Bible Biology
By Walt Giddings
The Bible contains accurate information on Adam's biology, even in the fallen state. These lessons are an introduction to discerning between the image of the earthy and the image of the heavenly.
Part 1: Understanding the scriptural knowledge of a functioning part of our living bodies: the autonomic nerve system, sympathetic and parasympathetic.
Part 2: Discussion of the two internal organs or systems mentioned in Revelation 2:23: heart and reins.
Part 3: Discussed the structure and function of the living nerve tissue. Understand how nerve cells are made.
Part 4: Our bodies have a God given Government. What is that God given Government?
Part 5: Adam was created “in the image of God” and “after our likeness.” Where is the likeness?
Part 6: The Fall of Adam: was the body of Adam's flesh and bone and Glory, Genesis chapter 2, corrupted into the image of the earthy, flesh and bone and blood, Genesis chapter 3?
Part 7: What does “always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus” mean? How do we do that? What Scriptures witness to us how to always bear about in the body “the dying of the Lord Jesus?”
Part 8: Belief and unbelief