by Pastor Don Elmore
January 4, 2015
Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:1-9
In the last days, the Bible says that men will have a distorted view of love. They will be lovers of themselves and lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Men will love the world.
“Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, for all this is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life—is not of the Father, but of the world.” 1 John 2:15-16
“If the world hates you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you” John 15:18.
Rio De Janeiro
In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2016 is where the Olympic Games are scheduled to be held. The whole world will have their eyes on this site. We know that these universal games play a major part in the formation of the New World Order. Rio de Janeiro is where the huge statue of the false Jesus stands. The famous Christ the Redeemer statue suffered damage on its right thumb when it was hit by a furious lightning bolt last January, one year ago. Roman Catholics said that they will fix the thumb on this Jesuit statue.
There was also another lightning bolt strike that hit St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican on the same night that Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation, stunning the world. In fact, there wasn’t just one, but two strikes a few hours apart. The lightning touched the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, one of the holiest of all the Catholic churches.
One lightning bolt hit St. Basilica’s dome twice the night the Pope resigned.
To the left is an image of the 2 mascots for the Brazilian Olympic Games. One is an adulteration (mixture) of all the Brazilian animals; the other an adulteration (mixture) of Brazilian plants.
Here is the poster for the 2016 Olympic Games. Do you notice the strange, out of place word at the bottom? “Zion” made up of the numbers 6102, which is 2016 backwards; with the 6 written in a distorted manner and the 2 written sideways.
Rio de Janeiro has the second largest community of Jews in the country of Brazil. Judaism has been practiced in Brazil since as far back as the 16th century. In the predominantly Catholic country the Jewish faith is relatively modest outside of its own community. Jewish immigrants first arrived in Brazil from Europe to escape institutional religious persecution. They built their own synagogue in Recife in 1636.
It was from this area that many Jews owned plantations of sugar and tobacco. They needed much help. Brazilian Jews bought more slaves from the African slave trade than any other country. The slaves died off on their plantations as fast as they could replace them. Brazil had ten times the number of black slaves as the United States had. It was a boatload of Jews who were returning to the Netherlands from Recife that wound up in New Amsterdam and became the first Jews in the United States.
Later, many Jews in Brazil had to become Catholic or die. Many changed their names and practiced the Catholic religion.
São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are separated by about 220 miles. Recife is farther to the north, located on the coast. See the map below:
São Paulo
São Paulo is a metropolis that is very diverse. Whites and Jews came from Portugal, Spain, Italy and other European countries. São Paulo has one of the largest Japanese communities in the world. Arabs, Koreans and some 76,000 Jews; the largest Jewish community in Brazil. Most in the Jewish community belong to the middle and upper classes in a city where much of the population is lower class.
Besides the Olympic Games held in Rio in 2016, there are two other significant news stories that are happening in São Paulo.
The first one is that on July of this year, a billionaire pastor finished building a $300,000,000 replica of Solomon’s Temple. It occupies an entire block in this city in the country with the largest Roman Catholic attendees. It was built by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God; a Pentecostal church; began in 1977.
This replica of Solomon’s Temple, which took four years to build, captures the surging growth of evangelical faiths in Brazil. Although this country of 200 million people still has more Roman Catholics than any other nation, the number of evangelicals in Brazil climbed to 22 percent of the population in 2010 from 15 percent in 2000, according to census figures.
No one has reshaped Brazil’s religious landscape quite like the church’s pastor: Mr. Edir Macedo. A religious broadcaster and founder of the church, Mr. Macedo now travels by private jet on a special diplomatic passport (a privilege also allowed in Brazil for high-ranking Vatican officials), espousing prosperity theology and Pentecostal tenets like exorcism and faith healing.
Mr. Macedo, founder of the church that built the replica of Solomon’s Temple. He has over $1 billion in financial assets. Notice the skull cap that he is wearing, as well as the robe.
With a personal fortune sometimes estimated at $1.2 billion, Mr. Macedo rose from obscurity through his control of Rede Record, one of Brazil’s largest television networks, and his aggressive expansion of the Universal Church, during which he has fought accusations of corruption, including tax evasion and money laundering.
Mr. Macedo was jailed for 11 days in 1992 on accusations of charlatanism and fraud. He has successfully fended off other criminal investigations, including allegations by prosecutors that he and other church leaders siphoned off donations from followers to enrich themselves. In the past year, he has cultivated a somewhat wizardly appearance, growing a flowing gray beard while occasionally donning what appears to be a skullcap like those worn by many Jews.
The replica of Solomon’s Temple includes several menorahs inside the structure, where sermons will be given, in addition to a large menorah near the entrance that resembles the one in front of the Knesset, Israel’s legislature. The flag of Israel also flies nearby, alongside those of the Universal Church, Brazil and the United States, among dozens of other countries.
“There is just one biblical faith; it is impossible to disassociate Christianity from its Jewish roots,” said Cássia Duarte, a spokeswoman for the Universal Church. This is a constant theme in the belief system of the false churches that have been Judaize. She emphasized that Mr. Macedo had been absolved in an array of judicial investigations into corruption allegations, strengthening the Church’s “preaching of the gospel.”
The Church has frequently been accused of illegal activities, including money laundering, charlatan and witchcraft. The Temple will also serve as the headquarters of the Universal Church. The Church imported $8 million worth of Jerusalem stone from Hebron to make the building more authentic. The Church claims to have 8 million communicants who live in 180 different countries. It has a television channel as well as a weekly newspaper.
The replica temple has been said by many of the world’s largest newspapers to be one of the greatest buildings in the world. But it is nothing more than a big scam: it originally wasn’t really Solomon’s temple, it was God’s house. The place where His throne was located. It was where He lived as King of Israel.
A very criminal pastor has built a replica of God’s house. Whereas, in the past, no one outside of an Israelite could enter the courtyard of the Temple and no one outside of the High Priest could enter the inner sanctuary; now anybody can go in. Anyone can enter. Blacks, Asians, Hassidic and Sephardic Jews and all the rest of the mongrel seeds…anyone can enter.
The 10,000 seat auditorium inside the replica of Solomon’s Temple. This Pentecostal Church believes “…that those who repent of their sins, receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith and hold fast to Him are born again by the Holy Spirit and become children of God”—no matter what their race is. They have this belief totally wrong.
The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) was formed in 1977, in Brazil. It owes its origins to a successful evangelistic program conducted by Bishop Robert McAlister, a Canadian missionary in the Pentecostal tradition.
Edir Macedo -- who went on to found the UCKG -- was one of the early converts. With the blessing of Bishop McAlister, he started to hold services under a small park shelter in Rio de Janeiro. His passion was to reach out to needy, less privileged people who were often excluded by established religions. Very similar to today’s Roman Catholic Jesuit Pope.
As Pastor Macedo's services grew in popularity, he used cinemas and local halls to accommodate growing congregations, attracting people from the streets to the expanding movement. Shortly afterwards the UCKG officially opened its first church inside a funeral parlor. A very fitting place for them to meet.
More church openings followed and the movement expanded nationally across Brazil. Today there are approximately 5,000 churches in Brazil that are affiliated with UCKG, with the headquarters in Rio de Janeiro holding up to 12,000 people at a time.
Following an exploratory visit to the United States, the UCKG was established in New York in 1986. Today there are churches in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Miami, Los Angeles and many other United States’ cities. UCKG then developed its presence in Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Paraguay, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala and Ecuador. There are also churches in Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana.
In Europe, it established congregations in Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Sweden, Ukraine, Romania and others. In Africa churches were formed in Angola, South Africa, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Kenya, Lesotho, Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire, Malawi, Uganda, Botswana and other countries. In Asia, churches exist in India, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines and Japan (where the first 24-hour church is based).
In Oceania, the UCKG is established in Australia since July 2006 and in Fiji since 2012. In New Zealand, the UCKG has been established since January 2005. The UCKG Ministry is present in over 95 countries and still expanding.
The whole structure is 126 meters long and 104 meters wide and 55 meters height.
Attending the inaugural service was the President of Brazil, countless mayors, businessmen, preachers, etc. They have a conveyor belt inside that takes the congregation’s obligatory 10% tithe straight to a safe. There is a private parking enclosure underneath the altar just for the Pastor, secured by blast doors. The altar is the replica of the Ark of the Covenant.
And you cannot access the temple by foot. You have to pay a $20 fare in a chartered bus to get inside. Not a single Jew has ever been seen inside this monstrance 10,000 seat replica of Solomon’s Temple. We are getting very close to the end of this age.
Everyone has heard of Tomorrowland at Walt Disney’s five theme parks that are all over the world. I’m sure that Joyce and Tom have been there many times. At the dedication of his first Tomorrowland, Walt Disney had these words to say on July 17, 1955:
“A vista into a world of wondrous ideas, signifying Man’s achievements…A step into the future, with predictions of constructed things to come. Tomorrow offers new frontiers in science, adventure and ideals. The Atomic Age, the challenge of Outer Space and the hope for a peaceful, unified world.”
And Disney has a new motion picture coming out in May, 2015 that is also titled “Tomorrowland” starring George Clooney. In the preview it says, “What if there is a place, a secret place, where nothing is impossible. A miraculous place where you can actually change the world.”
It is the story of a teenage girl, a middle-aged man who is a genius (who was kicked out of Tomorrowland) and a young girl robot who attempted to get to and unravel what happened to Tomorrowland, which exists in an alternative dimension, in order to save Earth.
Rave Festivals
Eat, sleep, rave, repeat. Eat, sleep, rave, repeat. Eat, sleep, rave, repeat. This is the constant cycle at the Electronic Music love festivals that are beginning to be held all over the world. If you haven’t heard about them, you will.
This Electric Music Festival has just completed its tenth year. It started in Boom, Belgium and has since gone to three other locations: Atlanta, Georgia; South Africa and São Paulo, Brazil. It is looking to go to other countries.
At the 10th anniversary edition of TomorrowLand this past July in Belgium, French super star--DJ David Guetta announced that in 2015, TomorrowLand would take place in Brazil for the very first time. During the announcement, over 15,000 Brazilians watched the live stream from Belgium in Candido Portinari Park (Villa-Lobos Park) in São Paulo, so the news of the first Brazilian edition of TomorrowLand spread like wildfire to every corner of this beautiful country and abroad.
That Brazilians in particular were wildly enthusiastic was made abundantly clear not only on social media, but also in the massive number of pre-registrations for tickets. When ticket sales for the festival opened, barely a few hours later, all 180,000 tickets were sold out. Never before in the history of Brazilian festivals, did any event sell out this fast.
TomorrowLand is one of the most internationally diverse events in the world, with visitors from over 214 nations all over the globe (more than the Olympics). On May 1, 2, and 3 of 2015 Brazil will experience TomorrowLand to the fullest; the most beautiful stages, the world’s biggest electronic artists, an amazing venue with a huge natural amphitheater for the iconic mainstage, the highest quality food & services, and people from all over the world gathering together for one of the most beautiful weekends of the year.
This is the main stage area of TomorrowLand. Notice all the occult symbols. Also the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe is behind the front stage.
This is their famous logo for TomorrowLand; totally occult.
The all-seeing single eye of Horus; that is crowned; with butterfly wings; the beautiful arising out of the corrupt: A new world order arising out of the chaos of the dying old world order.
Left: A view of the center stage at an earlier festival. Notice the rainbow bridge, an occult symbol. Look at the image in the center of the stage…think that that could be the sun god?
Right: Close to 200,000 people are being put in a trance by the electronic music at TomorrowLand’s recent festival.
I took these few examples of what they are saying right off the YouTube screen as I heard them. There are many more. Here is what the people at TomorrowLand heard over the loud speakers:
“You will learn about one man; that knew the mystery of the universe from within. Because of his visions, a great world was completed. With its secret key, the machine can forge unique experiences continuously.
In the brilliant combinations of its mechanisms, humanity can be reborn. The heartbeat of this device can be felt by you all.
There is so much that can come between people, this can be healed by the expression of pure UNITY. Hold up your wristbands so we can witness this illumination together. (You can pay for everything at the festival with your wristband).
Put your hands in the air; raise them up. Let’s become one with the same heartbeat. Generate pure light, be one with each other. We are entering into wonder, one unified heart pulsating to the beat of Dimitri Vegas & Live Mike.”
These events are not only energy harvesting rituals, but they are also an agenda to merge man with the machine (Trans-humanism); the culmination of evolution. A majority of the electronic music already use mechanical sounds and are accompanied by ritualistic dance towards satanic symbols…. It mimics the dances of the tribes of Africa; which led to demon possession and sexual activity.
Trans-humanism is the last stage of the evolutionary movement. It is crossing humans with machines. TomorrowLand showed this on their screen to all their attendees. Trans-humanism is a cultural and intellectual movement that believes we can, and should, improve the human condition through the use of advanced technologies. Artificial intelligence, nanotech, cloning and other emerging technologies, may greatly extend the life of humans. Our physical, intellectual and psychological capabilities can be boosted beyond what humans are naturally capable of being.
Here is another saying that was copied from the loudspeakers at TomorrowLand:
You are part of a world-wide community. Feel the drums of unity, getting out into the net. Stop time in its tracks.
There was an inventor, who created a work of art that could penetrate the fabric of time itself…transforming our happiness into pure bliss. For as a snare [trap/net] shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth?”
Feel the beat of the drums. It is unity.
“People of tomorrow, the key was hidden from the eyes of the world and is now found again by the purest of heart. The sacred guardians of the key were appointed by nature itself to protect the machine and guard its sacred purpose. Until the time came when human kind needed its power once more.”
The purest of heart will find the key which will protect and guard its sacred purpose.
This one comes from what was said in Georgia:
- “In 2014, for three whole days, the mythical grounds of Chattahoochee trembled. A flow of pure love and unity rose from deep within the earth; turning thousands of hearts into gold. Revealing the mysteries of the second chapter of the rising of life.” This is the golden age of the false Jesus coming to the earth. They constantly stress the pure love and unity that is a major part of TomorrowLand and TomorrowWorld.
“You have all taken part in the final chapter of the arising of life. Like a breath, what must rise, must also fall: TomorrowWorld.”
The Phoenix will arise out of the ashes; the New World Order will arise out of the ashes of chaos.
Church of Love
They have a Church of Love in TomorrowLand. This particular church is pink and the two nuns who are in charge of this church tell the people who come that they can do anything that they want in the church for 10 minutes. The nuns’ costumes can be seen as they are in the front, but the back of them is made of a see-through material which reveals that they are wearing a bikini. The nuns also instruct each participate couple who enters their church that they are given a free present: a package of condoms for safe sex.
Spectacular Growth
The tremendous growth is seen in these pictures from its beginning in 2005 till 2014: from less than 8000 to more than 180,000 with a waiting list of 2.6 million! It like all the people of the Christ Church (Temple Lot) was in the first meeting; and all the people in the Community Church in the last!
Here the map shows that Boom is between Antwerp and Brussels.
In August 2005 less than 8000 people gathered for an Electric Musical Festival in Boom, Belgium. It was something that had never been done before. People from 75 countries came.
There are many people who say that electronic music festival (EMF) is like “God coming on Earth,” and it’s the closest thing to “heaven on Earth.” It is a spiritual event where people from all walks of life, from all over the world, come and dance together. Electronic dance music, or EDM, is the pulsing, hypnotic, beat-driven music that dominates top 40 radio, undergirds dozens of television commercials and supports a booming industry of large clubs and massive outdoor festivals.
Next year, 2006, the crowd reached 15,000 people and as the word of mouth grew, so did the crowds. By 2008, the Dutch, French, Germans and English were coming to the festival which now lasted two days and had nine stages. They reached an audience of 50,000 which flocked together in Boom for the festival.
One year later, in 2009, TomorrowLand, for the first time in its history, had all of its available tickets sold-out. Electronic dance music was now vying for world domination.
By 2010, the camping grounds called DreamVille, had 25,000 people spend the night there with over 90,000 tickets sold. DreamVille had many top of the line tents that they rented for the attendees to sleep and relax in. So, in 2011, they added a third day and they had 180,000 tickets sold out in less than a day.
In 2012, TomorrowLand launched its own YouTube channel, broadcasting DJ sets, interview and behind-the-scenes feature. That year they became the most-watched music festival on the planet. Its official after movie adds another 100,000,000 views to that claim.
By the year 2013 they had over 200 different nationalities gather in Boom to experience what is now also the most listened to music festive on the planet. Many of these nationalities have travelled to the festival with a Global Journey Package, which include flight or train ride, festival ticket and a ticket for a unique vacation in other parts of the country. Do you remember what was said about Rock & Roll music being a Pied Piper that will lead your children away from the teachings of the God who led you ancestors out of Egypt?
And Hosea 4:6b: “…seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” This has certainly come to pass.
With it gaining such popularity, TomorrowLand decided to go to Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia. In a small town near Atlanta it played host to the first edition of TomorrowWorld in 2014 attracting 140,000 visitors.
The festival in Belgium, for its tenth anniversary, sold 360,000 tickets in less than an hour. Four major airlines, flying 150 airplanes into Brussels were sold out too. There was over 1,000,000 pints of beer sold in one weekend with an unknown amount of drugs smuggled into the festival.
In 2015, we have TomorrowLand in South Africa in February, with all their tickets already sold out. We also have one in São Paulo, Brazil; May 1-3; all tickets sold out. We have TomorrowLand in Boom, Belgium; July 24-26 and TomorrowWorld in Atlanta; September 25-27. I looked at the prices of the tickets for the festival outside of Atlanta and found that they went from a low of $357 to a high of $1949. In their advertisement for the festival they said that TomorrowWorld demonstrated “pure love and unity;” Were they quoting Walt Disney?
These electronic music festivals have elaborate tents, cabins, decorations placed all over the place, fireworks, volcanos, face in a book display at center stage, famous DJs, and very good food, etc. Fireworks are exploded in the air on a regular basis, laser lights flash constantly; glow lights are in abundance; blast of smoke flows over the crowd like a low lying cloud, with the hypnotic beat of the drums; national flags flowing in the air, inverted pentagons and a host of occult symbols; it is quite an elaborate festival.
Many people are dressed in costumes; but most are dressed very provocatively. Most of the girls are dressed in short shorts and a bra. Its purpose is to unite the world. Many don’t sleep for three days. It is a world of the flesh…full of sensorious activities, full of temptations, with trance inducing music blaring over the loud speakers. Alcohol is consumed by the attendees like water.
The DJs wave their hands to the right; the people respond in kind. The DJs move their hands to the left; the people do likewise. The attendees jump up and down, not slowing down for hours. This is the love that they say that they have: Do what thou wilt.
Psychedelic drugs, which have the effect of immobilizing the “logical mind,” and putting the subliminal power in the driving seat of their personalities. The machine is “Satan’s music.” To dance the skank is a steady-paced dance performed to reggae music, characterized by rhythmically bending forward, raising the knees, and extending the hands palms-downward.
It is a world without Jesus Christ and His doctrines. Besides these big festivals, there are about 200 other smaller rave festivals that are scheduled throughout 2015. Festivals that denounce true Christianity!
There is no mention of the covenant that He made with our fathers and all the promises that He made with their seed. It is the world of Satan! Hell on earth.
I will conclude with a quote from a British general in the War of Independence; theosophy leader Helena Blavatsky, and freemason President George Bush, who was in the hospital this past week.
“Your [America’s] churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”
Isn’t that what is happening? They are all under the all-seeing eye—it’s at the center of the grandstand; watching.
The rave festivals talk about the oneness of the world; but it is really Satan’s oneness:
“The House of Theosophy would formalize what began as the new thought movement into a religious system that would dramatically change the Western view of God and his relationship to mankind. Theosophical teachings argued for the essential oneness of all religions and the omnipresence of divine spirit. Theosophy declares that it was formed upon the basis of a Universal Brotherhood of Humanity.”
Madam Blavatsky stated that the main purpose of the Theosophical society was “to form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color.” How many times have you heard this belief? Helena Blavatsky, Russian philosopher and occultist, is a leading name in the New Age Movement.
I get it; the teaching that there is only one race, the human race is not taught by Christians but is the basis of the New Age!
Listen to what our President said on 9/11/91; exactly ten years before the jews/Jesuits attacked America and blamed it on the Muslims.
“Out of these troubled times our fifth objective, a new world order, can emerge, a new era. Free from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world; east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have search for this illusive path to peace while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. And today that new world is struggling to be born. A world quite different from the one we known.” That was almost 25 years ago. Do you think that it has been born?
“Do what thy wilt is the whole of the Law. Love is the Law. Love under will” are famous quotes from the most evil man who lived on the earth: Aleister Crowley.
Their “love” will want covenant Christians dead. The World has redefined the word “love”:
- Acceptance of all religions (except Christian Identity),
- Tolerance of all sinful behavior: i.e. same-sex marriages, fornication, multiple sexual partners, drug addition, gambling, rave festivals, usury, etc.,
- Tolerance of false doctrines; jesus is the spiritual brother of Lucifer, transubstantiation, jesus is the archangel Michael, jesus’ mother was a whore, jesus was not the son of God, etc.
- Refusal to rebuke or expose evil,
- Believing in not offending with the truth.
It’s the world’s unifying religion. It doesn’t use any Scripture at all. Who celebrated Christmas which just ended? The vast majority of the people of the earth. Who thinks that the electronic music festival is the closest thing to God? Many who just finished celebrating the birthday of the false Jesus.
May God have mercy on His wicked covenant people as we approach the end of this age.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.