Who is Kamala?
Question about Kamala Harris' racial heritage. English history. Jamaican history. White slavery.
By Pastor Don Elmore
August 11, 2024
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 17:15
15) “Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.”
Who may the Israelites set over them; an individual who is not their brother or a person who is their brother? The verse says that they mayest not set a stranger (foreigner) over them!
A while ago, I did a series of sermons that dealt with the Stuart family who ruled over England, Ireland, and Scotland. (Great Britain's Chaos). The Stuart dynasty began in Scotland in 1371, when Robert II came to the throne. After him came six kings and Mary, Queen of Scots. In 1567 Mary’s son James became King James VI of Scotland. In 1603 he inherited the English throne as well, as James I. From that time on, the two countries were ruled by the same monarch.
I began my study with James I of England aka James VI of Scotland. Altogether there were seven Stuart monarchs who ruled both Scotland and England along with a commonwealth that was between the years 1649 and 1660 under the leadership of a lord protector, Oliver Cromwell.
Here are the seven Stuart kings and queens, which were royalty in the middle of the Protestant Reformation, that produced betrayal, civil wars, hatred against other religions, regicide beheading, forced slavery, accepting of Jewish loans, allowing Jews to come back to England after almost four centuries of being exile, abdication of the throne, and replacing one Catholic king with two Protestant ones, etc.:
James I of England of Ireland and James VI of Scotland, same person (ruled both nations from 1603–25)
On March 24, 1603, James VI of Scotland achieved his lifelong ambition when Queen Elizabeth I died, and he inherited the throne of England. He would have liked his two kingdoms to be completely united. However, Scotland retained its own parliament, established Church and legal and educational systems. He was the longest-reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Scotland (58 years).
He believed that kings were appointed by God and that their authority could therefore not be challenged by anyone. This idea is known as the divine right of kings. It brought him into conflict with the English Parliament. In 1605 a group of Jesuit Catholics failed to kill the king in the Gunpowder Plot.
James declared that everyone must attend church on Sundays. Catholics were not allowed to celebrate their own form of Mass, and the king refused to listen to Puritan demands for Protestant church reforms. He authorized the translation of the Bible into English in 1611.
Charles I (ruled 1625–49) and was beheaded. Charles I went to war with Spain and then with France. The former king, James I, had left the country deeply in debt, so Charles I had to ask Parliament for the money to fund his wars. Parliament refused.
When Henry VIII left the Catholic Church of Rome, (about a century earlier), England became split into two factions: Protestant and Catholic. When Charles I married Henrietta Maria of France, a Roman Catholic, she influenced her husband to becoming more and more tolerant towards the Catholics of the country and therefore, the queen was becoming a problem for the intolerant Protestant state. His marriage produced nine children, which included two future English kings: Charles II and Mary Henrietta, who married William III of Orange, Netherlands.
In 1629 Charles I dismissed Parliament and decided to rule alone. He did so for the next 11 years. Like his father, he believed in the divine right of kings and did not believe that Parliament should challenge his authority. He forced the country into a civil war between his supporters and the supporters of Parliament, where 200,000 Britishers died. Charles I was beheaded after the war, and as a result the country had no monarch for 11 years after that.
---------Commonwealth Republic 1649-1660---------
Oliver Cromwell
Richard Cromwell
- Charles II (ruled 1660–85) reinstated. During the civil war, Charles I’s son, Charles II, had to flee from England. He spent years in exile, but he was restored to the British throne in 1660. Charles II was careful not to make the same mistakes as his father. Parliament’s powers increased during his reign, and two political parties emerged: the country party, which became the Whigs, and the court party, which became the Tories.
James II (ruled 1685–88).
Charles II was succeeded by his brother James II. James II had Catholic sympathies, and he angered Parliament by promoting Catholic causes. James II had two wives. He had two daughters, Mary and Anne by his first wife who were both Protestants, so a Protestant succession seemed certain.
However, James II’s second wife, Mary of Modena, a Catholic, bore him a son, who would be in line to be the next king of England. The powerful Protestant government did not want a Catholic to be ruler. So, they sent for Mary (James II’s daughter with his first wife, Anne Hyde) and William III who was her husband. He was the son of Charles I’s daughter, also named Mary and William II, Prince of Orange of the Netherlands.
They were invited to become joint rulers of Britain. James II was forced to give up the throne in 1688. Mary II and William III then became queen and king. Because no blood was shed during this revolution it became known as the Glorious Revolution .
Mary II (ruled 1689–94) and William III (ruled 1689–1702) ruled jointly
James II, the Catholic who abdicated the throne, later continued to claim the thrones of England and Scotland for the rest of his life. He encouraged rebellions in a futile attempt to regain the kingship. In 1701 Parliament passed the Act of Settlement, which said that only Protestants could hold the British throne.
James II’s first wife, Anne, was a Protestant (though she converted to Catholicism), and their daughters were Mary II (wife of William of Orange and queen of England) and Anne, who succeeded Mary as queen. James II’s second wife, Mary of Modena, was Roman Catholic, and their son was James Edward, the Old Pretender. In 1715, the Old Pretender attempted to supplant King George I, who couldn’t speak a word of English, while he was on the throne. The Jacobite (name of James in Latin is Jacobus)rebellion failed miserably.
The Old Pretender’s son, Charles Edward Stuart, was known as the Young Pretender. He too, attempted to regain the throne but was very disorganized and in 1746 left for France and ended his life, a drunk, in Rome in 1789. Thus ended the Stuart dream of sitting once more upon the British throne.
After James II’s abdication, William III and Mary II’s reign is reported to have been assisted in their ascent to the English throne by a loan of 2,000,000 guilder from Francisco Lopes Suasso a Jew (1614–1685). During William III’s time on the throne, he refused a petition from Jamaica to expel the Jews. William III’s reign brought about a closer connection between the predominantly Sephardic communities of London and Amsterdam; this aided in the transfer of the European finance center from the Dutch capital to the English capital.
Anne (ruled 1702–14)
Although Anne had 18 pregnancies, only five children were born alive, and all died young. As Anne had no direct heir, the crown passed to her cousin’s son, George I of Hanover when she died in 1714. This brought an end to the Stuart line of British kings and queens, although the two pretenders tried to regain their throne, but were unsuccessful.
- King George I of Hanover (in modern-day Germany), never fully learned to speak English and instead conducted
government affairs mostly in French and his native German. He remained unpopular in England throughout his life, partly because of his inability to speak English but also because of the perceived greed of his mistresses and rumors concerning the treatment of his wife. The British crown changed their German names after the Stuart royalty ended in 1714when the royalty came from Hanover, which ended in 1841,and then the German name Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in 1917 changed to the English name, Windsor, due to their war with Germany in World War I.
So, what has all this tell us about Kamala? It is coming. One must know the background to understand what happened.
The movement to allow Jews to settle in England after an absence of almost four centuries was led by Menasseh Ben Israel, a rabbi, writer, and printer from Amsterdam. He wanted the Jews to be able to return to England because he believed it would hasten the arrival of the Messiah. In 1653, Israel and a few other rabbis visited England to rally support for the idea of Jews returning. They found an unexpected ally in Oliver Cromwell.
Cromwell had seen the economic benefits Jews living in Amsterdam had brought to the Netherlands and wanted the same for England. Britain’s economy had been devastated by civil war, and the prospective commerce Jewish merchants could bring in was appealing. Furthermore, there was a popular belief that the second coming of Christ could not occur until Jews were living in all parts of the world.
In 1655, Israel petitioned the British Council of State that Jews be allowed to resettle in England. In response, Cromwell convened the Whitehall Conference; a gathering of merchants, lawyers, and clergyman, to discuss allowing Jews back into England. Though the conference did not reach a unified conclusion, the lawyers in attendance pointed out there was nothing illegal about allowing Jews to return. There was no official policy change or new law, just a verbal promise from Cromwell, and in 1656 Jews were allowed to settle in London once more.
Where were the preachers in this meeting. Were they just silent? Didn’t they know that the Jews were our Savior’s most vehement enemy?
The Amsterdam, Holland Jewish bankers financed a mercenary army for Oliver Cromwell who was a member of England’s House of Commons. The purpose of this was to serve their mutual goal to overthrow the Royalty of England.
England was involved in a religious civil war. The Dutch Jewish bankers used Cromwell to divide and conquer in the name of militant Calvinistic Protestant Puritanism.
Soon Parliament discovered the foreign intrigue behind Cromwell and the Civil War which included tactics of economic warfare in which Amsterdam used international commerce to destroy the English economy. As a result, Parliament declared war on Holland in 1652.Cromwell, loyal to the Amsterdam Jewish bankers, reacted in 1653 and dismissed Parliament and made himself the supreme power and ended England’s war against Holland in 1654. Then followers of Cromwell took sword-in-hand and slaughtered countless Christian priests and laymen who opposed his Calvinistic Puritan version of Judeo-Christianity.
Cromwell, who was then an agent of the Amsterdam Jewish bankers, attempted to create a League of Protestant Nations as an anti-Catholic world government that bankers would secretly control. The first task before the Protestant League of Nations 1657 was to attack the Spanish Netherlands because it was a Catholic threat to Amsterdam. Cromwell blessed the Jews and removed England’s restrictions on Jewish immigration in 1657, but they did not relocate en masse until 1664.
Soon after Cromwell’s promise around 300 Sephardim (Spanish and Portuguese) Jewish merchants settled in London. Thus, began a new chapter for the Jews of England. There were attempts by businessmen, Christians, and aristocrats to re-expel them but the economic boons they brought were too good to refute and England’s new Jewish community was allowed to stay.
However, anti-Semitism [anti-Jewishness] persisted and there were laws branding Jews less than citizens and limiting their rights. However, their place in British society was far more stable, and slowly, through the centuries, they would gain more rights and opportunities.
In 1655 Jamaica was conquered from Spain by the British during the time of the Commonwealth. Jewish resettlement in Britain marked the beginning of a new era in Jewish/Christian relations, putting an end to centuries of estrangement.
Soon after this massive relocation, in 1665, the bubonic plague struck England. In 1666, the Great Fire of London occurred. England was suffering from God’s judgment for disobeying His Word.
Now, who do you think is the most hated man in Irish history? It’s not Hitler. It’s not Churchill. It’s not Roosevelt. It is Oliver Cromwell.
Why? The 17th century was the bloodiest in Ireland’s history. Two periods of war (1641-53 and 1689-91) caused a huge loss of life.
During the 17th century, Ireland was convulsed by eleven years of warfare, beginning with the Rebellion of 1641, when Irish Catholics rebelled against the domination of English and Protestant settlers. The Catholics briefly ruled the country as Confederate Ireland (1642–1649) against the background of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms until Oliver Cromwell reconquered Ireland in 1649-1653 on behalf of the English Commonwealth. Cromwell’s conquest was the most brutal phase of the war.
By its close, over half of Ireland’s pre-war population was killed or exiled as slaves, where many died due to harsh conditions. As retribution for the rebellion of 1641, the better-quality remaining lands owned by Irish Catholics were confiscated and given to British settlers.
Forty years later, Irish Catholics, known as “Jacobites”, fought for James II from 1688 to 1691, but failed to restore James II to the throne of Ireland, England and Scotland. Ireland became the main battleground after the Glorious Revolution of 1688, when the Catholic James II left London and the English Parliament replaced him with William III of Orange. The wealthier Irish Catholics backed James II to try to reverse the Penal Laws. Under these laws Catholics could not hold commission in the army, enter a profession, or own a horse worth more than five pounds. Catholics could not possess weaponry and arms, could not study law or medicine, and could not speak or read Gaelic or play Irish music.
In addition, they were against the land confiscations, where their land possessions were stripped from them and given to English settlers. Protestants in Ireland supported William III and Mary II in this “Glorious Revolution” to preserve their property in the country.
James II and William III fought for the Kingdom of Ireland in the Williamite War, most famously at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690, where James’ outnumbered forces were defeated. It is calculated by some historians that the war cost over 100,000 lives through sickness, famine, and in battle.
The Irish were dehumanized by the English, described as “savages,” so making their displacement appear even more justified. In 1654 the British parliament gave Oliver Cromwell a free hand to banish Irish “undesirables”. Cromwell rounded up Catholics throughout the Irish countryside and placed them on ships bound for the Caribbean, mainly to the islands of Barbados and Jamaica. By 1655, 12,000 political prisoners had been forcibly shipped to Jamaica and into indentured servitude.
In 1660 Stuart Restoration, when Charles II returned to the throne, Cromwell’s dead body was removed in hatred from its resting place in Westminster Abbey and displayed at Tyburn. Cromwell’s head was placed on a spike at the Tower of London, where it remained for 30 years. It was ultimately reburied at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, in 1960.
Former President Trump went to the annual meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists in Chicago, Illinois. The meeting was supposed to have both candidates for president, including Joe Biden, and then after he resigned his candidacy, his replacement, Kamala Harris was invited. Well, Kamala had an excuse and didn’t show.
A lot of the journalists were upset that former President Trump came. He was the first Republican candidate to come to this meeting in over 20 years, and that two decades ago was by zoom and not in person.
So, when Trump entered, an ABC journalist, Rachel Scott, asked him, at the very first, a very strong question. Trump said, before he answered the query, that he was invited. Harris didn’t come, the meeting started 35 minutes late, and then the journalists should have, instead of asking a very strong question, have at least said “hello”, or say something like “good to have you come.”
Later, in the interview, the same questioner asked the former president did he think that Harris was a DEI hire. Well, she was. President Biden said so when he appointed her. But Trump didn’t mention this.
She also asked do you think that Harris was appointed as vice-president because she was black. Trump answered that he thought she was an Indian from Southeast Asia and not black. It was only later that he heard that she considered herself black. Well, that caused an uproar.
I would recommend that you watch Judge Joe Brown’s videos. He will tell you that Kamala’s mother was a Brahmin Indian. She married a man from Jamaica, which I assumed was black. But he wasn’t.
Kamala’s father was Irish-Brahmin Indian. So, Kamala isn’t half Indian and half black. She is at least a quarter Irish with about three quarters Hindu-Indian, with a little bit of possible black if she is any black at all.
Judge Brown tells how Kamala was financed and sponsored by George Soros(Jew) who was the owner of One-Way Bank that had over 1200 indictments against it. .Kamala was elected the Attorney General of California and within two weeks dropped all the indictments against the bank. The bank was then sold by Soros for $4.2 billion. Kamala later made PROP 47 which helped destroy California. After this, Soros financed Kamala for her senate seat from California in the United States Senate.
Judge Brown says that he met her father—Donald Harris. He was a professor at Stanford University and was a guide to Jamaican authorities in economics. Kamala’s father was descended from an Irish man and a Brahmin Indian.
What? If his mother says that she is a Brahmin Indian and his father says that he is an Irish and Brahmin Indian, how does his daughter, Kamala, say that she is black?
When and why were there Hindu Indians in Jamaica, an island south of Cuba? They were called Indo-Jamaicans who came or were brought from the Indian subcontinent to Jamaica following the 1833 abolition of slavery in the British Empire.
When a new system called indentureship was introduced, bonded laborers from India were transported to nineteen British Overseas Territories in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean to fill the labor shortage created by the departure of former slaves from plantations. Where did this system come from—the Bible?
Their recruitment began in 1834 and ended on March 20, 1917. It is estimated that over two million people were indentured laborers during this period. For 72 years, from 1845-1917, 37,027 Indians were indentured to Jamaica.
The system of indentureship ultimately shaped the history and culture of Jamaica through food, music, sports, business, and religion, creating a small yet vibrant Indo-Jamaican society. Due to various economic, political, and social factors Jamaica has experienced out migration with the Indo-Jamaican community becoming dispersed to the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States and beyond.
And before the Hindu-Indians came, Ireland has a long-shared history with Jamaica. In the 1650s, when England captured Jamaica from Spain, Oliver Cromwell needed to populate the new colony. Ireland, the eternal thorn in the side of the English, had a population of 1.5 million in 1641. Ten years later, the number was reduced by 60% to 600,000, with 850,000 Irish people was ted by the sword, plague, famine, hardship and banishment during the Confederation War 1641-1652.
Think about this for a minute. For every ten Irish people, in ten years, there would be only four left! Some died in battle, some died in the plague that followed, some died by hunger in the famine, and many were sent to different places, including the islands of the Caribbean own by the British, as slaves and after 1833 as indentured servants.
Vast numbers of Irish men, women and children were forcibly transported by the English government to the Caribbean, many as indentured servants. Very few of the deportees had committed any great crimes. The goal was to populate Britain’s new acquisitions. Many of the Irish were sent to their new captured land of Jamaica to populate this island.
Large numbers of the Irish exiles died from heat and diseases as they struggled to adapt to their surroundings. It was soon thought that the Irish would have a better chance of survival if they were introduced to the climate at a younger age. For this reason, Cromwell sent 2,000 children between the age of 10 and 14 years to work and, sadly, also to be bred with the blacks.
Migration to Jamaica continued through the 17th century. The term “Redleg” was coined. The fair skin of the Irish burnt with a red burn beneath the Caribbean sun. The Irish exiles were not chattel slaves. Their white skin meant they would know freedom when their indentures expired (after six years of hard work). The Irish contributed to Jamaica’s changing demography and motto, “Out of many, one people.”
Most Americas do not know that many Irish slaves were brought to Jamaica by the British. Oliver Cromwell, who overthrew British King Charles 1 by having him executed, placed tens of thousands of Irish in slavery and transported some to the mainland plantations; others were shipped to plantations in West Indies, including Jamaica.
Enslaved Irish were part of the force that wrested Jamaica from Spain in 1655. After the British took full control of Jamaica, Cromwell with his new island, had Irish slaves sent from Barbados and St. Christopher to work the new land.
Others were brought directly from Ireland. As early as 1656, Cromwell ordered those 2,000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers. Later 6,000 boys and girls were transported as slaves from Ireland to Jamaica, and that the total number transported there and to Virginia, the Carolinas, and New England in the American colonies amounted to 10,000. It is almost an unknown fact, that between 1651-1660 the Irish slaves far outnumbered the colonists.
The Caribbeans have Irish accents traced back to Irish ancestors who settled there in the 17th century as servants of English-owned plantations. It is believed that Charles I, followed by Oliver Cromwell sold over 500,000 Irish Catholics into slavery throughout the 1600s.
It a little-known fact, that a famous American has material roots that have been traced back to Moneygall in country Offaly in Ireland in the 19th century. Moneygall has a population of around 300 people but this person’s mother’s side, his Irish third great-grandfather, Fulmoth Kearney arrived in New York City in 1850 where all this person’s other material ancestors were already here.
Kearney immigrated at the age of 19 and eventually resettled in Tipton County, Indiana (just north of Indianapolis). Kearny’s father, Joseph had been the village shoemaker. The Kearney family emigrated to Ross County, Ohio (between Columbus and Portsmouth)in the first half of the 19th century. Falmouth Kearney’s youngest daughter, Mary Ann, moved from Indiana to Kansas after her father’s death in 1878. Mary Ann Kearney was the paternal grandmother of Stanley Dunham, President Barack Obama’s maternal grandfather!
Ann Dunham was born on November 29, 1942, at Wichita, Kansas, the only child of Madelyn Lee Payne and Stanley Amour Dunham. Her mother, Madelyn, was of predominately English ancestry, with small amounts of Scottish, Welsh, Irish, and German. Wild Bill Hickok was her sixth cousin, five times removed. She was also descended from John Punch, and enslaved African man who lived in seventeenth-century colonial Virginia.
The small town has a life size statute of both Barack and Michelle in the park. “There’s No One as Irish as Barack O’Bama” is a humorous folk song written n 2008 by the Irish band Hardy Drew and the Nancy Boys. The song celebrates the Irish ancestry of the former President of the United States. If they read their Bibles and understood what it said, they wouldn’t celebrate it but would rend their clothes and tear their beards like Ezra did.
Slave owners bred the African males with the Irish women and girls in the island of Jamaica. African/Irish enslaved person, it is alleged, fetched a higher sale price than those who were purely African or purely Irish.
In 1833, the year the British Parliament passed the Emancipation Act, an estimate of Jamaica’s population showed:
- 311,000 enslaved Africans and people of African descent,
- 31,300 free colored,
- 16,600 whites,
- 11,000 free blacks.
The free colored and black population included the owners of some 70,000 enslaved Africans. It was the custom of the white planters to allot freedom and property, including slaves, to their Negro concubines.
Rather than spending money on new slaves, the Jamaican plantation owners began mating Irish females with African men to create a new breed of slave, that in the Caribbean climate, was more apt laborer, and thus commanded a higher value than full-blood Irish slaves.
Irish people are the second-largest reported ethnic group in Jamaica, after Jamaicans of African ancestry. Donald Harris’ ancestry states that his father was Irish-Hindu Indian, and his mother was Hindu-Indian. It could be, it is not known, that his Irish father could have had some black mixed in his breeding.
So, what race is the next possible president of the United States? Kamala’s father was Irish/Hindu Indian who married her mother who was Hindu-Indian. His ancestors are Irish plantation owners who had many slaves. So, how could his daughter, Kamala, consider herself to be black and a slave?
Kamala spent ten years climbing the ladder of progressive politics by being the mistress of the married Willie Brown. She then married the antichristian Doug Emhoff. He had an affair while he was married to his first wife, which led to his divorce.
Kamala’s vice-president is Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota who is a Lutheran, who seldom goes to church. Tim says that he goes to the Pilgrim Lutheran Church which is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a mainline Protestant denomination that’s theologically and politically LIBERAL.
This Democratic Party is the most liberal, left-wing Communist Party ticket in our history. It seems like a good match, as the Black Lives Matter rioters burned down the Twin Cities when George Floyd died, that the governor, Walz, permitted, while Kamala fundraised to bail out the violent rioters, arsonists, robbers, and murderers, who were arrested and then let go. Where’s BLM now, with the leaders living in mansions taken illegally from the BLM fund?
He supports LGBTQ rights, same-sex marriage, Pride Month, he put tampons in the boys’ bathrooms at elementary, middle and high school, is in favor of all abortions, transgendered rights beginning with elementary school children, closed churches and schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, spent his honeymoon and has been to China over 30 times, gives driver licenses to illegal immigrants, has left the military when he learned that they were going to be shipped to Iraq to fight, and so on and so on. Is he a Lutheran?
So, the Democratic Party has for its presidential candidate an Irish/Hindu Indian (with maybe a little bit of black) with a husband who has committed adultery with his first wife and is antichristian (Jew). Her vice-president is a very liberal politician who is a lukewarm Lutheran, who has never read, and probably ever knew, of Luther’s book that he wrote near the end of his life.
Her opponent, Donald J. Trump, has his eldest daughter, who has converted to the Talmudic religion and is married to a member of an important antichristian family, Jared Kushner. His vice-president, JD Vance is married to a Hindu Indian and he has three mulatto children. What a complete mess. In a supposedly Christian Protestant nation!
Who are we to choose? Are we choosing a foreigner (stranger) or a brother?
Brahmin is the highest of the four Hindu castes in India. Castes are a system of social hierarchy developed in the Vedic period between 1500 and 600 BC. We are told that Abraham sent his six children by Keturah to the east. There is a tradition that these became the Brahmins in India. Even Manasseh ben Israel (1604-1657) wrote that the Brahmans of India are descended from Abraham.
If that is true, then both Kamala’s parents are descendants of Abraham and Keturah, plus her father is part Irish, descendant of Abraham and Sarah and maybe part black? JD’s wife is descended from the same people: Abraham and Keturah. The whole world is not becoming kind after kind, it is unkind after unkind.
Luke 17:26:
26) “And as it was in the days of Noe [Noah], so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.”
What was it like in the days of Noah? Were there mixed seed races in the world? Were all the Adamic seed mixed with strangers? Arewe getting close to what it was like 3500 years ago?
Since 1973, adultery (miscegenation) has spread so quickly that we have at least three out of four people running for president and vice-president as strangers or who have strangers in their immediate family. No matter who we choose, we will elect strangers, and even our perpetual enemy, as our rulers.
May the LORD God have mercy on our souls.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.