Same-sex Marriage Debacle Part 9

The Wake-up Herald

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:11-14


Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher 
June 12, 2012 

"Same-sex marriage" Debacle
Part 9

by Robert McCurry

CBN News, June 7, 2012 - Another judge has ruled the Defense of Marriage Act -- the federal law defining marriage as between one man and one woman – unconstitutional. Manhattan judge Barbara Jones said DOMA interfered with states' rights to regulate the institution of marriage. "Such a sweeping federal review in this arena does not square with our federalist system of government," she wrote. The case began in 2010 when Edith Windsor sued the U.S. government to recover $353,053 in federal estate tax after she was barred from claiming it from Thea Spyer, who died in 2009. The two were married in Canada in 2007, but the marriage was not legally recognized in the United States. Jones is the fifth judge to find DOMA unconstitutional; last week, a U.S. Court of Appeals in Boston ruled that DOMA discriminated against gay couples.

In a recent CNN/ORC International poll, a whopping 73 percent of respondents between the ages of 18 and 34 said they favored marriage equality.

Over the past year, the main story line in the push for marriage equality has been the ardor and success with which leading Democratic politicians have taken up the fight. The Democratic governors of New York, Maryland and Washington all promoted and signed same-sex marriage laws, for which President Obama expressed his support last month.

But the progress within Republican ranks has also been pivotal. And a compelling character in that subplot just added a new twist to the narrative. That character is Paul E. Singer, 67, a billionaire hedge fund manager who is among the most important Republican donors nationwide. He has given nearly $10 million of his own money to gay-rights initiatives, including the same-sex marriage efforts not only in New York but also in New Hampshire and New Jersey.

“Obviously, the institution of marriage in America has utterly collapsed,” he said. That gay and lesbian couples nonetheless want to wed “is kind of a lovely thing and a cool thing and a wonderful thing,” he added. Although he is straight, he has a gay son and son-in-law who were married in Massachusetts, which legalized same-sex marriage in 2004.

A warning:

The indispensible social pillar of marriage is being undermined and marginalized in our national discourse. I am concerned that some conservative leaders are backing down in their defense of marriage while making overt concessions to the pro-homosexual community.

Tragically, we are seeing a trend within conservative ranks de-emphasizing the importance of defending marriage from the attacks of pro-homosexual activists. And pro-marriage initiatives appear to be declining at the very time they are most desperately needed!

Some conservative leaders are either avoiding the issue or are actively diminishing the role of the marriage issue in 2012’s campaigns. There are even suggestions that natural marriage may not get much support at all in 2012’s conservative party platforms. This retreat is totally unacceptable! If marriage loses, we all lose!

                Mathew Staver, Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action, 6/7/2012

Ken Blackwell, a Visiting Professor of Law at Liberty University School of Law and political commentator, recently said it this way: “Marriage is the union of one man and one woman. The fundamental institution of human civilization should be preserved as it has been known through the entirety of American history and Western civilization.”

Columnist Don Feder also weighed into this controversy: “Surrender on gay marriage is surrender on marriage – which is surrender on the family and, ultimately, surrender on civilization. Unfortunately, many conservative intellectuals have lost sight of a crucial fact: American exceptionalism rests on three pillars – faith, family, and freedom. Remove any one, and the entire structure collapses.”

But while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way (Matt 13:25).

But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up” (Matt 24:43).

How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep” (Prov 6:9. 10).

Therefore let us not sleep as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night” (I Thess 5:6.7).

Wake-up, Pastors! Wake-up, Christians!

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The Wake-Up Herald is published by Robert McCurry. The publication is designed to exalt the true God of the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ, and inform, inspire, and challenge its readers regarding biblical truth and real-life issues. The contents are the sole responsibility of Robert McCurry and do not represent or speak for or on behalf of any other person or group. There is no subscription charge. The publication is a ministry of faith dependent on the contributions of its readers. Contributions are not tax-deductible. Send all correspondence to: Robert McCurry,605 Moore Rd, Newnan, GA 30263 or [email protected] Remove? Send reply with “remove” in Subject line