What’s So Merry About Christmas?
by Jim Jester
Around the holiday season, we hear it all the time, “Merry Christmas!” For those of us who do not celebrate this holiday, we hardly know how to respond. We do not want to be rude, so many times we might say, ”You too” or “Happy New Year” in passing. All along, we are thinking there is nothing merry about Christmas.
Judeo-Christians around the world continually support the myth that this holiday is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ; but of course, it is a false premise. If it were true, then perhaps they would have a point in maintaining the religious and historic significance of the events surrounding Christ’s birth. Protestants, for example, would not call it “Christmas” but instead, “Jesus’ Birthday” or “The Nativity”, or some variation of it. But, of course, this is now a moot point in that they have already accepted the holiday as legitimate. In so doing, they have already sided with their Roman Catholic counterpart. This should be very embarrassing to them for since their founding, during the Protestant Reformation, they considered the Roman Church the anti-Christ.
The fact remains, this holiday has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. The only reason it does today, is due to the intervention and machinations of the Roman church. Let us face the fact that “Christmas” actually means “the mass of Christ.” The Roman Catholic Mass is the reenactment of the death of Jesus Christ. I ask, what is so joyous about our Lord being crucified over and over again, every Sunday or Midnight Mass, drinking His blood and eating His flesh? On Christmas Day, Catholics kill our Lord four times! This kind of gloating over the death of the Son of God is diabolical and evil! This is what the holiday is truly about – gloating (and gluttony by the way) over the death of Christ. And this is supposed to be merry? Only to Satan.
If Protestantism really believed that this holiday represents Christ’s birth, then why are they giving gifts to each other rather than to Jesus alone? Furthermore, why doesn’t Jesus get the largest, most expensive gift of all; beyond all the other spending? Jesus said, “By their fruits you shall know them.” Spending, greed and gluttony are the fruits of Christmas.
The Christmas supporter will say, “Well what about ‘peace on earth, goodwill towards men’”? This phrase from the Bible has been misinterpreted. It should be, “peace on earth towards men of goodwill.” The Bible nowhere commands us to help every person in the world – it tells us to help our own kind first. This brings up the racial issue. The main reason Christmas is so popular is that it is universal to all races and religions. Even those who are not Christians love the holiday; and they certainly do not care about a birthday for a Savior they do not claim to know. Most judeo-Christians have read the alleged “Christmas story” from Luke chapter two; but they have failed to read chapter one; and if they have, they have failed to notice the racial significance of that chapter. Notice the prophecy of Zechariah:
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel! He has taken care of his people and has set them free. He has raised up a mighty Savior for us from the family of his servant David, just as he promised long ago through the mouth of his holy prophets that he would save us from our enemies and from the grip of all who hate us. He has shown mercy to our ancestors and remembered his holy covenant, the oath that he swore to our ancestor Abraham. He granted us deliverance from our enemies’ grip so that we could serve him without fear and be holy and righteous before him all of our days. And you, child, will be called a prophet of the Most High, because you will go ahead of the Lord to prepare his way and to give his people knowledge of salvation through forgiveness of their sins. Because of the tender mercy of our God, his light from on high has visited us, to shine on those who sit in darkness and in death’s shadow, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.” – Luke 1:68-79, ISV
This passage is the background for the narrative of our Savior’s birth in the next chapter of Luke. Notice the racial implication of the bolded words. Ask yourself: Who is being spoken of with these pronouns? Who was the Covenant made with? Abraham! Is there any hint that the prophesied Savior came for all the people of the world? No! These questions should be obvious to all. Christ came for a particular, exclusive race. The Covenant is not for all people; but Christmas is universal to all. This should be a major problem for serious students of the Bible. Judeo pastors do not, and cannot, come up with any Scripture to support their beliefs to the contrary.
There is no command in the Bible to observe Christ’s birth, yet Christians everywhere are celebrating it as the death of our Savior along with the Catholics. Pope Julius I officially designated December 25 to celebrate Christ’s birth in the year 350. This alleged holy day was chosen between two folk festivals during Mithras’ birthday celebrations. December 25 in ancient Rome was the “Dies Natali Invictus” (the birthday of the unconquered), the day of the winter solstice, and at the same time, in Rome, the last day of the Saturnalia. The bottom line, Christmas is not a birthday celebration; it is just as the title indicates, “Christ’s Mass” (a death celebration). The things that have been added to Christ’s Mass are purely pagan practices. The Bible warns us of this:
“Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. ... They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not” (Jer. 10:2-4).
This is a familiar Christmas custom, although not the only one. There are ten references to the pagan “green tree” custom in the Bible. God forbids the “way” (manners or customs) of the heathen. Verses like these address conditions before Jesus Christ was born. There is no doubt that Christmas, which came along much later, borrowed these customs from ancient pagan tradition. Christians today are not taught this command from God, “Learn not the way of the heathen!” Why not?
We are to do what is pleasing to Him, not what pleases others or ourselves. God warned us not to worship Him in the same way as the heathen worshipped their gods. What is so merry about Christ’s Mass (a celebration of death)? Nothing at all!