Important History Not Being Taught Part 1
by Pastor Don Elmore
January 26, 2014
Scripture Reading: Genesis 27:41-46
This is the story of an incident in the lives of two twin brothers; Jacob and Esau and their father: Isaac and their mother: Rebekah. Each parent loved one of their twins boys the best, “And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: But Rebekah loved Jacob” Genesis 25:29. The twins were not identical: for Esau was hairy and red at his birth: “And the first [eldest] came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau” Genesis 25:25.
There were many important differences between the two twin brothers:
- Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents (Genesis 25:28).
- Esau was a hairy man, Jacob was a smooth man (had little hair).
- When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith and Bashemath, two Hittite women (Canaanite); Jacob was at this time unmarried (Genesis 26:34).
- Esau, being the eldest son, was the recipient of the birthright and the future blessing which was passed down from Abraham to Isaac his son. Jacob, the younger, was not the owner of the birthright or blessing.
- But one day Esau despised his birthright. He was faint and thought that he was about to die, and said to his brother: Feed me with some of this red pottage (lentils) and bread and I will sell you my birthright; for what good is it anyway? (Genesis 25:29-34). So Esau sold his birthright to his younger twin brother Jacob.
- Later, when Isaac was almost blind, he told his eldest son, Esau to go and kill him some deer and fix some venison and he would give him the blessing. His wife, Rebekah, overheard the conversation and she told Jacob to disguise himself as Esau and she would fix two goats as venison. Jacob was to enter his father’s presence as Esau and gain his blessing. Jacob did so just before his brother returned from the field with his slain deer.
- When the mistake was found out, Esau “cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry” (Genesis 27:34). He asked his father for one minor blessing as he wept (Genesis 27:38).
- Jacob received the blessing: “Behold, I have made Jacob thy lord, and all his brethren have I given to Jacob for servants; and with corn and wine have I sustained Jacob” (Genesis 27:37). To Esau he granted this one blessing: “Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above;
And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother (Jacob); and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou (Esau) shalt break his (Jacob’s) yoke from off thy (Esau’s) neck” (Genesis 27:39-40).
This is the reason that Esau hated Jacob and wanted to murder him. It was because of the blessing that his father gave them. But there was a major difference between the two brothers—Esau was disqualified from the covenant of God because he took as his wife two daughters of the Canaanites (Genesis 28:1). Isaac told Jacob that if he would marry with his racial kindred that:
- God Almighty would bless him and
- Make him fruitful and multiply him, that
- He would be a multitude of people and
- He would have the blessing of Abraham
- His future seed would also have the blessing of Abraham and
- His seed would inherit the land wherein God gave unto Abraham (Genesis 28:1-4).
When Esau saw what his father had done to Jacob, and that the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his father, he went and married a daughter of Ishmael (Genesis 28:5-9). After about twenty years, Jacob returned to the land that he had left, with two wives and eleven sons and one daughter and a host of cattle and sheep and goats and two handmaids and their children. Jacob pacified the anger of Esau with gifts of animals so that when they met Esau they “ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him, and they wept” (Genesis 33:4). There was peace between the two brothers and their families for a while. So Jacob journeyed to Succoth and Esau to Seir (Genesis 33:16, 17).
Esau's Domination
In today’s world: Is Esau being dominated by Jacob; or is Jacob being dominated by Esau? In 2014 the world is under the control of Esau. When did that change happen? For in 70 AD the Esauites (Edomites/Jews) were scattered in dispersion by the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman armies. But Isaac’s one blessing to Esau would come to pass.
But why were the Edomites in Jerusalem when the Romans destroyed the city in 70 AD? The Edomites/Jews had become the king and the majority of Pharisees of the land. And just who were the people, the moneychangers that Jesus Christ drove out of the Temple grounds with a whip? It was the Edomites/Jews. But how did Esau get in the position of dominance over Jacob?
Look what a Jewish website says:
“A decisive change in the relations between the two nations took place in the days of John Hyrcanus (end of second century B.C.E.). Hyrcanus conquered the whole of Idumea” [where the descendants of Esau lived] “and undertook the forced conversion of its inhabitants to Judaism” [Laws of God given to Israel]; (; Edom).
Let’s look at what Josephus writes in Antiquities, Book XIII, From the Death of Judas Maccabeus to Queen Alexandra’s Death, Chapter IX, 1b:
“Hycranus” [high priest of the Kingdom of Judah] “took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea,” [descendants of Esau/Edom] “and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them to stay in that country if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the Jews;” [House of Judah] “and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the ways of Jewish living” [House of Judah]; “at which time therefore this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews.”
In a footnote at the bottom of the page where this quote is taken from, Josephus, page 279, quotes Dio: “That country is also called Judea, and the people Jews; and this name is given also to as many as embrace their religion, though of other nations.” But that is not the Biblical definition; which was a genetic one. The eleven sons and two grandsons of Jacob/Israel are the Israelites. They were split into two separate and distinct kingdoms: The House of Israel and the House of Judah. “Jews” is the House of Judah; but today it means what Dio says. It is made of all who “embrace their religion, though they come from other nations.”
“Thenceforth the Idumeans became a section of the Jewish people, Idumea becoming one of the ordinary administrative districts of the Hasmonean state. It appears that the Hasmonean dynasty used some of the respected families of Idumea to establish its dominion in that country”(Ibid.). So, the Edomites became called for the first time, “Jews.”
Let’s review: How did the children of Esau/Edom become “Jews.” It was the result of the House of Judah’s Inquisition. Hycranus, High Priest of the House of Judah, subdued Edom and put before them this question of forced conversion which had just two choices:
- They could be circumcised and accept the laws of God and they could become one of us, or
- They will be murdered.
The majority of Edomites chose to circumcise their genitals and follow after the ways of their twin brother. But did that procedure put them in the covenant that their father had despised and counted as such a light thing?
- Esau had sold the birthright to Jacob. Esau couldn’t ever get the birthright back.
- Why did Esau weep bitterly after he lost the blessing of his father? Esau couldn’t ever get the blessing that he had missed.
- What difference had it made that Esau had married the forbidden Canaanites and Ishmaelite wives? Esau couldn’t reverse this horrible mistake that he had made.
The House of Judah made a terrible, terrible mistake. They sinned. They were like the more modern Roman Catholic Church. They were of the false impression that the covenant was available to other people besides the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was the beginning of the universal movement; it was at least partly universal, for it included the people of Esau.
Why didn’t the High Priest read the verses that we read at the beginning of this article? Did Hycranus know these Holy Scriptures? The Bible is plain when it says that Esau sold his birthright and wept when he was not given the blessing by his father Isaac—Esau despised the birthright.
The following is from Richard Kelly Hoskins in his Hoskin’s Report, February, 2014:
“Today, certain mixed-breed Edomites falsely call themselves ‘Israel.’ Edomites are mixed-breeds. God’s WORD is absolute — it says that ‘mixed-breed mongrels shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord’, which makes the claim of certain of Esau’s children being Israel an impossibility…
John Hycranus’ integration of Edomites into Jacob-Israel was an unforgiveable sin: ‘A bastard (Hebrew: mamzer — mixed-breed, mongrel) shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord’ Deuteronomy 23:2.
The WORD forbids mixed-breed Edomites to even enter the lands of our people for the following reason: ‘They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me’ Exodus 23:33.
This Law of our God has been pounded into His Saxon-Israel people for thousands of years: ‘When they heard the Law, they excluded from Israel all the mixed (mongrel) multitude’ Nehemiah 13:3.”
The Roman Catholic Inquisitions
In the year 1290 England expelled the Edomites (Jews) till 1650; in 1492 Spain had its Inquisition; in 1496 Portugal had their Inquisition; and France, Austria, Naples, Prussia, Italy, Bavaria, Hungary, Vienna, expelled the Jews as did many other European cities and nations. The question has to be where did those who did not convert to Catholicism go? In fact, where did the “New Christians” [Catholics] go? The three choices were for the Jews to either:
- Stay Jewish and leave the country or
- Convert to Catholicism and become one of the “New Christians” or
- Stay Jewish and refuse to leave the country and then be murdered.
The Roman Catholics added an additional choice to the Edomites than the House of Judah did 1800 years previous. The Roman Catholics added that the Jews could just leave their nation. The estimate is that 300,000 Jews left Spain in 1492. Many went to Turkey where they were warmly received and other places in Northern Africa and the few places in Europe where they were not expelled.
One place where many Jews went after the expulsion in Spain was Portugal. The two nations bordered each other. But in 1496, four years after Spain’s expulsion, Portugal had their own Inquisition. They gave the Jews the same three choices that their neighbor Spain gave. Tens of thousands converted to Catholicism while only a few were expelled or murdered. Where did these Jews go? They couldn’t go to England, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and parts of Italy; so where did they go?
When the Jews were expelled from Portugal, many went to the same place that many Pilgrims went after they were kicked out of England—the tolerate country of the Netherlands. But what was happening to the world at this time? It was a few years before the Protestant Revolution. The New World was opening up. In fact it was the very same day that the Jews were expelled from Spain that the expedition by Christopher Columbus left and sailed for India but he found a vast new land on the way—North America, South America, Central America and the West Indies.
As a side note, have you ever wondered why America celebrates Columbus’ voyage as being the voyage that discovered America when Columbus never set foot on any land that is now in the United States? “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” Christopher Columbus’ (Cristobal Colon) discovery opened doors of opportunity for Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal. It caused Edom to gain dominance over Jacob; the blessing that he had received at the hand of his father Isaac finally came to pass. That is the reason why it is celebrated.
But let us first see where the expelled Jews went:
OFF THE COASTS OF AFRICA IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN: Islands of Madeira, the Azores, Sao Tome and Principe and the Cape Verde Islands.
Madeira Island: Madeira Island was rediscovered in 1418 after two Portuguese captains were driven off-course by a storm to a nearby island. The next year they made an organized expedition and subsequently founded the nearby larger island of Madeira.
Slowly settlers arrived at the island and by 1455 the expansion of sugar plantations began. Soon sugar became the island’s primary economy of the island. Black slaves were soon used during portions of the island’s history to cultivate sugar cane. After the 17th century, as sugar production shifted to Brazil, Sao Tome and Principe and elsewhere, Madeira’s most important product became its wine.
Azores Islands: Jews came to the Azores mainly from Northern Africa where they made their fortune trading agricultural products for manufactured goods with England and trading bills of exchange while transporting emigrants to Brazil. The Jews changed the nature of the Azorean economy.
They had the trade connections that enabled them to link England, Brazil and Newfoundland with the Azores. They began a banking business that soon had international interest and also developed a maritime transport industry. In the 19th century the Azores growing prosperity served as a beacon for North African Jews. Sao Tome and Principe Islands.
Sao Tome and Principe Islands: The two islands of Sao Tome and Principe were uninhabited when they were first discovered by the Portuguese in 1470. In 1496, to punish the Jews of Portugal who would not pay the head tax of the state; King Manuel deported nearly 2000 Jewish children, from the ages of two to ten, to the islands of Sao Tome and Principe straddling the Equator west of Gabon. A year later only 600 of the children were found alive. Other Jews were sent to the islands who found that the islands were suitable for sugar and cocoa. The cultivation of sugar was a labor intensive process and they began to import large numbers of Black slaves from the African mainland.
Cape Verde Islands: These islands were a Portuguese colony beginning in 1463. Following the Inquisition in 1496, many Jews who were known as Marronos (New Catholics) escaped to the Cape Verde Islands. They worked as merchants and as black slave traders to the New World.
SOUTH AMERICA: Brazil, Columbia, Suriname and Venezuela. Map of South America
Brazil: Many Jews who escaped the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions went to Holland. While thriving in Amsterdam, they began in the 1500’s and 1600’s to establish themselves in the Dutch and English colonies in the New World: Curacao, Surinam, Recife (Brazil), New Amsterdam, Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti, Newport and Savannah.
Portugal was a small country. In their new found discovery of Brazil, it didn’t have the people to provide the necessary help for sugar plantations. They first made the native Indians slaves, but soon ½ of them died. The only people who could stand the heat and do the hard work were the Blacks. The Jews set up the triangular trade with the Blacks, sugar, molasses and rum and guns. Brazil was the largest slave country in the world at this time; it had almost 10 times the amount of slaves as did the United States!
Many Jews went to Brazil where they made their fortune in sugar and tobacco plantations. A Jewish plantation owner in Madeira brought the first sugar cane to Brazil in 1532. Sugar cane became the foundation of the Caribbean economy for several centuries because sugar from the Far East was way too expensive. They brought over 4 million black slaves to work their plantations.
When the Portuguese captured the Dutch city of Recife, there were 24 ships of Jews who left for different places: Barbados, Curacao, Jamaica, Amsterdam and one ship which was returning to Holland was captured by a French pirate who robbed the 23 Jews of all their possessions and took them to the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam.
Columbia: The first Jews who came to Colombia was during the 16th century. They came as settlers from Spain who practiced Catholicism. Later practicing Jews came from Jamaica and Curacao.
Surinam: Groups of Jews began to arrive in the middle of the seventeenth century, after the Portuguese regained control of Northern Brazil. By 1694, 27 years after the British had surrendered Surinam to the Dutch more Jews arrived. By 1720 the Jews owned 115 plantations and were a large part of a sugar export businesses. By 1730, this business exported 21,680,000 pounds of sugar to Europeans and New World markets. The main markets were Columbia and Venezuela.
Black slave trading was a major feature of Jewish economic life in Surinam which was a major stopping-off point in the triangular slave trade.
Venezuela: Jews came to Venezuela in the middle of the 17th century as New Catholics. Many of these Jews had live previously in Caracas and Maracaibo.
CARIBBEAN ISLANDS: Martinique, Barbados, Haiti, Cuba, Curacao, and Jamaica.
Martinique: In 1654 two hundred fifty Jews fled Brazil following the Portuguese conquest and settled in Martinique, where they engaged in the sugar trade. This was by far the most sought after product in Europe and the crop soon became Martinique’s biggest export; they used many black slaves.
Barbados: Originally founded by the English in 1627. The colony did not start out as a full-fledged race-based plantation societies. The colony had originally a White majority and relied upon a workforce of English indentured servants to grow cotton, sugar and tobacco.
The Dutch West India Company, which was founded by Jews in 1621, brought race-based plantation slavery from Brazil to Barbados in the 1640’s which became the model for the spread of slavery throughout the whole Caribbean and the American South.
Haiti: Haiti was discovered by Columbus and his Jewish (converted to Catholicism) interpreter Luis de Torres. In fact there were four other converted to Catholicism Jewish people on Columbus’ ships: his navigators and doctors. Torres spoke Hebrew, because Columbus believed that they would find “the lost ten tribes of Israel” on the other side of the world—near India. Columbus was also financed by two Jews, Luis de Santangelo and Gabriel Sanchez. De Torres eventually settled in Haiti and therefore became the first European settler of the New World, except for the ancient Israelites who had come earlier to the New World. While in Haiti, de Torres named a bird in the Hebrew “Tuki” which we know as “Turkey.”
Cuba: Columbus soon went to Cuba. De Torres led an expedition who were warmly greeted by the natives. It was there that they discovered the native custom of smoking. At that meeting they encountered their first contact with tobacco. When Columbus went back to Spain, Luis de Torres was among the 39 men who stayed behind at the settlement founded on the island of Haiti.
Curacao: The Dutch West India Company at first captured Curacao from Spain in 1634. Shortly after, the migration of Jews to the island began. In 1651 there were 50 Jewish colonists to Curacao. Many had recently arrived in Holland after fleeing from Portugal’s or Spain’s Inquisitions. Between 1654 and 1656, several Jews from Brazil arrived in Curacao. And there were 70 Jews who came to the island from Amsterdam. It became the Black slavery center for a multitude of Black slaves that were transported from Africa to many places in the West Indies, South America and North America.
Jamaica: Jews fled the Inquisition of Spain and Portugal and settled in Jamaica. Some Jews who went to Recife, Brazil, eventually fled when the Portuguese took Recife from the Dutch and went to Jamaica as well as other islands in the Caribbean.
In 1494 Christopher Columbus arrived in Jamaica. Numerous Portuguese Jews first settled in Jamaica during the Spanish colonization and more came in 1530. Many of the Jews that arrived were New Christians, but practiced Judaism. In 1662 more Jews arrived from Brazil and Surinam.
Jamaica in 1660, became the Jews’ principal haven in the New World. It had a premier location: in the middle of the shipping lanes. Jamaica was an ideal base from which to strike at Spanish shipping to revenge its expulsion of the Jews, and engage in contraband trade. Jamaica’s Jews were major players in both activities.
But this came to a conclusion when the Great Earthquake of 1692 brought a climatic end to the pirate port when the sea swallowed two-thirds of Port Royal. From an Black Slave Trade Mapinfamous pirate capital, Jamaica, by 1698, had become a sugar island worked by 40,000 slaves, and after 1713, the center for slave distribution in the Caribbean and North America.
Jewish slave traders procured Black Africans by the tens of millions and funneled them to the plantations of South America (Brazil, Guianas, Spanish South America: 38% + 6% + 6% = 50%) and throughout the Caribbean (West Indies: 42%).
Whether the local influence was Portuguese, Dutch or English, the Black man and woman fared the same. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
What percentage of all the Black slaves were in the colonies in what is now known as the United States: 4%. Were you ever told this is the public high school or college that you went to?
The Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition forced many Jews to flee the two countries. The most adventurous among the Jews attacked and plundered Spanish fleets while forming alliances with other European powers to ensure the safety of Jews living in hiding in the New World.
Two examples of these were Abraham Cohen Henriques, an arms dealer, who used his cunning and economic muscle to find safe haven for Jews and Moses Cohen Henriques, Abraham’s brother, who helped plan one of history’s largest heist against Spain. In 1628, Moses Henriques set sail with Dutch West India Company. Admiral Piet Hein, whose own hatred of Spain was fueled by four years spent as a galley slave aboard a Spanish ship.
Henriques and Hein boarded Spanish ships off Cuba and seized shipments of New World gold and silver worth in today’s dollars about $1 billion in today’s money. It was the biggest theft of money in the world at that time. It brought the end of the Spanish Empire.
The booty of Moses Cohen Henriques was used to bank-roll the Jews of Recife, Brazil. When the Jews fled Recife for the West Indies, the Henriquest fortune bank-rolled their commercial enterprises. The Jews were the main players involved in trading slaves in the New World. They owned the ships and they made large profits in this business.
Listen to what they say about this: “They came with ships carrying African blacks to be sold as slaves. The traffic in slaves was a royal monopoly, and the Jews were often appointed as agents for the Crown in their sale.
They [the Jews] were the largest ship chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, where the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise. The ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains.” Marc Lee Raphael, Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary.
“Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French, British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. This was no less true on the North American mainland; where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses. Which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa?
Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the late 1750’s; David Franks of Philadelphia in the late 1760’s; and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent”; Arnold Witznitzer, Jews in Colonial Brazil, pages 72, 73.
“The buyers who appeared at the auction were almost always Jews, and because of their lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. If it happened that the date of such an action fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed” Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews From the Babylonian Exile To the End of World War II.
Then why is there a collective White guilt assigned for the black slave trade but no collective Jewish guilt? Most Blacks and Whites do not know that it was the Jews who owned the ships and were the buyers of most of the slaves taken from Africa. They were the majority of owners of slaves in South America, the Caribbean Islands and in the United States. Why do Black Americans and White Americans not know who the primary slave traders and owners were?
The Jews were the merchants of the world. After they were evicted from England, Spain, some Caribbean Islands, Suriname and Brazil; they became the pirates of the sea. They avenged Spain for their expulsion by stealing billions of dollars of goods and coins from them.
With the expulsion of the Jews from many European nations, many of them went to the Caribbean Islands and South America. There they became merchants, owned sugar, cocoa and tobacco plantations and were pirates. Their main haven was Jamaica. From there they captured many Spanish ships until they got their revenge—they brought down the power of the Spanish Empire as they captured millions of gold and silver coins that Spain was bringing back to their country from their colonies.
Jacob and Esau are fighting to the death. Esau has dominion over Jacob, but Jacob shall hold the fire and flame which will burn Esau to death. But what does the Bible say: “It was said unto her” [Rebekah], “The elder shall serve the younger,
13) As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (Romans 9:12, 13).
The Muslim Black teacher Louis Farrakhan sent a letter to sixteen Jewish organizations asking for reparations for all of the slave trading that the Jews have been responsible for over the ages. Why? Since the Jews are receiving reparations from Germany for the Holocaust, they figured that the Blacks are entitled to a lot more of reparations for over 7 times the number of slaves transported from Africa than the supposed Holocaust victims.
Have you ever wondered why Negroes blame White Christians for slavery while the biggest offenders were their fellow Negros, Jews and Muslims? What is the solution? Make sure we are obedient to the Laws that our God gave to His covenant people.
A good start would be what the Icelanders have done (tribe of Benjamin). They made all their congressmen quit and fired the international bankers. Most of the Jewish bankers fled the land in fear. Iceland refused to bow to foreign interests that the small country stated loud and clear that the people are not going along with the mistakes of its former bankers. Maybe that is why it is not covered in the United States news. It is at least a good beginning.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.