Unasked Questions Part 1

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

September 16, 2018

Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3:32 and Ephesians 2:11, 12

There is a whole host of different options that a person hears from the Judeo-Christian churches regarding how a person is saved. Does God save you, or do you save yourself, or is it a partnership? If God saves an individual, what individuals does He save?

Most Judeo-Christian churches today would say that salvation is a partnership. I have heard in my past, many sermons that said, “Jesus votes for you, Satan votes against you, and you have the deciding vote. Come up here at the end of my sermon and say the sinner’s prayer and be saved.”

In the country’s early history, almost all the Christian churches were Calvinistic in their theology. Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Puritans, Pilgrims were a major part of the churches who taught that God was sovereign; that it was He, alone, that saved individuals. If God elected you, you were saved. If God rejected you, you were condemned to hell. You were born totally depraved, meaning you were going to hell, until the Holy Spirit came and saved you.

It is like the hymn that says: “Born a child of hell, comforted by the Holy Spirit.”

The churches of America taught that every individual of the world was born a child of hell. They had to be turned into a person who was “born again.” Whether God did it alone, or it was done in partnership, it had to be done. In the early days of our nation, it was God who “saved” an individual. The person didn’t do anything. God elected who was going to be saved before the foundation of the world. Their mistake? They ignored the blood of the covenant. They preached that God could save any one of any race. They were universalists.

But by the early 1800s, the process changed completely. Instead of God being sovereign, the individual was sovereign. It was up to man to choose to be saved. God elected those who were going to be saved? It followed the theology of a man and they called it Arminianism.

Unasked Questions

Copied  from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1:  Are there only two different peoples of the world; that is, saved or lost? Judeo-Christianity says that a person is born a child or hell and must be changed into condition of being "saved." Or is there a different reason that one's genealogy determines whether one is the elect of God or is doomed to hell-fire? What does the Bible say about this issue?

When They Had Crucified Jesus

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

September 9, 2018

Scripture Reading: John 19:23

Who do you think the “they” are in this verse? Some interpret the word to mean the “Roman soldiers”; others to mean “the band of chief priest, Pharisees and scribes of Israel(i).” Was it the Roman soldiers who took His garments after the Roman soldiers crucified Him or was it the chief priests, Pharisees and elders of Israel(i) who crucified Jesus and then the Roman soldiers took His garments. Which one do you think it is?

Michigan Court Case - Part 5

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

September 2, 2018

Scripture Reading: Joshua 8:1, 2

There were two separate articles that appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer and the USA Today newspapers on Friday, August 17, 2018. The first article was about the death of the “Queen of Soul”—Aretha Franklin. It was titled: “Aretha Franklin’s Civil Rights Legacy.” It wasn’t about all the gold records that she recorded, but it was about her support of her Baal preacher father’s anti-Christian civil rights movement. Aretha was needed in the civil rights struggle that her father, Negro preacher, C. L. Franklin, helped lead. Aretha had helped fund the Communist movement quietly and anonymously for decades.

Why Do We Suffer?

by William Finck

August 26, 2018

Scripture Reading: Psalm 44:19-23:

Being here [at FGCP] in March after the death of Pastor Mark Downey, and now passing through again after the burial of Clifton Emahiser, I thought I should seek to offer our community some encouragement.

Disaster and Death: Why Do We Suffer?

This is a broad topic. I won't ever be able to discuss every detail. But Yahweh willing, here we will hit on the important aspects. Perhaps anyone who hears this will stop blaming God for our woes.

In modern times when we have floods and drought, when we have pestilence and disease, very few people who are affected by these things ever even consider what manner of sin they have committed, or what manner of sin they have allowed to exist in their communities, that they should suffer such things. But as our ancient ancestors believed, when such calamities befall us, they are clearly punishments from Yahweh our God. The proof that such a concept was prevalent even in relatively recent times is found in the very origin of the word that is used to describe such calamities, which is crisis. In English, a crisis is a time of danger or trouble. But in Greek the word is decision or judgment, and in our Scriptures it describes the judgment of God. While modern secularized dictionaries attempt to obfuscate this connection, it is the true origin of the modern English use of the word.

Michigan Court Case - Part 4

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 19, 2018

Scripture Reading: John 2:16: “Make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.”

Andrew and I went to Grand Rapids, Michigan to witness the Law case of the two Michigan prisoners vs. the State of the Michigan Department of Corrections. The case was held on Monday, August 13, 2018. It was an eye-opening experience for me. It gave me a vivid impression of what the federal court system was all about. It is not about the truth, at all.

We went first to an Christian Identity service on Sunday in Indiana, had dinner afterwards, and then traveled the three hours to Grand Rapids. We found the federal court house in downtown and then drove to the suburbs to find a motel.

Michigan Court Case - Part 3

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 12, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Revelation 2:14-17

On July 20th, 2018, I received an email from the lawyer of the two prisoners in the Michigan jail system, who had filed a law suit against the state of Michigan for their decision in not allowing them the opportunity to participate in a separate Bible study and worship group in the prison. This email came about a month after I had a short talk with the lawyer about my being the “expert witness” in the case in the place of our co-pastor, Mark Downey. Even though everything seemed to be a go, the lawyer and his associates had determined from our short talk on the phone that I would not be a good “expert witness” in the case. I didn’t think that I was auditioning for the role.

Michigan Court Case - Part 2


Compiled from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 5, 2018

Scripture Reading:  John 8:44

This is the second part of the Michigan Law Case in which I am to be an “expert witness” that will be held in August of 2018. Another “expert witness” will be Pastor Everett Ramsey of Missouri. Pastor Ramsey will be ideal for this case. He has some experience with the legal system and will be a faithful representative for the case of Israel’s racial exclusivity.

Michigan Court Case - Part 1

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 29, 2018

Scripture Reading:  John 15:18-25

I am interrupting my Deuteronomy series to compile some of my arguments I will be using in this case which is just next month. After talking with the prisoners’ lawyer by phone, he said that the judge was open-minded. The prosecutors had asked that the case be dismissed, but the judge refused. The upcoming court case in the state of Michigan is to determine whether the prisoners in Michigan will be allowed to hold services under the Christian-Identity banner. There are jewish synagogue meetings, Muslim worship meetings, Judeo-Christian services, Roman Catholics have their mass, but no Christian-Identity meetings are allowed in Michigan reformatories at the present time.

Michigan Court Case

A 2018 court case in the state of Michigan to determine whether the prisoners in Michigan will be allowed to hold Christian Identity services.   This discusses the case and speaks to the hatred against the faith of our people

by Pastor Don Elmore


A 2018 court case in the state of Michigan is to determine whether the prisoners in Michigan will be allowed to hold services under the Christian-Identity banner. There are jewish synagogue meetings, Muslim worship meetings, Judeo-Christian services,  Roman Catholics have their mass, but no Christian-Identity meetings are allowed in Michigan reformatories at the present time.  The court has quoted the Jewish Southern Poverty Law Center in stating that Christian-Identity is a “hate group” and therefore is not considered to be a valid means of worshipping God in Michigan’s prison system, even though the  Southern Poverty Law Center also labeled the Muslims as a “hate group".  Why is there so much hatred against Christian-Identity that a few prisoners, who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, are not allowed to have worship services in the Michigan jails? 

Part 1:  The charges and a basic response.  The denial of Christian Identity meetings/worship is due to what is written on the Southern Poverty Law Cente site.  Discussion of how the Jews have been killing and persecuting the followers of Christ since the days of Christ.

Part 2America is suffering from a revolutionary technique, perfected during 1900 years of practice. Other Israel nations have already fallen into anti-Christ control through the same methods. If our Christian people were familiar with God’s Word, they would look at the lewd fellows being gathered against our nations and recognize them, and other events of the day, as part of the end-of-the-age battle against Israel, prophesied throughout God’s Holy Word.

Part 3:  What has the world come to?  It has come to corporations.  Who is a corporation?  You could be surprised!

Part 4:  Do you know that practically everything in the world is an artificial being, i.e. a corporation?  The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., most companies,  the STATES. cities, townships, counties, most charitable institutions, most churches and most individuals, etc.  What's wrong with the churches being a corporation?

Part 5:  Why will it be impossible to have peaceful coexistence in the world today?  Something has to happen before there can be peace.   What is it and what has to happen?  That is the gist of this sermon.