Evil Good and Good Evil - Part 3


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 11, 2020

Scripture Reading: Exodus 22:25

Article includes a video of Pastor Elmore's presentation at the 2020 Homecoming Conference.

The capitalist integrationist Republicans are more correct than the very hardcore communist Democrats, but they both do not know what “Made America Great” and what will “Make America Great Again”. Did God’s blessing on the common fathers [Abraham, Isaac and Jacob] of the American settlers have anything to do with the greatness of America?

The Democrats are demo(n)cratically inspired. They are threatening Senators, small business owners and opponents of their political and religious views with physical harm, even death. Who are these Burners, Looters and Murderers? And who is paying them to come to the locations that an in an uproar of rioting? Men like the Jew Norm Ison, the Jew George Soros and the woman like the Jew Susan Rosenberg, who was paroled on the last day President Bill Clinton was in office. They also are worshippers of strange god(s)—most are billionaires and the have financed the attempt to make America a communist nation.

Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate for vice-president, raised funds (contributed to by many high-level Democrats) to pay to get the rioters out of prison as fast as they were put in. That should be considered treasonous behavior.

The Republicans are a better choice to have win than the Democrats. But they aren’t the best choice either. But at least, they are advocating a couple of God’s laws being reinstated. The best choice would be a party that advocates the keeping of all of God’s holy laws. But that choice is not available to us now.