Are Jewish People Who Believe in Jesus Still Jewish?


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

September 22, 2024

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 13:30

30) “Let both [wheat and the tares] grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I [the LORD God of Israel] will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares [dispensationalism is wrong;the wheat is not gathered first], and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into My barn.”

Who are the “wheat” and who are the “tares?” This parable says that both (wheat and the tares) have different fathers with the same mother; they are two different seed lines. And they have a drastic, different destiny.So, the identification of the “wheat” and “tares” is especially important in the theological interpretation of these verses of this parable.

But this Messianic web site, says nothing about this parable in their article, “Are Jewish People Who Believe in Jesus Still Jewish?” They don’t mention this lesson at all. They assume that all people are equal in the eyes of God in our times.

The purpose of this sermon is to dissect what this article presents and to investigate whether any Jews can be saved. It will also examine doctrines that many so-called “Christians” now believe and show where they cause contradictions in what the Bible says.

The Jewish Road organization is based less than one hour from our church. It is in Georgetown, Kentucky, which is 58 miles south on I-75 (13 miles north of Lexington). This Jewish organization is open to going to different churches and speaking to them and holding different events with them, like Passover. There is a place on their web site where one can book either the father, Ray Davis, or the son, Matt Davis, to come and preach at their church.

On their web site they have this article with the title, “Have a Jewish Theologian in Your Corner” (my comments are in the brackets:  [   ]).

“Partnering with The Jewish Road opens the gateway to a world of profound insights and meaningful connections:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the Jewish context of biblical passages,
  • Engage your congregation with sermons enriched by ancient Jewish wisdom,
  • Discover the significance of Jewish feasts and their relevance to Christian faith,
  • Stay informed about the historical and cultural landscape of Israel [Israeli],
  • Receive expert guidance on all matters related to the Jewish roots of Christianity.

Equip yourself with the knowledge to enhance your ministry and deepen your congregation’s spiritual journey. Reach out to your “go-to-Jews” and take the next step towards a more profound understanding of your faith.”

So, this Jewish organization offers, if you let them,to go into your church’s pulpit,and as a result your church will receive a deeper understanding of the Jewish context of biblical passages. They add that your sermons will be enriched by ancient Jewish wisdom. Would this be true? I believe that it would be FALSE, for no Jewish interpretation of the scriptures would give the church a deeper understanding and there is no such thing as ancient Jewish wisdom.

But do the Jewish synagogues invite any Christian pastors and speakers into their synagogues to impact any of their Christian wisdom?No, it just goes one way.


One of the many articles that appear on their web site is reprinted below with comments about each section. It begins by saying:

“So, you jumped the train? 

I was talking with a Russian Jew from New York the other day. It was a great conversation. When he found out that I was both Jewish and have a relationship with Jesus, he assumed I ‘jumped the train.’ But have I? What he’s really saying is that I jumped off the Jewish train and am now riding aboard the Christian express. 

But is that accurate? Have I given up my heritage, my Jewishness?

Over the years, I’ve heard some versions of this question, and unfortunately, every one of them is wrong. It comes in many forms:

So you’re a Christian now?

So you’re no longer Jewish?

When did you convert?

The assumption is always that when a Jew believes in Jesus, they are no longer Jewish. But this simply isn’t the case. Faith in Jesus doesn’t make someone any less Jewish. In fact, for many of us, our faith in Jesus has actually made us more Jewish.

But this misunderstanding, on both sides, is what has kept Christians from intentionally reaching out to Jewish people and what has kept Jews from understanding that Jesus is for them. It’s why most Jews won’t set foot in a Christian church building. The offer on the table for the Jewish people is that if you want to come to Jesus (the Jewish Messiah), you essentially have to switch teams, put on a new jersey, and go to the other clubhouse.”

[Remember: A Messianic Jew wrote this article. He gives a hypothetical situation which is never true: In my opinion, a Jew can never become a true Christian, only a Judeo-Christian. Anyone can become a Judeo-Christian, but to become an authentic Christian one must be born with the correct pure bloodline. He must be a descendant of the Abrahamic Covenant, not a multi-racial blend of everyone’s mixed seed bloodline—like all Jews. A person must be born in the correct racial family to be a true Christian. This is one reason why miscegenation is so wrong and is considered as a major sin.

Deuteronomy 20:16-18:

16) “But of the cities of these people[nations of the Canaanites], which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive NOTHING that breatheth:

17) But thou shalt utterly destroy them [nations of the Canaanites]; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:

18) That they teach you not to do after all their [nations of the Canaanites] abominations, which they [nations of the Canaanites] have done UNTO THEIR [Canaanites] GODS; so should ye sin against the LORD YOUR GOD.”

These verses drive Judeo-Christians crazy for they have no way to interpret it to match their belief system. They do not know how to correctly answer this question:

Why did the LORD God tell His covenant people to destroy the Canaanite nations who occupied the Promised Land?

They were to kill every elderly man and woman, mature man and women, boys and girls, newborns, and babies in the womb. No one was to escape. It was genocide of all the Canaanite nations that were occupying the Promised Land.

Why were there no missionaries sent first? Because the Canaanite nations were a different seedline than Israel and they had a different destiny—they were all going to hell. No Canaanite Jew was a sheep of God. Missionaries would be useless.

Jesus said to the descendants of the Kenites/Canaanites/Edomites:  John 10:26: “But ye [Edomite Jews, verse 24] believe not, because ye [Edomite Jews] are not of My sheep, as I [Jesus Christ] said unto you [Edomite Jews].”

Jesus said that the Edomite Jews were not of His sheep. And He gives eternal life to His sheep (John 10:28). Now, if the Jews are not His sheep, and His sheep are given eternal life, do the Jews have personal salvation?

Who do you think took up stones again to stone Him right after these words were spoken? It was the Edomite Jews (John 10:31).

The web site says that a Jew who becomes a “Christian” is still a Jew. Why wouldn’t they be. There are Jews who are Buddhists, (more than 30% of non-Asian Buddhists are Jews),atheists, agnostics, Hinduists, and any other religion—they are still Jews. There are orthodox, conservative, reformed Jews as well, and they are all still Jews.]

Back to the Messianic web site:

“Go back to the conversation God had with Abraham in Genesis 12. He said to Abraham,

‘I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’

This promise, known as the Abrahamic Covenant, is repeated multiple times throughout Scripture. It is an everlasting and unconditional covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants.

In other words, God is saying to Abraham, ‘You are my people, and I am your God.’This relationship between God and the Jewish people has never been dependent on our faithfulness or lack thereof. It’s an everlasting covenant. God has always been ‘on track’ with His people, even when they seemed to have jumped the rails.”

[Genesis, chapter 12 is not the direct promise of the Abrahamic Covenant. (Notice the pronounsyouand yourin Genesis 12). The direct promises of the Abraham Covenant do not occur until several chapters later. And when the Abrahamic Covenant is made, it was not made with Esau or the Jews, but was made with Jacob/Israel.

Abraham had eight sons. Which one was the recipient of the covenant made with Abraham?

  • One of his sons, Ishmael, was the origin of the Muslim Arabs. His mother was Hagar, and he was born about thirteen years before Isaac .Abram loved Ishmael.
  • Six of his sons, born after the death of Sarah, his wife, became the Brahmins of India and one of their descendants is Kamala Harris, candidate for the president of the United States. Both of her parents were descendants of Abraham and Keturah, with a mixed seed of Indians from India, along with her father who was Irish mixed with Brahmins in his ancestry. Another Brahmin is the wife of former President Trump’s vice-presidential candidate, J. D. Vance.
  • That leaves the one son he had with Sarah—Isaac. Isaac was the only son of Abraham that was anointed, not the other seven.

Galatians 3:16: “Now to Abraham and his seed [Isaac] were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds [all eight of his sons], as of many [eight]; but as of one, AND TO THY SEED [Isaac], WHICH IS CHRIST ANOINTED.”

Then Isaac had twin sons, which one would carry on the covenantal blessings? The Messianic web site misidentifies the wrong twin—Jacob as being the descendants of the Jews. The Sephardic Jews are descendants of the elder twin—Esau.

Esau was the oldest, so he was the recipient of the covenant in the beginning, but he despised his birthright by racially intermarrying. So, Esau was rejected by God from being the recipient of the covenant, and his younger twin became the heir of the covenant. As a result, Esau planned to assassinate Jacob.

Jacob was Abraham’s grandson who inherited the covenant from his father, Isaac, after his older twin brother was disqualified. So, God calls Himself, “The LORD God of Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob.” He never says that He is the “God of Abraham, Isaac, and Esau.”]

Back to the Messianic web site:

“Something interesting happens to the Israelites in their wilderness journey. Because of their lack of faith and refusal to trust God to help them defeat the ‘giants’ in the promised land, God re-routed them, and the generation that came out of Egypt ended up wandering in the desert for 40 years. But even then, God was still faithful to His covenant with Abraham and His people.

Fast forward to Jesus showing up on the scene some 1,400 years later. The promised Messiah came to offer the kingdom of God to His people. But what did the Jewish people do? The religious leaders of that day lead the nation in rejection of their Messiah. Because of unbelief, the offer of the kingdom was rescinded from that Jewish generation. It will be offered to another Jewish generation, those recognizing the Messiah and proclaiming “BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD” (Matthew 23:39). That is because, as mentioned above, God made an unconditional covenant with Abraham and his descendants (Israel) [which he means the Jews]. 

They [Jews] were and still are His covenant people.”

[The Messianic web site makes some very unscriptural comments. For it says that when Christ came to offer the kingdom to His people, meaning the Jews, the Jewish leaders rejected His offer. It was then offered by God to another Jewish generation. He then uses one verse, Matthew 23:39 to prove his case.

(The first time the word “Jew” is used in the KJV of the Bible is in 2 Kings 16:6, where Israel is fighting against the Jews. The word “Jew” is misinterpreted and should have been “Judean.”One must determine, from the context, whether it was an Israelite Judean or an Edomite Judean.)

But what was the context of this verse? In Matthew 23, Jesus addressed the Jewish scribes and Pharisees, calling them hypocrites. He also described them as being serpents, a generation of vipers, and then asked the question, “How can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33) Why did He use that language to describe them?

Jesus then charged these Edomite Jews with one recent and one ancient murder:

Matthew 23:35:  “That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacarias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and altar.”

Who were the descendants of Cain? Cain murdered Abel. Who were the descendants of Seth? The offspring of Seth could not be charged with the murder of a man who was slain years BEFORE Seth was born. Jesus was not talking to the Negroes, Orientals, or anyone else—for they were not the descendants of Cain either.

Matthew 27:25:  Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

Who declared this? That the blood of Jesus would be on them and their children. What did this mean for centuries?

Christians took this phrase for centuries to indicate that the Jewish people as a whole and for perpetuity bore direct responsibility for the crucifixion and therefore fair game for persecution and extermination. Were they wrong? O are today’s Christians, who make Jews and Christians equal correct?

According to the publication of American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise on Ancient Jewish History: The Edomites, “The Edomites[descendants of Esau] were later forcibly converted into Judaism [Hebraism] by John Hyrcanus, and then became an active part of the Jewish people. Famous Edomites include Herod, who built the Second Temple.”]

Back to the Messianic web site:

“God has kept His covenant with Abraham and with the Jewish people. However, the gospel message of salvation has now been commissioned to all who would follow and put their trust in the Messiah Jesus in this present age. God still has His covenant people, Israel. And at this time, God not only has His covenant people, but He also has a ‘commissioned’ people --Jewish and Gentile believers who make up the Body of Messiah (the church) and are committed to bringing the message of salvation to the world

And one day, He will fulfill His promise to restore the kingdom to that Jewish generation that believes and recognizes the messiahship of Jesus at His Second Coming.

This is a crucially important distinction. The Apostle Paul makes this clear in Romans 11:1-2 when he says, 

‘Has God rejected His people? By no means! I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, a member of the tribe of Benjamin. God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew.’ 

God is not done with His people. God has not replaced the Jewish people. Rather, in this age, God has a ‘commissioned’ people (Jew and Gentile, one in the Messiah) as well as His ‘covenant’ people, Israel. He’s just waiting for them to pick up their end of the line so He can talk to them.” 

[This Jewish Messianic web site erroneously said that God made the Abrahamic covenant with the Jewish people. But they left out the part that their leader, Esau, “despised the covenant” and interracially married with the evil Canaanites. The Canaanites had interracially married with the Kenites. Then who interracially married with this combination of Edomites/Canaanites/Kenites?

There is a whole host of different races that have mixed their seed with the poisonous seed of Cain, Canaanites, and Edomites. In 700 A. D., it was the Ashkenazi Jews. They did not convert to Judaism in mass until the 700s A.D. They make up over 90% of all Jewish people in the world today. But many have intermarried with the Edomites/Canaanites/Kenites. But most are of the Turkish seed line, not a descendant of Abraham!

Most Judeo-Christians are not aware that there are several distinct kinds of Jews: Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Hassidic, Mizrahim, Ethiopian, Ethiopian, Abayudaya, etc. These different groups are many times at each other’s throats, but they all are united against true Christianity and its Savior, priest and king.

The Jews are not the ancestors that descended from a pure line from Shem; most have no ties with Shem at all. Therefore, it is wrong to call anything bad said about the Jews as being “antisemite.” They are not semitic! The Arabs are more semitic than the Jews are.]

The Messianic web site continues:

“Back to the train illustration, the Jewish people were not derailed but simply put on a different track. God has never forgotten His covenant with Abraham or His people. And one day, He will make good on His promise to give the kingdom back to the Jewish people.

As we have made abundantly clear on many podcast episodes, the early church was initially entirely Jewish. It was only after the kingdom was rescinded from that generation due to unbelief that we eventually see the gospel extending to the Gentiles

But even then, God did not break His covenant with Abraham or the Jewish people. The Gentiles, when they become followers of Jesus, are grafted into the olive tree that is Israel (Romans 11). In fact, the question the early Jewish church was asking was, ‘What do we do with these Gentiles who are now coming to faith in our Messiah?’ Questions about circumcision and whether or not these Gentiles should now become Jews were hotly debated.

So, two thousand years later, the situation has reversed. We see Gentiles in the church who meet me, a Jew, completely surprised that I not only follow Jesus but that I am still Jewish.

So, if we are going to reach out to the Jewish people, we have to share the gospel in such a way that acknowledges their covenant with God. We have to start with the fact that they are still His chosen people, not because of anything they have done but because of God’s faithfulness to His covenant. And we need to be careful not to communicate, either intentionally or unintentionally, that in order for them to follow Jesus, they need to stop being Jewish.”

[This Messianic web site just tells of one of the main lies that the Jews tell over and over. They say that they are the chosen people. Therefore, God will make good on His promise that He will give the kingdom back to the Jewish people.

The truth is that the kingdom was never given to the Jewish people, which means that it can never be given back to them because it was never given to them in the first place.The Jews usurped the power in Palestine and took over control of that nation like they are doing now in America.

Look at this quote from another web site. This is from a British-Israel church; Are All Israelites Jews?”, United Church of God (

“Most people assume the Jewish people are the sole remaining descendants of the ancient nation of Israel. This assumption, however, is incorrect.

Technically the Jews [claim that they] are descendants of two of the Israelite tribes: Judah and Benjamin, plus a considerable part of a third, the priestly tribe of Levi.

Unknown to most, 10 other tribes in ancient Israel were never called Jews…The northern coalition of tribes, the kingdom or house of Israel, had already become an independent nation, separate from the house of Judah, by the time the word Jew first appears in the biblical narrative. In fact, the first time the term appears in the King James Version of the Bible, Israel was at war with the Jews (2 Kings 16:5-6).”

The Jews have never been the people of the Abrahamic covenant. If what the Jews claim is true, then God only made a covenant with 3/13 of Israel. But all thirteen tribes are the people of the Abrahamic covenant. It is impossible for Edomite Jews to call themselves by the name of the descendants of their twin brother: Israelites. Jacob remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.The descendants of Esau eventually gained entrance into Judea when they were captured and given the ultimatum to either leave, be murdered, or submit to Hebraism. They submitted(not really, because it was an impossibility) and eventually gained control over Israel.

The comment that “the early church was initially entirely Jewish” is incorrect.The exact opposite was true. If any Jew was found in the early church, (I don’t know why they would want to be in this new institution instead of their Satanic synagogue), they were quickly removed. The Jews’ view on Jesus the Messiah were that He blasphemed God and was now being punished in hell.

And there is the part where it says that the Gentiles, the non-Jews, are grafted into the olive tree, that is Israel. It is impossible to graft a branch of a fig tree into an olive tree! It must be the same kind of tree.]

Back to the Messianic web site:

“Some may say the best way to do this is to contextualize the gospel so it ‘makes sense’ for the Jewish people. While this is a great step in the right direction, it’s lacking. 

What is needed in reaching out to the Jewish people is not a contextualized gospel -- but a restored gospel. What’s the difference?  A contextualized gospel has been modified to fit the current culture. A restored gospel, on the other hand, is a return to the original message and intent of the gospel.

The good news is that we don’t have to guess what this looks like because we have a perfect example in Jesus Himself. When He came onto the scene, He didn’t contextualize the gospel for His generation. He didn’t have to. He proclaimed to them within the context of the Hebrew Scriptures (The Law and the Prophets) His messiahship. 

Paul came along and contextualized it for the Gentiles. We don’t need to contextualize a contextualized gospel for the Jews. We only need to restore the good news that Jesus declared to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. 

And in doing so, He fulfilled all the Jewish people had been waiting for. Jesus is the ultimate expression of what it means to be Jewish. Gentiles do not need to become Jews. But if you are Jewish, to follow Him is to fulfill the intention of being Jewish. It is to return, not to a modified gospel, but to the original message and intent of the gospel. And that is good news for both Jew and Gentile alike.”

[The Messianic web site does not know,or they have kept hidden what Jesus taught the Edomite Jews—His genetic enemy. It was not good news. Matthew 23, for example, Jesus put a tirade against the Jewish scribes and Pharisees. He announced many woes against them. He called them hypocrites, blind guides, their insides are full of extortion and excess, they are serpents, a generation of vipers, guilty of the murder of Abel, and that God’s house is left unto them desolate, etc.

And what was the gospel the Jesus declared to the lost sheep of the House of Israel? The House of Israel were never called “Jews,” either rightly or wrongly. The web site doesn’t tell you that they were Israelites who had been divorced for over 700 years. They were nowhere near Palestine when Jesus was born and lived there. They were at one time married to God and then were divorced. Over 99% of the Israelites did not live in Palestine when Jesus was born, held his ministry, was crucified, died, and rose from the dead and was ascended to sit on the right hand of God the Father.

Jesus died and was resurrected so He could remarry them. This was the only way that He could achieve this according to God’s Law. The web site was silent on this explanation.

It cannot be good news for both Jews and Gentiles as they are enemies of each other. The Jews are imposters having been kicked out of almost every European nation for over a hundred different times. One of these two different seed lines will be cast into the fire of the pit, while the other will be in his eternal kingdom.]

Back to the Messianic web site:

Have I switched teams and jumped the train? No. I am still very much Jewish. 

My mother and father and grandparents were all Jewish, going back to my great, great grandfather, Sholom Kanterovich, who was a chief rabbi in Eastern Europe. 

I grew up in a messianic family where we celebrated Shabbat and all the Jewish holidays. And we still celebrate Shabbat on Fridays. 

As I write here, our third child is in a lesson with her Israeli Hebrew teacher studying for her upcoming Bat Mitzvah next year. 

And if all that doesn’t cinch the deal, my oldest kid’s favorite breakfast item is a bagel with a shmear from Noah’s New York Bagels. 

I mean, what could be more Jewish than all of that?That we also believe in Jesus, Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.”

[His great, great, grandfather was a chief rabbi in Eastern Europe? Do you believe that this rabbi read the Jewish holy book—the Talmud?The Talmud says that Jesus was not the Messiah. It says that He is now in hell because He blasphemed God and the Jewish people. He is boiling in a hot cauldron with filthy elements.

The Talmud also tells that the Jews can rob, steal, murder, and rape Christians. Christians, the Talmud teaches, are going to hell. How does this jive with what this web site is saying?]

Back to the Messianic web site:

“So are Jews who follow Jesus still Jewish? Absolutely! In fact, they are the fulfillment of what it means to be Jewish. We are living out the ultimate intention of the Jewish gospel. And that is something we can all celebrate.

Aren’t all Jews saved? We can see Paul’s heart and I believe he reflected God’s heart. The Jewish people need the message of the gospel, just like all people. The gospel, according to Paul, was to go to the Jew first and also to the Gentile (Romans 1:16). I believe that Gentiles within the church should play a major role in helping Jewish people make sense of Jesus.

There are, however, many who believe that the Jewish people have their own covenant with God, and they do. They have the Abrahamic covenant and Moses and that’s enough, therefore, many believe that Jewish evangelism is not a priority. That is not what I see in the Bible. A New Covenant was made with Israel (Jeremiah 31:31), and the Scriptures make it abundantly clear that Jewish people need to be brought to the knowledge of the truth of that covenant about their Messiah and saved from the consequences.

New covenant made with the House of Israel and the House of Judah!”

[What is the Jewish gospel? The gospel was preached first, but never to the Jews, but to the Judeans and then also not to what they call the Gentiles (non-Jews), but to the nations of the divorced and separated majority tribes of Israel.

Israel and Jews are not synonymous terms– they are the opposite. They are perpetual, fatal enemies.If Jews can go in Christian churches, how many non-Jews or Israelites are permitted to go into their synagogues of Satan?

The web site ends with who the New Covenant was made with. But it is not with the Jews and Gentiles (the definition of what he says that they mean), but with the two separate kingdoms of Israel—the House of Judah and the House of Israel. But the House of Israel was never referred to as being Jews. So, the new covenant was made with the House of Judah and the House of Israel—the United Kingdom of Israel.]


Who are the chosen people of the Abrahamic Covenant?  The Jews or the Israelites?

To whom was the gospel preached by Jesus and His apostles?  To the Jews or to the Israelites?

To whom will the kingdom be given?  To the Jews or to the Israelites?

Who was the New Covenant (Testament) made with?  The “Jews” and the “Gentiles”, or The two houses of the Israelites?

Zionist Christendom is a devilish counterfeit designed to first deceive and second to enslave the minds and hearts of the evangelical Christians of America. It has turned evangelical pastors and Christians away from Christ’s Abrahamic Covenant to the point where most evangelicals know almost nothing of who the true recipients of this everlasting covenant are. They believe salvation is for everyone who lives on the earth. It has been changed from the Old Testament where it was exclusively for the Israelites (not the Jews, their eternal enemy).

It has opened the floodgates of moral debauchery into America’s entertainment industries, political system, and our public-schools. It has opened a tidal wave of mass illegal criminal immigration into our country, allowing an unfettered alien army of tens of millions of military-age single men to enter, live, organize and proliferate into a very clear and present danger to our safety—and even to our very existence as a nation.

We have made abortions legal;and as the result we now have millions of illegal migrants walking through our borders unfettered. We have refused to be a separate people; and as the result we are a coexistent nation with many gods. We are a nation that doesn’t want to offend anyone; and as the result we have been a nation that has thrown all of God’s laws out the window. We are a nation that has become co-friends with the enemy of our Savior and our own selves; and as a result, we are in bed with the enemy.

Look at what an article says about Vice President Kamala Harris.

While a deeply committed and faithful Christian, Vice President Harris has great respect for other faith traditions. Her mother Shyamala Gopalan and relatives in India took her to Hindu temples. She joins her husband, Doug Emhoff, in Jewish traditions and celebrations.”

An Irish-Brahmin mix, with a Black Baptist background, was raised partly in Hindu Temples, had a sexual relationship with a married man for over 10 years, then married an anti christian Jew, whose holy book says that Jesus is now in hell. Sounds like a deeply committed and faithful Christian to me!

Do we want America to be a Great Nation Once Again? Then we must go back to the laws that our King gave us to keep. Do you think that having our enemy in our pulpits is a good idea? Do you think marrying them is a good idea?

We want a King that no other nation has ever had, or who will never have: We want our righteous, incorruptible, unbribable King back.“Come quickly Lord Jesus.”

May God have mercy on us.

Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.