Another Hoax
by Pastor Don Elmore
August 10, 2014
Scripture Reading Galatians 1:6-9
Mormonism strives with great effort to masquerade as the restored Christian church complete with an exclusive message, infallible prophets, higher revelations for a new dispensation which the Mormons would have us believe began with Joseph Smith, Jr. in the 1820’s. Joseph Smith wrote in the Pearl of Great Price, Chapter 2, verses 1-25; that when he asked the Personages who stood above him in the light, which of all the sects (Christian churches) was right and which one should he join, he received the following answer:
- All Christian churches were apostate; they were all wrong; No Christian church.
- All Christian creeds were an abomination to God; No Christian theology.
- All professors of Christianity were corrupt; No Christians.
In other words, a restoration of true Christianity was needed, and that he, Joseph Smith, Jr., had been chosen to launch the new dispensation. It all began in 1823 when the angel Moroni came to Joseph’s bedside and told him where the golden plates were hid in the hill Cumorah near Palmyra, New York. Smith began to “translate” the “reformed Egyptian” hieroglyphics inscribed thereupon by means of the “Urim and Thummin,” a type of miraculous spectacles which the always-thoughtful angel Moroni had the foresight to provide for the new budding seer of the new Christian church.
The “miraculous translation” taken from the hidden “golden plates” that the angel had told him where to find them; that translated word for word, even the mistakes, from the King’s James Version of the Bible which was written almost 2000 years after the golden plates were buried in the ground; became known as the Book of Mormon.
Mormon theology is a polytheistic teaching that the universe is inhabited by different gods who procreate spirit children which are in turn are clothed with bodies on different planets; Adam-god being the god of this planet. Adam-god had sexual relations with Mary to produce Jesus, the Son of god. Lucifer was a spirit brother of Jesus prior to His birth. The Garden of Eden was located in Missouri and not in Asia! Mormonism is a universal religion; for they believe in universal salvation that all men will be saved, but each one in their own order. Jesus will return to Missouri when he returns.
Can you tell from the above that Mormonism is definitely not Christian? It didn’t restore Christianity; it eliminates it.