Neither Side is Godly

by Pastor Don Elmore

July 21, 2024

I read a comment on Jim’s post that was made by Chuck Miller. It said, ‘we now have the papacy and a Hindu.” I did a little bit of investigation of this is what I came up with:



President Biden has a son who is married to an antichristian Jew. His son’s name is Hunter, a former drug user and womanizer, had relations with the widow of his dead brother for several years while he was married before being caught. His wife divorced him. The widow sister-in-law dumped him when she found out that he had sexual relations with a stripper. He then, later, met a Jewish woman on one day and the next day married her. He now has a child with her.

Biden’s Vice President, Kamala Harris, is a mixed breed offspring with an Indian immigrant mother and a black immigrant Jamaican father who was a black slave owner of a large plantation in his home island. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was from Chennai, India, her father, Donald Harris, from Jamaica. The two met as graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley.

Her name, Kamala, means “lotus” in Sanskrit, and is another name for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. She visited India multiple times as a girl and got to know her relatives there. She was a Hindu until shortly after her parents divorced when she was seven years old.

After the divorce, she grew up in Oakland and Berkeley attending predominantly Black churches. Her downstairs neighbor, Regina Shelton, often took Kamala and her sister, Maya, to Oakland’s 23rd Avenue Church of God in Oakland. Harris now considers herself a Black Baptist.

And when Kamala took the oath of office to be attorney general of California, and later, a United States senator, it was on Mrs. Shelton’s Bible that she laid her hand on and swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

For ten years Kamala was a mistress (is this permitted in Black Baptist Church doctrine?) to San Francisco democratic mayor, the Negro Willie Brown, who was over 30 years older than she. Willie was married at the time but said that he was separated from his wife. They had a sexual relationship until they broke up in 1995. Harris and Brown’s relationship was not secret, and they made public appearances as a couple.

 Harris met her antichristian Jewish husband, Los Angeles lawyer Douglas Emhoff, on a blind date in San Francisco. They married in 2014 at a Jewish wedding. Emhoff, who at the time worked as attorney in Los Angeles for a law firm called Venable (which separately rents space in one of Donald Trump’s buildings). I wonder if her black church would agree with the Jewish Talmud which says that Mary was a whore, and that Jesus was born illegitimate and is now in hell!

As a Jewish spouse of a vice president, Emhoff emerged as one of the Biden administration’s most prominent faces in the fight against “antisemitism,” although the Ashkenazi Jews, including himself, are not Semitic! Arabs are more Semitic than the Ashkenazi Jews are!

Barack Obama was a Jewish president, although the press will never declare this. He was born to a Jewish Communist mother and a black father, which the Jews say that any person born to a Jewish mother is Jewish. So, why isn’t he called Jewish?


Former President Trump has a daughter who has turned to the Talmudic religion of the antichristian Jews and is married to a Jew in a very important Zionist family. One son, Donald Trump Jr., is engaged to the ex-wife of Gavin Newsom of California, Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle, who Newsom committed adultery while he was married to her. Kimberly’s mother is Puerto Rican, and her father was born in Ireland and immigrated to the United States in 1957 at the age of 20. She worked at Fox News and co-hosted The Five on the network. She was fired from Fox when she was accused of sexual harassment by a former assistant.

She married Gavin Newsom when he was mayor of San Francisco. The Golden Gate Bridge City Mayor admitted to having an affair with the wife of his former campaign manager, who quit a day earlier. Newsom told reporters, admitting the affair after the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Alex Tourk had resigned from Newsom’s re-election campaign after his wife disclosed the romantic involvement.

Trump’s Vice President candidate is from Ohio who is married to an Indian, her parents being immigrants from India, whose maiden name was Usha Chilukuri. Her roots are traced to Andhra Pradesh, one of the leading rice-growing states in the country and is a major producer of India’s tobacco.

J. D. Vance and his Hindu bride at their Hindu wedding.The Vances got married in an interfaith ceremony in a separate Hindu wedding in Kentucky. Usha is credited in helping J. D. discover the Catholic faith that he now embraces.  Usha Vance is a highly accomplished attorney, and she and her husband bring youth and diversity to the Trump ticket.

Any Hindu believes that theirs is the only true religion. This belief affects every part of their life from how they spend their time, what they eat, and even the types of friends they choose. They are also motivated to share their ‘faith’ with others because they firmly believe Hinduism is the only true path to peace.

Hindus believe all people are trapped in a cycle of reincarnation and karma, which means when you die, you are born again as a plant, animal, or person depending on how good or evil you were in the previous life. In Hinduism, yoga is a discipline to transform the individual and become one with universal power. It takes many different forms according to the traditions or methods under which it is practiced. At its most basic, yoga consists of a particular set of techniques, usually including meditation, to control the body, the breath, and the mind. The practice of using yoga to alter one’s conscious state and suppress the senses. By contrast, yoga has become popular in the West to achieve physical and mental fitness.

To those who feel that America has hope that either political party will be their savior:

So, we have on the Democratic side: a Catholic, who has a son who had sexual relations with his brother’s widow while he was still married, who slept with many hookers, strippers, and prostitutes, was addicted to drugs, lied on a gun registration form, was the man who got a lot of bribes from different nations for his father and his family, who is now married to an antichristian.

Their Vice-President is a Hindu who switched to a black Baptist Church, who for ten years was a mistress to the Black mayor of San Francisco and then married an antichrist and now does not have to worry about her finances.

But are the Republicans much better? They have a president who was raised as a Presbyterian who says that he has as his preacher Paula White who preaches a prosperity gospel. Trump was married three times and had extramarital affairs. His daughter married an important Zionist Jew and she herself converted to Judaism or Talmudism. One son is engaged to Gavin Newsom’s ex-wife who is part Puerto Rican.

Their Vice-President is a person who is the poster boy for the American Dream who is now a Catholic who is married to an Indian, who is a Hindu. She believes in reincarnation and karma. His three young children are mixed breed who are doomed to hell. Talk about diversity!

The Republican National Convention had several interfaith prayers. The Sikh Coalition gave their prayer the first night, then there were several Catholic prayers, Black church prayers, Jewish prayers, and even prayers by Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham who President Trump said that he went to one of Billy’s New York crusades as a youth. The RNC is the party of the “coexist” religious movement.

Is this still a Protestant nation? We need another Reformation.

Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.