Racial Reconcialition in America
Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore
October 17, 2021
Scripture Reading: Psalm 92:9: “For, lo, thine enemies, O LORD, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.”
“About 2 decades ago the first ‘superqueero’ appeared in comic books, now the big screen will have a jewish tranny. The confused pervert even tries to twist young children’s minds by suggesting that the superhero comic books are ‘trans’ themselves. Because they are hiding their identity...this, to twist impressionable young people going through hormonal changes, into thinking any feeling they may have about anything (even a superhero hiding his superhero identity) is trans or gay... this is a hate crime... it is child abuse”—[email protected]. Marvel Studios will be making one small step for trans with the inclusion of actor Zach Barack in “Spider-Man: Far from Home” — a biological woman who identifies as a man.
Does the LORD have enemies? Will they be eventually perished? Will they eventually be no longer on the earth? This verse says that one day that will happen. Who are the enemies of the LORD?
Racial reconciliation happened in South Africa before it happened in America. I remember when the Afrikaners walked through “blood river” to the place where their ancient enemies, the Zulus, were waiting. It was the anniversary date of the “Battle of Blood River.” But this time there was a different outcome from the real battle. The battle occurred on December 16, 1838 and was called the Day of the Vow. Now it was changed to the Day of Reconciliation in 1995. Instead of God’s gracious gift to the Afrikaners in granting them an unbelievable victory, with no deaths, against the warrior Zulu army which suffered over 15,000 deaths; there were both groups meeting together and practicing “racial reconciliation.” The special annual “Day of the Covenant or Vow” was forgotten in South Africa, except for a few, loyal former mostly former Huguenot Christians. Instead, they now have “Racial Reconciliation Day”.
When Apartheid ended, it was decided to keep December 16th as a public holiday, but to infuse it with the purpose of fostering reconciliation and national unity. It was established by the government in 1994. Communist Nelson Mandela was part of the group of politicians that helped start the idea for the holiday. On December 16, 1995, the first celebration took place. The first meeting of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission also took place on December 16, 1995. In an address in 1995, Communist Archbishop Desmond Tutu described the holiday as serving the need of healing the wounds of Apartheid.
In America, the plot was harder to execute. First:
- There was the acceptance of the Negro to full citizenship, then
- The right to vote, then
- Integration, then
- Civil rights, and then
- Equality.
The country passed the Civil Rights Act, but the nation still had its problems that were exacerbated by regional racism. But at this time there was a famous college football coach who spent a lot of time in the homes of young men. He had and was recruiting a lot of minority star players to play for his big-time college football team. But right as he was about to reach his goal of a national championship, he became involved with a critical situation that could have affected not only his recruitment, but his family as well.
His only daughter, Kristy, had a sexual relationship with one of the top quarterbacks in the nation. He was the star quarterback on this coach’s team. His name was Sal Aunese, a Samoan player from California. His daughter and his star quarterback were seeing each other intimately, without the knowledge of her parents. But she became pregnant. The head coach of the team, which was the University of Colorado, was, as a result, in a huge dilemma.
The quarterback, who was one of the elite players on the team, had just led Colorado University to their most important victory, up to that time, in the school’s history. The school, which had been in a dismal routine of losing, was finally rising to national superiority. They had a winning record for the first time in decades. The joy of the great victory on the football field was met shortly after with the news that his daughter was pregnant, and not just pregnant, but pregnant by a Samoan. And not be any Samoan, but his star quarterback. What was the head coach to do?
Would this illegitimate baby, the result of his own daughter and his top-rated quarterback, wreck his chances for a national championship? And his daughter had a pregnancy with a person of another race. Should he get mad at his alien “turn the team around” quarterback? If he did, what would be the reaction of the other minorities on the team?
- The team was making a meteoritic rise. From a doormat to a national championship team. The national championship was only two years away. He knew that his reaction to this encounter with an interracial baby that was his future grandbaby, could destroy all that he had planned in his football coaching career.
- Should he get mad at his only daughter? After all, his daughter and his star quarterback weren’t married and wouldn’t ever be married. Wouldn’t most of the world say that he was an inadequate father who didn’t teach his daughter the right way?
- Should he get mad at his future strange grandson? What would be his reaction and his wife’s, to the birth of their interracial grandson?
I guess the coach did not consult his Bible for the answer to this problem. He never consulted what Ezra and Nehemiah would have told him to do. But he had a “religious experience” that really affected him spiritually and supplied him with his needed answer.
The popular head coach found his answer. Where did he find it? It was at a church. It was at a funeral of an acquaintance. At this service he began to weep. He didn’t know what was going on. He just felt this pain. And then he felt this joy. And it was a profound spiritual awakening.
There was no scripture that lead him to this spiritual moment. It was not from anything that was said from the pulpit. It was not something that he heard from the music. It must have been the profound situation that he was in. He blamed himself for the situation that his daughter found herself in; an illegitimate pregnancy to his very highly recruited quarterback.
What church held this funeral? Where did Coach Bill McCartney get this great spiritual awakening that convinced him that the unlawful sexual relationship of his daughter and his star brown football player was alright? It was at a black church!
McCartney left that funeral convicted that:
- Racism was a great sin, and
- That the church was responsible for letting the cultural division continue.
He believed that it grieved God and that no movement—no Christian endeavor—would be proper unless racial reconciliation was a priority. So, his conclusion was that he and his wife could not only not punish his daughter, or his star quarterback, but he and his wife would relish seeing his soon-to-be born mongrel grandson.
So, when Coach Bill McCartney started his organization, racial reconciliation was a major part of the group’s guidelines. What organization did he start that became connected with the new progressive church?
The newly formed Vineyard Church took up the challenge and helped spread the message of Coach McCartney that he had gained at that funeral at that black church in Colorado. McCartney told his listening audience that God told him that if African Americans and other minorities weren’t part of his organization, Promise Keepers, God would withhold His presence and favor. But he didn’t give a book, chapter and verse from the Holy Scriptures; for there weren’t any to give. He just went back in his mind to the funeral that he had attended.
Promise Keepers was born. It became a ministry of big events. The first had 4,200 attendees, and the second more than 10 times that, with 52,000. After that, Promise Keepers counted men in the tens of thousands. But it was not a church; it was a man-made 501-C3 non-profit organization.
A pastor from the Vineyard Church in California, Randy Phillips, who led the organization day to day, said the gatherings were conceived as catalytic. They were supposed to be big and overwhelming and transformative. In a football stadium full of men with their arms raised to worship, individuals could have experiences they wouldn’t normally have, and that could change them.
Promise Keepers had seven promises that they were to keep. It was promise number six, racial reconciliation, that didn’t achieve the success that they had hoped for.
Promise #6: A Promise Keeper is committed to reach beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.
But no one in Promise Keepers had a plan to address the effects of ...
- White flight on their community,
- Inequities in education,
- Inequities in employment, or
- Inequities in policing
... although there were voices in the Vineyard Church raising such discussions at the time. Men had an emotional experience, listened to a Black preacher, and hugged a minority “brother”. That was one of their mistakes—they were hugging not their brother but a stranger.
What black pastors hoped for was that Promise Keepers would be a start. When they saw African Americans praying hand in hand with white men, they felt a hunger for that kind of integration in the Christian community. They believed a revival could be the beginning of new relationships between Christian men, and that could be the foundation of social transformation.
At most Promise Keepers meetings, the men were asked to pray for forgiveness for racial divisions. The white men were told to find a minority individual and hug him. That sent 80 to 95 percent of the white crowd scrambling, each white person giving a big, sweaty hug to the first person of color he could find. Then lunch was called, and it was over.
Promise Keepers was the new thing. It got bigger and bigger. Finally, it had a large gathering on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on October 4, 1997, and racism and reconciliation were a central focus. But by the next year, it all but collapsed.
Many people were tired of the emphasis on race. Attendance dropped. McCartney tried to suddenly change the funding system and Promise Keepers didn’t have the resources to keep going. Many of the staff members were laid off. The group held fewer and smaller events until it finally disbanded entirely.
Now, Coach Bill McCartney has dementia and has stopped giving interviews since 2017. His wife died in 2013. His organization, that was started because “God talked to him” at a black church funeral was an attempt to end Racism. And it almost succeeded.
When did the Southern Baptist Convention apologize for preaching the devil’s doctrine of racism and said that they were going to start preaching “racial reconciliation”? The year was 1995. Was it influenced by Promise Keepers?
When did South Africa begin their new holiday? It was on December 16, 1995. Do you think that it was influenced by Promise Keepers?
Here is a picture of T. C. McCartney, the offspring of Kristy McCartney and Samoan quarterback Sal Aunese.
Kristy lived on the same dorm floor as the star quarterback. (Men and women now live not only in the same dorm, but on the same dorm floor.) She was in love with him; but he was not in love with her. She chased him a little bit. She eventually had sex with him and…became pregnant. She was mortified. Should she have an abortion? How would she take care of the child? Would she be married to her unwed sexual partner?
His daughter confessed her pregnancy and told her parents who her sexual partner was. After a little discussion, the coach finally said to Kristy,
“Well, it doesn’t matter who the father is, we’re with you. God bless you.”
Would it have mattered if the father was a Jew, or an Arab, or a Hindu, or a Mormon, or an atheist, or etc.? Would God bless any of these as a father to his daughter? To the coach, it wouldn’t matter to God. Kristy had identified coach’s star quarterback as being the father. What if the father would have been of another race, but was just a player, not a star player, on his football team? The father of her child was not a Christian.
What would the coach say about this verse?
Deuteronomy 7:3: “Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.”
So, it should have mattered who the father of his daughter was, but it didn’t. The coach asked his big-time star quarterback to come into his office for a meeting. He asked him what his plans were. Did he love her? Would he take care of her? Did he plan to marry her?
The answer was, “Coach, I’m not going to marry her.”
But the coach decided not to hold this against Sal. If the recruit didn’t love Kristy, or wasn’t ready for marriage, so be it. The coach wasn’t going to beg. And the coach said that what he had done was okay and that it would not hurt the amount of time that he would play in each game. It was the coach’s, that is, his own fault, not the girl’s or his.
His daughter first thought of having an abortion but that found disapproval from her parents. They said that she could live with them and they would help rear the child. So, Kristy and Sal never really dated, and they never came close to getting married. In fact, Sal never even talked with Kristy after she had announced her pregnancy until she had given birth to their son. He even denied that the baby was his until a blood test proved that he was really the father.
The next year, Sal was to be once again the starting quarterback who would lead her father’s team to an outstanding season. But something strange happened. He couldn’t run as fast as he used to. He couldn’t throw the football as accurately as he had. There was something wrong with him. It had showed up in the last game of the season; the Bowl game.
The school trainers couldn’t find what was wrong with him, so they sent him to the local hospital. There, at the hospital, they found the shocking news. The star quarterback had developed a rare stomach cancer and it had already spread. He would die within six months. He would never play football again. He died when he was only twenty-one years old.
Sal came to the hospital where Kristy had their son delivered and spoke to her. He apologized to her and wished that he could toss a football to his son when he was older. But he knew he had a short time before he would die.
He was on his death bed and the head coach came into his room. It was just the two of them. The coach asked his dying quarterback if he had ever invited Jesus into his heart.
The quarterback said, “No.”
The coach then said, “We can do that right now. Do you want to do it?”
Sal answered, “Yes.”
He began to read the Bible round the clock. I am not sure what he read, because the Bible was not written to him.
Psalm 147:19, 20:
19) “He sheweth His word unto Jacob, His statues and His judgments unto Israel.
20) He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD.”
And then the coach said that he loved him and forgave him of his sin that both he and his daughter had committed. He added that he and his wife would help raise his son, Timothy Chase. Sal then shortly thereafter died.
The Colorado University football team put his number, “8”, on their jerseys and dedicated the season to him. The future NFL football star would be unknown to most of the football fans in the nation. He never got to finish his college career. He would have been a top NFL pick. But the Colorado University football team would remember. They used him as a propaganda tool to urge them to play harder. And it worked.
They were in the Orange Bowl against Lou Holtz’s Notre Dame football team. They were playing for the national championship. It would be a typical Hollywood finish – except they lost. The team was decimated but determined to finally become the national football champion.
The next year, thanks to a referee’s mistake in giving them five downs instead of four, they defeated Missouri in the final seconds of their game. This helped propel them to another fantastic season and a rematch against Notre Dame in the Orange Bowl for the National Championship once again. This time they won. They won the National Championship in the Associated Press poll while the UPI poll voted Georgia Tech number one. So, it was a split national championship, but it was one anyway. They had risen to the top.
Because of this tragedy with his daughter, Coach Bill McCartney had come to a sudden insight. He was the one who was guilty. He also had three sons besides his daughter. His football coaching career had taken a lot of time away from his family life. What was he to do?
He cofounded Promise Keepers. A so-called “Christian” men’s organization. He was sponsored by the Vineyard Church and then others. Books, assemblies, videos, etc. came rapidly upon the Christian world. It was the newest thing in Christendom.
But what happened next, many, including me, were unaware of. The pregnancy of his daughter and his Samoan quarterback was attempted to be kept secret. It was for a while, until a weekly local paper broke the story. People, friendly to Coach McCartney, attempted to buy up all the papers, but that was of no avail. The story was out.
Coach McCartney coached for a couple of more seasons, but eventually he decided to retire from coaching. He turned down his high paying job with ten years left on his contract. His career had some misgivings as well as successes. Between 1986 and 1989, twenty-four football players from his team had been arrested on charges that ranged from sexual assault to criminal trespass.
In 1988, a year before his son was born, Sal Aunese, the head coach’s son-in-law if they had married, served 14 days in jail after pleading guilty to misdemeanor assault. And there had been other incidents since then. Shannon Clavelle was convicted on an assault charge and received an 18-month deferred sentence. But he was to play havoc in the McCartney’s household once again.
For the year after the coach had retired and given himself to Promise Keepers, his daughter committed the very same sin as she had before. She was pregnant again by another Colorado football player, Shannon Clavelle (the same Clavelle who had been convicted on an assault charge). It was another interracial pregnancy. She gave birth to her illegitimate baby in November 1993 four years after she gave birth to her first illegitimate child. The father, Shannon, a negro, gave some support when he played in the NFL, but then disappeared.
During her second pregnancy Kristy felt it was necessary to leave town. She left her job as a licensed masseuse and was out of work and depressed a lot. She was lonely. She didn’t know that she had committed a gross sin against the God of Israel and her two sons could never hear the Word of God.
How did Timothy Chase McCartney, the son of Kristy and Sal, turn out? Here are some pictures which show Kristy and Sal; her father and daughter and Sal and his son, T. C. together. Notice what her father has written on his sweatshirt.
Before long, T.C. was a young boy, hearing the whispers, hearing how he had his father's face. His last name was McCartney, but he was pure Aunese, straight down to his love for football. At six years old, he was already begging to play Pop Warner football, but Kristy kept telling him to wait, to wait for his bones to grow. She was living alone with T.C., working every day as an administrator in a Bible chapel school, leaving him in day care. She was a single mom, determined to raise him on her own, but she also talked daily, openly, warmly about his father.
Young T.C. didn’t need to ask questions about Sal; Kristy and Lyndi and the coach volunteered all the information he’d ever need. They said that Sal was in heaven and that he’d been a tough hombre, the most adored man on the team.
[How did they know that Sal was in heaven? They didn’t have a book, chapter or verse from the Bible that told them that. All they had was a confession on his death bed to the head coach.]
Kristy was flying her son to San Diego once a year to stay for a week. It was something that startled some cynical people in Boulder, who thought Kristy would keep T.C. in a bubble, isolated from Sal’s family. But it was the opposite. She knew how much T.C. meant to the Auneses.
The coach and Lyndi were central figures in T.C.’s life, particularly after McCartney retired after the 1994 season. Kristy would drop off T.C. at her parents’, and it allowed her to have a little social life of her own. But she went and had another sexual encounter with another of her dad’s football players…this time with a negro.
Promise Keepers said that what Kristy had done was wrong. They were not to have illegitimate children. But this was her second one. What would the cofounder say? It violated two of the Promise Keepers key promises.
Promise #3: A Promise Keeper is committed to practice spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity.
Promise #4: A Promise Keeper is committed to build strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values.
Kristy and her father, the coach, were roasted publicly -- which deeply hurt Kristy -- but her father was supportive of her, particularly once it was clear Clavelle would not play a major role in the child’s life. The coach and Lyndi doted on Derek … and so did T.C. Now T.C. would have someone else to throw to.
Still, the older T.C. got, the more he leaned on his grandpa. McCartney was truly the family patriarch, and, in his early teens, T.C. told the coach he was adamant about walking in Sal’s footsteps, about playing quarterback. McCartney began seriously teaching him the nuances of the game. He told him quarterbacking is not just about throwing but about blocking, leading, thinking the game. He told him,
“If you’re going to be an athlete, be one like your daddy. Go all out. Be wholehearted.”
Tom McCartney, T.C.’s uncle and Bill McCartney’s oldest son, happened to be the coach at Fairview High School in Boulder, and Kristy decided T.C. should enroll there for his freshman year. McCartney and Lyndi then bought Kristy the house next door to them in nearby Westminster, meaning T.C. and Derek were living 20 steps from their grandparents.
“I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for him,” T.C. says of his grandpa. “He’s taught me a lot of things because he had to fill in the gap. I didn’t have a father figure, so he was always there.”
T.C. playing varsity football was an eerie sight. Kristy and her father would settle into their seats early, and out would walk T.C., wearing No. 8 on his jersey, No. 8 on his wristbands and No. 8 on his towel. “I think it made him feel closer to his dad,” Kristy says.
“That number symbolizes his dad to him and how much he loves him. I just think he’s always felt like he’s No. 8.”
He started at quarterback as a junior, in 2005, and it was clear he wasn’t Sal’s body double. He was 6-foot-3 -- 4 inches taller -- endowed with a better arm, but clearly not as agile or shifty. He had much to learn about leading, too, and after one bad Friday night loss, he decided he wouldn’t show up for a Saturday morning team meeting. Tom, T.C.’s coach, gave him permission to skip it, but his grandfather told T.C., not so fast. He told him that Sal was always the last one doing interviews after a loss and always the first one out of the locker room after a win. He said, as an athlete, Sal was accountable, and T.C. needed to be, as well.
His dream was to play at Colorado University, where Barnett, who was an assistant with his father at Colorado, was the head coach. He was planning to bring T.C. in. But Barnett was let go after the ‘05 season, and T.C. spent much of his senior year of 2006 in limbo. CU’s new coach, Dan Hawkins, had brought in his own son, Cody, to play quarterback, so T.C. needed to look somewhere else.
“That really bothered me,” Barnett says. “If I would’ve stayed, then T.C. would’ve come to Colorado. That broke my heart as much as anything. He needed to go play where his dad played. And it couldn’t happen.”
But then T.C. got a phone call … from Les Miles. No one outside the family knew T.C.’s story better than Miles. He had lived the story. He’d recruited Sal to play at Colorado University. He’d known coach McCartney since 1975. He brought Sal to him. When Sal died, Miles had gotten down on a knee himself. It had been personal to him, too.
The year before, in 2005, Miles had invited Bill McCartney to speak to his team in Baton Rouge, before a game against Auburn, and T.C. had made the trip with his grandpa. For the first time, Miles was laying eyes on the kid, and he was floored by the resemblance to Sal. “Like seeing his ghost,” Miles told friends. Miles had first met Sal at the same time in his life -- as a high school junior -- and the meeting with McCartney and T.C. had Miles wistful, nostalgic.
T.C. enjoyed the moment himself, and he was particularly enthralled by the atmosphere at rustic Tiger Stadium. He felt this was the kind of place for him, a big-time team coached by the same man who recruited his daddy. But it was only a fleeting thought -- LSU had its pick of hundreds of quarterbacks.
Except, a year later, here was Miles on the phone, bringing the story full circle, asking T.C. whether he would consider coming to play for him. Miles told him he couldn't promise a scholarship, but he’d be willing to make T.C. a preferred walk-on, meaning he would be guaranteed to be one of the 105 players at preseason camp. It was a generous offer, and, although T.C. hated to leave Kristy -- whom he called his “hero” -- the entire family agreed he should accept.
T.C. showed a forceful arm in practice, enough to merit a spot on the team. Miles decided to redshirt him, but T.C. still got to go along on LSU’s 2007 BCS national championship ride. He was issued a ring like everyone else.
T. C. never played one down at LSU. But after college, he began coaching. He is now an assistant offensive coach for the professional football team, the Cleveland Browns.
That is briefly what happened to the first interracial son, what about the second one? Derek, the second interracially son born to the daughter of the head coach, played for the University of Colorado after he lost his grandma. She died after a battle with emphysema in 2013. His high school sweetheart, Kaylee McBeth, was placed on the heart transplant list in 2013. Kaylee passed away on January 20, 2014 from a heart tumor. He played defensive end on the University of Colorado football team and plans to go into medicine. Here is a picture of Derek and Bill McCartney.
Like mother like son. Derek and his high school sweetheart. “Proud of all your hard work and the Christ-like example you set!” is a comment on this picture on her social media. Is that true or false? That is the situation that Christian Identity is in—this is of Satan and not our LORD God.
Time has changed things. T. C. and Derek McCarthy’s grandpa now has dementia. Their grandma has been dead for eight years. T. C.’s father is dead; Derek’s interracial girl friend is dead. Promise Keepers is a bad memory. The two sons are both mixed seed. What did it all prove?
Promise Keepers was the start to end racism. His grandfather got the vision to end racism at a black funeral. It was there that he said that “God talked to him.”
Did “God talk to him?” Did God tell him to end racism? Did God tell him that the church was responsible for the sin of having churches with only one race?
When the enemy of Christianity rules by the church, the biggest buildings in town are the churches. The message that they give is “universalism.” The preachers were selected for the purpose of teaching those who are in the congregation, “universalism” and to justify all their enemy’s acts.
- They don’t teach their congregations about the two seed lines that are depicted in the Bible.
- They don’t teach that our God has His own personal enemies, who deny that He was divine.
- They don’t teach that the followers of God have the same “to the death” enemies too.
- They don’t teach that the people of God are the Caucasian people but teach instead that they are the Jewish people.
- They don’t teach that their “holy books” (Talmud and Kaballah) teach that the Son of God is NOW in hell, boiling in a hot cauldron.
- They don’t teach that the Jews never believed He was the Son of God. Not when He was born, not when He was an infant, not when He was a child, not when He was a teenager, not when He was a young man and not when He was an adult.
- They don’t teach that Jesus the Christ was divine. They say that He was the offspring of a Roman soldier and a whore, who they say was His mother.
- They don’t teach that He did anything for the lost ten tribes of Israel.
- They don’t teach that they can say any lie and it is acceptable to their god if they say the Kol Nidre prayer.
- They don’t teach that they have the desire to eliminate all followers of this “Imposter” in the world.
- Etc.
It is the antichrists who are in favor of anti-racism and pro-racial reconciliation in the Israel nations in which they dwell. Why is that? They aren’t in favor of it in their own stolen country of Israeli.
If they promote any white person to have sex with a stranger or alien, they will forever end that offspring’s descendants from being an Israelite. They will eventually end the dominance of Jacob and instead Esau will be the head.
What is one way they can promote interracial sexual activity, like the two that the head coach’s daughter, Kristy, had? By forcing the nation to have integration in the armed forces, schools, businesses, social activity, sport teams, etc.
Who is the least difficult to rule and to manipulate? It is the mixed breed. He has no common race to use as a rallying point to oppose the enemy’s rule since he is torn between several different races. Therefore, the subject most desired by the enemy of Christianity is to produce as many mixed-breed subjects as possible. Therefore “universalism” or “integration” is an integral part of the enemies’ rule.
Head coach Bill McCartney should have advised his daughter to give the mixed baby away in adoption to a mixed-raced or brown family. If she refused to do so, he should have disowned her. When she committed the same sin the second time he most certainly should have. He created a monster. He was an unknown agent of the enemy, preaching their dangerous false doctrines.
Cain adopted Lucifer’s Genesis chapter three plan to intermarry and breed Adam’s race off the earth. By the time of the Flood, the two races had hybridized to such an extent that it grieved God that He had made man in flesh. Cain’s people had thoroughly depraved the Sons of God, Adam’s race, influencing them to immorality and continual evil, only Noah found grace in His sight, so God destroyed the Adamic world with a Flood. That’s their plan once again:
- End Apartheid.
- End racism.
- End the many races, for there is only one race – the human race.
- End White superiority.
- End White privilege.
- End the influence of the LORD God of the White people.
May our LORD God have mercy and forgive us.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.