Great Britain's Chaos - Part 2

Presbyterianism vs Episcopacy 


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 5, 2022

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 28:48

This is part 2 of the four-part series on the conditions of Great Britain while America was a colony.  If you think that things are bad in America today, they will have to get a lot worse, and I think that they will, to surpass what happened in Great Britain.  Great Britain had:

  • Three civil wars in ten years;
  • Wars between the Church of England and the Presbyterians of Scotland;
  • Wars between the Puritan Parliament and the Catholics of Ireland;
  • Wars between the Puritan Parliament and the Protestant/Catholic Royalty; and
  • The Jews were readmitted back into their country; after being absent for almost 400 years, and started issuing usury loan debt to the kings, nation and citizens.