A Hero Of The American Revolution
A Hero of the American Revolution
by Pastor Don Elmore
During the days of the American Revolution, the names of the heroes, on both sides, are well known. From the text-books in the schools to movies to TV-documentaries the names of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Robert Morris, John Adams, etc., are constantly put before the minds of the Americans.
In all of my years in school and later in personal study, I never came across the name of the person who is considered as one of the most important men in the battle for America’s Freedom: “a hero of the American Revolution” until recently. This person has not been one who has gained the limelight of the media—in fact, the media has shied away from acknowledging this otherwise famous person. Why?
Who was this very important person—who many say that the Revolutionary War could not and would not have been fought without his help? After a couple of failed attempts to raise a monument for a memorial to his exploits, success was soon to be rewarded. A monument that displayed larger than life figures of this hero and two other Revolutionary heroes—George Washington and Robert Morris—became a reality eight days after the attack on Pearl Harbor: December 15, 1941.
And where is this Monument located?
Washington, D. C.? No.
New York City, New York? No.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania? No.
Charleston, South Carolina? No.
Chicago, Illinois, Yes.
The monument is located in Herald Square, East Wacker Drive at Wabash, facing Michigan Avenue. Larger than life statues of George Washington—Robert Morris—and Haym Salomon: HAYM SALOMON?
“And there came certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the People, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead.” — Acts 14:19.
“But the Jews, who believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain vile fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city in an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.” — Acts 17:5.
“But when the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was preached by Paul at Berea, they came there also, and stirred up the people.” — Acts 17:13.
“And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the Sabbath day.” — John 5:16.
“After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for he would not walk in Judaea, because the Jews sought to kill him.” — John 7:1.
Listed above are five out of many passages that are in the Bible that show who it was that gave the Apostle Paul and his Savior so much trouble during their ministry. They not only tried to kill them both but they were moved with envy and stirred up and persuaded the people against their teachings. And for two thousand years, it has been the Jews who have tried to annihilate Christianity.
In addition, twice in the book of Revelation, it warns us about a people “who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9). Not doubt that this refers to 90% of the Jewish people who are living today—Ashkenazi Jews who are descended from the line of Turks and are in no way descents of the Jews. They, the Khazars, converted to Judaism in the 7th century A.D.; Jewish, but are not really Jews. (See chart on Page 6).
Haym Salomon was a Sephardic not an Ashkenaz Jew. He was a Jew from Poland. His parents had left Portugal: he was born in Lissa in 1740. And it was thirty-two years before Haym was ever to come to the United States. During the days before his arrival, he spent most of his adult life moving around western Europe and England, developing fluency in several languages (Polish, German, Spanish, French, Russian, and Italian) that served him well for the remainder of his life. He was a Rothschild agent.
When he came to America, he arrived in New York City. A friend of fellow Polish Jews—Pulaski and Kosciusko—Salomon also became an American patriot. Along with others he was commissioned by Washington to destroy the warehouse; and the ships of the city after its occupation by the British in 1776 (four years after Salomon arrived in this country).
In this underground activity he worked closely with General Alexander McDougall, the New York political radical. He was finally caught, thrown into prison, sentenced to death by General Clinton, but managed to free himself by a bribe of a large sum of gold, and fled on August 11, 1778, to Philadelphia.
When Haym Salomon came to the United States, he immediately gathered with his kinsman—the Jews of “Wall Street.” He became a Jewish broker and very quickly became one of the wealthiest men in the United States. Thus, he had the gold to pay the bribe in order to escape from his death sentence.
After arriving in Philadelphia, Haym formed an alliance with the fledgling United States by becoming friends with its Financier of the 13 Colonies—Robert Morris. When the Dutch became allies of France in 1779, both began to lend money to the American government. It was Haym Salomon who was charged with the negotiation of the entire amount of those magnificent grants of pecuniary supplies from the governments of France and Holland.
As the French troops began to pour in, he handled all the funds for the support and maintenance of their sea and land forces, 150,000,000 livres, on which he received the regular mercantile commission. And for a staggering seventy-five (75) times, Robert Morris went to Haym Salomon and begged for funds.
But these large financial dealings by no means exhausted his contribution to the struggle for American liberty and independence. Frequently, he supplied funds to members of Congress, who without his aid could not have remained in office, for they were reduced to their last dollar. Among those whom he so helped were James Madison (the father of the Constitution), Thomas Jefferson, Edmund Randolph, Joseph Reed, Arthur St. Clair, James Wilson, George Washington and a number of others.
While Haym was living in New York City, he joined the secret meeting group of the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty were located in ALL thirteen of the colonies. They were Masonic-like and had as a few of its members: Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere and Haym Salomon. It was a Sons of Liberty group in Boston Massachusetts that formed the Tea tax rebellion. That met at a famous Masonic meeting location and dressed as Indians and made their famous attack and threw the tea off of the ship and into the sea.
According to legend, General George Washington’s appeal for funds with which to maintain his ragged army came to Salomon on Yom Kipper. Devoutly religious, Salomon turned to the congregation and suspended services to secure pledges for the necessary funds. Only after he obtained the necessary amount needed in pledges(he gave his own money over $400,000 to Washington) did he proceed with the solemn holiday observances. It became a regular practice — the Revolutionary leaders’ diaries testify to this — “that when money was needed for the Revolutionary War, you went to Haym Salomon.”
While supporting the national cause, Salomon also played a prominent role in the Philadelphia (home of the Continental Congress) and national Jewish community affairs. He served as a member of the governing council of Philadelphia’s Congregation Mikveh Israel. He was treasurer of Philadelphia’s society for indigent travelers, and participated in the nation's first known rabbinic court of arbitration. Salomon helped lead the successful fight to repeal the test oath which barred Jews and other non-Christians from holding public office in Pennsylvania.
Ah. One of the real reasons Haym Salomon is not very well known. At the time when he was living here, there were only 20,000 other Jews in the entire country. They hate Jesus Christ. They hate what He taught. They hate Christianity. What they want to do is to not let people know what the Talmud teaches. They want to rule but not be the front people; but the invisible people.
Another clue is that he was successful in fighting against the state’s law that required a Christian test oath for everyone who was considering running for office—no Jews, no Moslems, no atheists, etc. were allowed to hold public office in the state of Pennsylvania. Haym Salomon played an important role in getting this law “struck down and out” of the state in which he lived. This has lead to all kinds of non-Christians holding office; even a Vietnamese person is in Congress today; along with many Jews, Mormons, atheists, etc. What kind of government can we expect from those who do not know the laws of the God of Israel?
Another little known fact is that Haym Salomon was involved on the first draft of the Constitution. He was responsible for the phrase:
“One nation under god with freedom and justice for all.”
What! Haym Salomon, a Polish Jew, is responsible for writing this! What god? For their (Jewish) god is not our God. Notice what their book, the Talmud, says regarding this and other issues (Page 7).
It says that Jesus Christ is now in hell; suffering in a boiling cauldron of semen. What blasphemy! It certainly was not our GOD that Haym was referring to when he made the statement that our nation was under god.
So, the man who is responsible for financing America’s Revolutionary War—Haym Salomon:
- Didn’t set foot in America until 1772.
- Became one of he wealthiest men in America in a very short time: a Rothschild agent
- Helped Robert Morris—the financier of the thirteen colonies—to obtain loans from other countries. It is reported that Robert Morris came to Haym seventy-five (75) times begging for some much needed funds.
- Made very generous loans and gifts to many Congressmen and future Presidents.
- Was successful in getting repealed the Christian Test Oath from the state constitution.
- Had entered the phrase, “One nation under god…” in the United States Constitution.
- Made loans for America in the Revolutionary War and loans and gifts to its leaders because he felt and believed that America would be a safe haven for his people (Jews) until the future time when they would go back to Jerusalem and the vicinity as their home land.
Haym Salomon, a freemason and son of a rabbi, was a man who the Jews feel that God brought onto the scene to save America during the Revolutionary War. He provided to them the means necessary to fight the War. Without his help, the colonies would have no doubt failed. Without his help, many Congressman and patriots would have been destitute and could not have completed their jobs that the voters gave to them. Without the money received from this very wealthy man, America would have collapsed shortly after the War. That is what they say!
This was, no doubt, one of America’s earliest mistakes. I take you back to the story in the book of Ezra that deals with a similar situation. When the children of the captivity returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and the Temple, the adversaries were told that they were to have nothing to do with helping the returnees in building the Temple — Ezra 4:1-3.
But young America did. And as a result, during the American Revolution, Salomon went to France and raised an additional 3.5 million British pounds from the Sassoon and Rothschild banking houses and families. And from the time when the old Jew Amschel Mayer began to cultivate the friendship of William the Landgrave in Germany; down through George III and his need for money and mercenaries to fight the Colonists in the Revolution, Amschel Mayer was in touch with the American situation through the Jew Haym Salomon of Philadelphia, who made it possible for Robert Morris to finance the Colonials and thus place them under obligations to the International Jews.
Haym Salomon who has been eulogized by Jew and gentile alike for his financial services to the colonies, worked secretly with Mayer, so that once again we find Jews financing and getting rich off both sides in a war.
Robert Morris should have refused all the loans and all the other congressmen and “patriots” should have rejected receiving any loans or gifts from their adversary—the Jew. For this was the beginning of the end to having a Christian America—it was trading in for slavery to one of the Rothschild’s banking institutions. What was planned by the Jews and Freemasons at their secret and illegal Constitutional Convention is about to come into play: their New World Order.