The Kim Davis Rally
by Pastor Mark Downey
September 20, 2015
Scripture Reading: Romans 1:26-32

One of the headlines in a Kentucky related news story last week was 'Black Lives Matter' thug murdered KY state trooper who was trying to help him.” The Obama regime is intentionally driving a wedge between law enforcement and minority groups to incite civil unrest; and even has the gall to send administration officials to the funerals of black thugs, while avoiding the funerals of dead cops trying to do their job of keeping law and order. But, another Kentucky news story has similar overtones that are hitting a sensitive nerve with White Christian Americans throughout the nation. Since the 'not so Supreme' Court took upon itself to redefine a millennium of what is traditionally considered marriage, and rendered an “opinion” by only 5 black robed devils, that same-sex marriage is now legal, one County Clerk, Kim Davis, just said “No.” For her defiance, a US District Judge threw her in jail for contempt. No trial, no due process, no bail and no recognition of state and federal laws, which she was obligated to follow from her oath of office. Because of this outrageous travesty of justice and an overt declaration of war on Christianity, a rally was organized in support of her stand and I decided to go to Grayson, KY, on Sept 8, 2015, protesting her incarceration; and as one banner proclaimed “first the baker, then the clerk, next the pastors.” This should be a wake-up call of monumental proportions, that the Obama government, the republicrat oligarchy and the Babylonian corporations that own them, have launched a blatant attack against Jesus Christ and His followers. The attack is clearly one of intimidation to bow down before another god, the god and goddesses of homosexuality. Christ has zero tolerance for such perversions.