Whorlando Changes Nothing
Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey
June 26, 2016
Scripture Reading: John 3:19-21
A mongrel pervert and winner of this year's highest body count at a “gay” bar with an AR-15 has popped the bubble in a venue that has touted itself as “the happiest place on earth,” Orlando, Florida, home of Disney World, that has hosted a “gay” pride day for many years. The word gay used to mean happy, but cultural Marxism has made sure to call good evil and evil good in this day and age of political correctness. An unprecedented spotlight is now shining on what may be considered “the gayest place on earth” at least as far as political expediency and intrigue of the establishment oligarchy. One could just as easily change the name of the entertainment complex on steroids to Dismal World as a 2 year old toddler was snatched and killed by an alligator during the same week as “the Pulse” nightclub for perverts and mongrels, who staged a false flag operation, following the pattern of other sloppy crisis actors pretending to shock the public with gratuitous and preposterous violence better left to Hollywood and Disney films. But, a film of glazed vision blurs the sight of those who worship television and movies, the exclusive domain of antichrist jewry and the god Miramax. And God is not happy with communities that are trying their damnedest to outdo Sodom and Gomorrah. Through all of this, rest assured, God is not mocked.