Who do we Preach to? Part 1
Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore
Sept 7, 2024

Scripture Reading: James 1:1: “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.”
Who are the twelve tribes of Israel, that the half-brother of Jesus was addressing in his epistle which is in the New Testament, and where were they scattered abroad? Are their descendants still alive and well and somewhere on the earth? If they are still alive (and they are) what do they believe now? Do most of them still believe in God? Are a lot of them, or even some of them, members of Christian churches?
But if they are in Christendom, it is in a chaotic mess. There isn’t just one church, there are many churches with a multitude of opposing views. There is very little common doctrine in the many different denominations and various independent churches.
There is disagreement on many issues. There is animosity about baptism, holy communion or the Eucharist, how does one obtain salvation, how much land Noah’s flood covered, is the Old Testament law done away, how old is the universe, who is everyone descended from, is the earth a sphere or is it flat, was Jesus a Jew, were His apostles Jews, was the early church exclusively Jews, can anyone, including women and strangers be a preacher, what music should be played in church, when and how is a person a member of the church, is it biblical for a member to be LGBTQIA+, is it biblical for a member to be transgendered, is it biblical for a member to be ruled over by a person of another race, is usury biblical, is aborticide a choice or murder, who plotted the murder of Jesus, are Jews our friends, what gospel should be preached and to whom, is Jesus divine, can a person be saved and then lose his salvation, and so on and so on.
Let’s look at a few of these:
First, who is qualified to be baptized? It was usually Adamic infants, the Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Methodists, Nazarenes, Moravians, and United Protestants used to assert. Today, they add that infants from any race are eligible for the rite of baptism. It frees one from sin and makes one reborn as sons of God. In addition, Catholics and most of the other churches say that baptism is available for every human being on earth and Catholics also say that baptism is necessary for salvation. Only believers are eligible, is what other churches say. Many Protestant churches say that when a young person becomes an adult, around twelve/thirteen years old, they are instructed in catechism classes. After that task is successfully completed, they are baptized and then take their first holy communion. Today, most churches add that any “believer” from any race is eligible for these classes. If the person becomes an adult believer of Jesus Christ, they are eligible for baptism. This is true even if they have experienced infant baptism. But what about people who can’t be a believer like some developmentally disabled, for example. If the custodians of these disabled individuals don’t believe in infant baptism, can they ever be baptized? Can these people be baptized, since they do not have the capability to understand what Jesus did or the ability to believe in Him?
Second, what about the mode of baptism? Roman Catholics baptize with water sprinkled on the head. Many churches copy what the Catholics do and sprinkle, while others pour, others immerse the whole body in water, and a few don’t baptize at all. A few churches, like the Nazarene, use all three methods. The Protestant churches who pour are the Mennonite, Amish, and Hutterite churches. The churches who immerse require either a baptistry, or a swimming pool, or a lake, or a river or a pond. I’ve been baptized in a baptistry three or four times and a pond, with a thin level of ice, once.
Some say that the baptism is invalid unless the preacher says the following words in the exact order:
“Having authority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost for the remission of your sins. Amen.”
Many churches disagree and say that the baptizer is not required to say certain words in a certain order.
Others baptize (pour or immerse)three times each candidate with each pouring or immersion to match one of the names of the triune Godhead. At least two churches, Quakers and the Salvation Army, teach that water baptism is no longer applicable. Some churches say that besides water baptism, baptism of the Holy Spirit is necessary and should be sought after they have experienced water baptism. These churches say that Holy Spirit baptism is required before a person can experience speaking in tongues, be a candidate for healing, or other things as proof that they are in a right relationship with God. They believe that before they were baptized by the Holy Spirit, they did not possess these abilities. Almost all churches list baptism as one of the sacraments of the church.
Holy Communion has even more disagreements about it than baptism. Who can receive it is only one difference of opinion. A few churches say that only members of the local church, that is giving the “Lord’s Supper," are qualified to receive it. It is known as closed communion. Others say that anyone who belongs to any church or certain churches can partake in it. Others limit it to any church member who is not excluded from their former church. Others teach that any believer, whether they are a church member or not, can participate in this sacrament. Other churches say that whoever wants to take communion may eat and drink the elements; no questions are asked. Some say that the Lord’s Supper has nothing to do with a church and they provide it for themselves in their own home.
Some churches use as their elements wine and unleavened or leavened bread. Others use grape juice and unleavened or leavened bread. Others offer a choice of both wine and grape juice with either unleavened or leavened bread. Very liberal “churches” offer grape soda pop and crackers.
Some churches give the drink in many small individual cups. Others, especially Catholics, but some small Protestant churches as well, use one large common cup.
Some churches agree with the Catholics and offer it every time they have a church service, which the Catholics call the “Mass”. Other churches only offer it once a month. Some, once every three months. Others every Sunday morning service. Others just offer it once a year, usually at Easter/Passover season. Some assemblies offer communion at the Christmas (Christ’s mass) holiday.
The Catholic Church says that the wine, after the priest blesses it, turns into the actual blood of Jesus, while the bread turns into the actual body of the Savior. It is the most mysterious miracle that occurs daily in the Catholic Church every time they celebrate Mass. If transubstantiation is correct, does this make Catholics who eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus cannibals? This also leads to some very interesting questions about what happens to the bread and wine that is left over after the Mass is completed.
Protestant churches say that communion is just a symbol of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Most churches list this practice as one of the sacraments of the church.
Many churches say that Noah’s flood was worldwide. Others disagree and say that the flood only drowned all the mixed breed Adamites and was limited to where they were living. Others say that there was a worldwide flood many years before Noah’s, but it occurred prior to the formation of Adam.
If Noah’s flood, which occurred about 4500 years ago, was worldwide, the world’s population would have been reduced to just one family, with a total of eight people. So, a few churches add, at least one male and one female, from the Kenites (descendants of Cain), the race of giants, and all the other races in the world and place them in the Ark reasoning that they must have been on the Ark since they appeared on the other side of the flood.
Other churches say that it was only the Adamites that were reduced to eight people and that most of the pre-Adamic peoples, giants, and descendants of Cain did not drown. They also say that the massive flood altered the earth by a powerful rainstorm that lasted over one month and produced a flood that lasted for over one year. It changed the life span of the Adamic people to about 90% of what it was before the flood and split a few continents apart from each other.
And music has changed drastically in the last century too, from the big band sound to jazz, the blues, swing, and ragtime. There were just a few of the most popular music genres of the 1920s. Almost all these different types of music originated from the creative work of African Americans influenced by their culture and heritage. Rock & roll music became the favorite type of music during the racial integration that began in earnest in the 1950s. It started slowly, but soon gathered strength. It was played on only one radio station for two hours a day where I lived (Cincinnati, Ohio). My parents were against it, but my two siblings and I were in favor of listening to it. It took decades for me to finally give up this addictive music with the sound of a unique blending of black rhythm and blues music with white country music.
Many churches were against rock & roll music from its beginning and called it the devil’s music. There are very few churches that argue against it now, in fact, most promote it. Nevertheless, rock & roll just steam rolled over all opposition and is now in daily life. It is accepted as being the music of this age.
Now many of the new mega churches, and many of the smaller Protestant and Catholic churches, which have been integrated with different races and/or paraphilic members, play rock & roll music as part of their worship service. There is still a small remnant of churches which say that this new kind of music is evil and should never be played in church or anywhere else where Israelites are. These churches only play hymns and songs that teach Biblical doctrines and/or have Scriptural lyrics.
There is the Answers in Genesis (AIG) organization in the area where I live (south of Cincinnati, Ohio) which has built a Creation Museum, duplicated Noah’s Ark, and is now in the process of building a replica of the Tower of Babel. This group teaches emphatically that everyone on the earth has the same parents—brown-skinned Adam and Eve .Therefore, interracial marriage can be okay if the bride and groom are both “Christians,” which, of course, to a few remnant churches, is unscriptural. These remnant churches believe that there is only one group of people that is God’s chosen people, and they are to remain separate from all others.
AIG teaches that the earth is only 6,000 years old. They try to convince most of millions of church people that they encounter, that the dinosaurs, giants, and all the different races, including the Cro-Magnon man, are no older than six millenniums!
There are other churches which teach the exact opposite. They instruct that the earth is so old that they are unable to tell how old it is. Some churches say that humans developed through evolution and began as a single cell organism several billions of years ago and slowly evolved to where they are now. Others believe that there were pre-Adamites living on the earth for a long time before Adam and Eve were placed on the earth.
In the last century-and-a-half, most churches started to believe in dispensationalism. They believe that the church (they don’t say which one or ones) will be raptured and will miss all seven years of destructive events that will occur as God returns and pours out His wrath on whom they say is His covenant people—the Jews. This doctrine was originated by a Jesuit(Francisco Rivera, who wanted to dispel the teaching of the Protestant Reformers who were claiming that the Pope was the antichrist), that the Church of Jesus Christ will be raptured before the 7-year period of wrath against the Jews who will eventually be saved too.
A very different opinion is held by a few churches that the terms Israel and Jew do not refer to the same people. Jews are Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Hassidic, Mizrahi, orthodox, reformed, conservative, etc. and Israel is a part of the White race. The churches are not raptured first, but their main enemy, the Jews, are first cast into the fiery pit.
Many churches believe that everyone who is alive in the world has common parents. They believe that Adam and Eve are the parents of all peoples of every race. But many churches who believe in a world-wide flood also believe that every one of every race is descended from the three sons and their wives of Noah and his wife.
The churches that believe this don’t usually say what race Noah and his sons were, teaching rather that Noah’s son had the chromosomes and DNA of all the different races in the world. So, they teach that from these six brown-skinned men and women produced all the pure different races of the world—white, black, yellow, red, giants, etc.! Since all races come from the same origin, there is no prohibition against interracial marriages. They conclude that all races are equal in the eyes of God, and everyone can marry anyone of any race. But in America, the Supreme Court didn’t rule until 1967that anti-miscegenation laws were unconstitutional. This gave the Judeo-Christian churches the ability to say with more vigor that there is only one race—the human race!
Other churches believe that Cain and Abel/Seth represent two different seedlines with two different fathers and the same mother—Eve. One seedline is destined as the anti Christian race whose final destiny is the lake of fire, while the other is preordained to be the people of God whose final destiny is the kingdom of God.
Many churches that believe that Adam was the father of Cain must believe that Cain will be in the kingdom or have no opinion about that at all. They also believe that since Cain began what all the descendants of Adam did eventually, except for Noah’s family, they too had to be destroyed in Noah’s flood since their seed was no longer perfect, but mixed. The problem is that Cain’s descendants were both before and after Noah’s flood.
The Roman Catholic Church for many centuries said that it was the Edomite Jews who plotted the murder of our Savior. It was the Jews who condemned Jesus for blasphemy and had Him arrested. The Jewish (Edomite) scribes, Sadducees, and Pharisees opposed Jesus and sought to stone Him several times.
The Jewish chief priests and elders accused Jesus, mocked Him, and held council to have Him arrested and condemn Him to death. The Edomite Jews wanted Jesus dead. The Catholic Churches, including later many Protestant churches, taught for many years that the Jews, from the narratives in the Gospels and letters of the Apostle Paul, are responsible for Jesus’ death. As a result of this belief, and a few others, the Jews were cast out of many states, and countries in Europe for over 100 times.
But the Roman Catholic Church later changed their opinion on the Jews being guilty of the murder of Jesus and indicated that the Roman soldiers were responsible. Many Protestant churches have followed the Catholic Church and now blame the Romans for the death of Jesus. Some assemblies blame both the Jews and the Romans.
Some Protestant churches place the blame for His death on anyone who comes to God as their Savior. They say that God willed to save His people, and salvation required a payment for sin. Jesus had to die, and God could not spare Him. Jesus’ death satisfied God’s holy wrath against sin and allowed God to bring sinners to “heaven” without violating His justice. Thus, they say that every one of the “saved”, past, present, and future, are guilty of the murder of Jesus.
A few churches claim that the Judahites, not the Jews, who with their fleshly nature were guilty of the murder of Jesus. There are even fewer churches that believe that it is the Serpent’s offspring that are guilty of plotting the murder of Jesus Christ.
Almost all of God’s people in the past were against the killing of babies. Anti-Hebrew religions were in favor of killing infants, especially the first-born males. In fact, they got many apostate Israelites to participate in this evil practice. Many of God’s people, including some of its kings, sacrificed their sons into the arms of a very hot statue of the false god--Moloch.
Today there are many churches, especially liberal churches in many denominations that are in favor of the freedom of a woman’s choice to murder her baby or babies that are in her womb. But there are still a good number of churches who are against aborticide. But unfortunately, many church members go against what their church teaches, especially if their own pregnancy will cause a major inconvenience in their life or cause a financial hardship in their living style.
Society has become more and more liberal. In the days of our grandparents and our great-grandparents, free sex and sex outside of marriage was not accepted as much as they are today. This sexual freedom leads to more and more unwanted pregnancies. President Biden said at the Democratic National Convention that more children were killed by guns that by any other causes. But President Biden was wrong by a long shot…aborticides takes over 900,000 children’s lives compared to about 2600killedevery year by users of guns.
For many centuries, Christendom did not have any usury banks. In fact, they had real money, like silver and gold. Christians knew that they could not make any kind of loan and charge interest to their own brethren. Since there were mainly their own kin that lived in their country, there were no usury banks.
But the major turning point came in the Netherlands and England in the later part of the 1600s. Wealthy Jews from Amsterdam gave Oliver Cromwell the money to end the English royalty. Oliver led the parliament to chop the head of the British king, Charles I. The monarchy ended for eleven years until it was restored in 1660.
The financial capital of the world began to switch from Amsterdam to London in the late 1650s. By 1689, William III of Holland and Mary II of England, married and became king and queen of England, usurping the throne from Mary’s Catholic father. Britain’s monarchy lost most of its power and changed to be just a puppet of the Jews who got control of the usury banks in England and control of their money supply. Soon, the usury banks were in control of the banks in the European Christian countries. They became the head and not the tail.
Today, there is very little if anything said about usury banking in the Israelite nations. Most churches don’t say anything about usury at all. Neither political party in America says a single word about federal usury bank that creates money out of nothing and has interest deducted heavily at the earlier payments.
Even now, credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.) debt is at an all-time high, and the interest rate has been upped to over 30%. Nothing is said about this from either political party.
Almost no church mentions anything about God’s law which says that the land is to be restored to the original Israelite owner in every fiftieth (jubilee) year. Also, every seven years all debts should be forgiven to Israelite borrowers. Almost all Christian churches say that these laws of God were nailed to the cross when He was crucified and are no longer in existence.
Many churches have joined with several large Christian Zionist organizations. One of the largest of these organizations is Christians United for Israel which was founded by John Hagee in 2006. He founded his present church, Cornerstone Church, in San Antonio, Texas, after divorcing his first wife, Martha Downing, in 1975. The divorce was quite a scandal for the congregants of Trinity Church, where he was minister at the time. He was fired, and then he married Diana Castro, who was a member of Trinity, and she is still his current wife. He just went down the street and began another church and eventually sided with the antichrists.
The Christians United for Israel [Jews] said in an email on July 18, 2024, “In less than two weeks, pro-Israel Christians from all 50 states will gather in Washington DC united with one crucial mission: to defend Israel and the Jewish people in her greatest hour of need since the Holocaust.”
Another Christian Zionist organization is the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ). This organization was founded in 1983. They say the following amazing comment: “There are about 240,000 living Holocaust survivors (as of 2023). Their average age is 85. Many survivors (around 147,000) are now living in Israel, and about 50,000 are living in the United States. While Holocaust survivors have lived through unbearable circumstances, many are still living in deprivation.”
IFCJ is an interfaith organization. The mission is to provide humanitarian aid to the needy in Israel and build bridges between Christians and Jews. The organization respects the beliefs of both Christians and Jews, and they do not promote nor favor one faith over the other. Rabbi Eckstein, the founder of this organization, was an Orthodox Jew, and after his death, his daughter, Yael Eckstein, has taken the organization over.
If a person, in the year 2023, is of the age of 85, they were born in 1938. So, if the concentration camps were extermination camps, as they claim, how could all these survivors (almost a quarter of a million) be alive if they were under the age of seven? Why weren’t they killed? I don’t believe a word that they say.
To show how bad these organizations are, all one must do is to substitute the real name for Jews: Christians United for Israel; Antichristians and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Antichristians. And how could these organizations, and others like them, respect the beliefs of both opposing groups?
- Christians say that Jesus has now risen from the dead and is sitting on the right hand of God the Father, while the
- Jews say that Jesus was an illegitimate fraud, who committed the sin of blasphemy, has never risen from the dead, and is now in hell boiling in a hot cauldron.
Now we get to where the churches have a big and significant difference. Most of their members are unaware of the major problems that it should cause but doesn’t. Almost all churches either preach an Arminian or a Calvinistic gospel but many of its members don’t know what the words mean or which one of these gospel messages their church preaches.
The Arminian gospel is what most churches practice. Since they feel that every person of every race is eligible for salvation, they must have the gospel which fits their scenario. All a person must do, in most of these churches, is to make a simple prayer to be “saved. ”The person is the one that must make the decision to accept Jesus as His Savior. Many churches designate each Sunday morning as a service for the unsaved. This makes their churches very missionary minded. A preacher or a missionary who makes the most commitments to salvation is the most valued. Missionaries are sent to all the other races in their own native countries. They translate the Bible into the languages of the remote tribes, even in the faraway jungles and islands, and preach all over the world. No one person is to be left out of an opportunity to be “saved.”
The Calvinistic gospel, on the other hand, was popular when the United States was in its beginning. They too believe that every person of every race is eligible for salvation, and it is not up to the individual to choose God, but God is sovereign and chooses His people to salvation. Most Calvinists, but not all, are missionary minded.
One of the Calvinistic Baptist churches in which I was a member, sponsored two missionary families in the island of New Guinea to try and convert these backward savages. I even had thoughts that I would go there and help the missionaries. It was a long time ago (middle1960s), long before I even heard of the Christian Identity message.
Both these gospels can’t be correct. One could be correct, but I believe that both are wrong. Some churches believe that baptism saves, some say it is the Eucharist, some churches say a simple prayer, some say payment to a “seed” money, others say church membership, and there are many other different kinds of ways that they say is the way to receive salvation.
The Arminians feel the pressure of evangelizing as many people as possible to receive the LORD as their Savior. Many Calvinists believe that it is up to the LORD, so there is no pressure to make the person a believer. But neither the Arminians or Calvinists preach the true, most fantastic message to God’s people—to the House of Israel and the House of Judah.
And what gospel message is that? A few, very few, remnant covenant theology churches preach the “gospel of the kingdom”, i.e., to the Israelite kingdom. It is because covenant theology churches preach to Israelites only. They don’t preach to mixed breeds, Orientals, Negros, Pacific Islanders, South and Central Americans, and especially the Jews, their enemy, like almost all the other churches do.
According to Pastor Larry Blanchard, on the web site, www.yourbiblicalheritage.com, he says the following [my words in brackets]:
“If the original gospel message [the gospel of the kingdom] according to Jesus Christ and His Apostles has been changed, and perhaps significantly so, then that would alter our understanding of the purpose and plan of God as revealed in the Bible. Would the originally intended mission of Jesus Christ be thrown off course to such a degree that it has become destructive to that mission? And could that be one of the main reasons behind the national and global chaos we are experiencing?
After all, the gospel is the power of God for salvation, redemption and transformation to restore His Kingdom order of righteousness, peace, and joy on earth as it is in heaven as was originally intended in the first Adam. As you will see, the Kingdom is inseparable with the gospel.”
Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Hassidic, Mizrahi, orthodox, reformed, conservative, etc. are some of the different kinds of Jews. They fight among themselves many times but are always united to war against Christ and Christians.
They are not the sheep of God. They are not wheat, either. They are doomed to hell, the same place they have put our Savior. We should not preach to them. We can’t go to their “synagogues of Satan”, but they can go to change our seminaries and “worship” in our churches. They have been a “snare” and a “trap” to our people for over six millenniums and now they are the daughter, son-in-law, and husband of our two executive candidates for president.
We have the job of preaching the good news of the kingdom to the recipients of the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant—the House of Israel and the House of Judah. No one else.And that is a hard enough job with all the baggage that they have! I am amazed that I got out of all their wayside distractions. Praise be to the LORD God of Israel.
But almost all the “Christian” churches believe that it is the impostors, not the true pure-blooded race of the “twelve tribes,” who are the “people of God”. They are not our good friends, but they are our perpetual enemy.
May our LORD God have mercy on our souls.
James 1:1: “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.”
To be continued.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.