The Destruction of the Third Branch
by Pastor Don Elmore
The United States has three main branches of government:
- Executive
- Legislative
- Judicial
Of these three branches, the Judicial is now in complete and total anti-christian apostasy. It consists of 6 Roman Catholics and 2 Jews -- the only Protestant has announced that he will retire. The person nominated by Obama to take his place is Elena Kagan. She has never held the office of any judge--but was a professor at Chicago University and Dean of Harvard Law School and a former clerk to Supreme Court Judge--Thurgood Marshall--who as lawyer for the NAACP successfully ENDED segregation in the U. S.
She is a Jewish woman lesbian. How much wrath is coming forth out of the nose of our God?; The descendants of the people who murdered His Son now has the possibility of having 3 people who are Supreme Court Judges. And no Senator who votes on her recommendation ever mentions these three things:; Her religion, her womanhood and her sexual;orientation!
The Apocrypha, which was taken out of the King James Bible and other versions about 400 years ago, tells us very plainly what happened in the days between the two testaments. These books, along with the Book of Josephus, tell how the Jews came into being. 1 Maccabeus tells of John Hyranus,;who was high priest of Israel, and what a major mistake he made!
Around the year 135 B.C. he conquered Edom and forcibly began to convert them to the Mosaic Law by giving them the choice of being circumcised or be killed.
In Book VIII, Chapter IX, Paragraph 1, Josephus says:
Hycranus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans, and permitted them to stay in all that country, that if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the [Judeans] and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the [Judahites] way of living; at which time this befell them, that they were thereafter no other than [Judaeans].
It is clear from this writing that most of the Edomites accepted circumcision rather than their death, but they did not and could not accept the religion of hte Judahites. This was a terrible and complete violation of the Mosaic Law. In actuality, Israel was converted to the ways of Judaism, thanks to the Edomites (Jews). Josephus later informs us that Herod (an Edomite) imported the priest Ananelus, from Babylon, and made him high priest. Soon, Herod would murder many of the true Israelites in the government and install his Edomite friends into the Sanhedrin.
Thus, a new religion had been born--Judaism. The Edomite Pharisees soon taught the people new traditions which was contrary to the Law of Moses. The Pharisees began to convert the people of Judah and Benjamin into this new religion--which neither the Southern Kingdom of Judah or the scattered and divorced Northern Kingdom of Israel had never heard of or previously kept.
So, it is basically a repeat of what is taking place today:; we have the religion of Judeo-Christianity?; The evil religion of the Jews is hidden, especially from Christianity. For the Sabbath day is desecrated (no more blue laws), race-mixing, aborticide, birth control, sodomy, pornography, fornication, drunkenness, gambling, divorce, child abuse, homosexuality, murders, thievery, etc. is paraded out of the closet and is considered okay.
Today, the Jews are appointed to a whole host of federal jobs--and they boastfully control the government of the United States. They control the media too, especially radio and television; and did you notice how they put down all of the disagreement of who committed 9/11?--totally ignoring that two airplanes completely vanished on contact--no airplane parts, no passengers' bodies, no luggage, no blood, no back boxes, no anything.
And there is no reason to refuse the Judgeship of a very liberal Jewish woman lesbian...?