. 

We thank you for your ongoing prayers and support for the Fellowship of God's Covenant People.  Updates are weekly, so visit often and share with others. 

God Bless!

Pastor Don needs your continued prayer....

Friday 7 July 2011


  It turns out that the Doctor said Don didn't have a stroke, he had a prolonged period with extremely high blood pressure.  230 over 120.  It appeared to be a stroke because he couldn't raise his right arm for a while.  He is doing much better now and should be home by the time you read this.  Thank you all for your continued prayers for his recovery.
