Captain of My Soul

by Thomas A. Dooley

Now my Savior asks of me 
to- fish with Him not- in the sea. 
"Forgive me Lord, for doubting Thee,  
Now I know just what you want of me.  

Send me forth to cast Thy net, 
by Thy fervent wish more- souls to catch" 
He rules the land and sky and sea,
and I heard Him say "Come follow me." 

Jesus, keep me- in Your hand 
Lead me back to the Promised Land. 
Be the Captain- of my soul,
always faithful in control.

Guide this boat thru a treachrous night,
in the midst of light'ning- now so fright 'ning. 
Calm the waters of the sea,  
And- bring us safely home to Thee.  

Should the ocean fill this bow, 
I- feel Your presence- here and now, 
"Oh ye of little faith" are we,
Lord- raise Thy hand and calm the sea.


Lord be ever at my helm,
Let me know You're close should- fear o're-whelm 
In darkest storms of time-
When- fear and wind and waves combine.

Steer this vessel with Your hand, 
Lead me back again to the Promised Land,
Oh Captain, Captain of my soul,
You- are the One Who's in control.

Copyright © 1996 Thomas A. Dooley