Apartheid America
by Pastor Don Elmore
January 12, 2014
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 17:15
I will spend a few minutes before I begin my sermon on the 9-11 hoax. I do not want to let this one get away from us as it has changed the world. The official story:
“Terrorist, while living in deep caves, with laptops and satellite phones penetrated the most heavily defended air space in the world, flying wildly off course for over an hour, hitting 75% of their targets, and not a single fighter was scrambled to intercept.
They were led by Osama bin Laden who was a leader who had liver problems and required dialysis twice a week who was living in caves and dwellings in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It must have been a long extension cord! He lived until he was assassinated after ten years.
NORAD and all military agencies, and all government assistance and defense, non-existent until well after the attacks had taken place. Oh! Sorry victim families & fellow citizens! We failed to mention, I mean, forgot to mention WTC-7 in the final official report.”
I have put up on the wall the 19 accused Arab terrorists who were the people the FBI accused as the hi-jackers who died in the four airplanes that crashed on September 11. Notice that none of these nineteen men were from either Iraq or Afghanistan; but that’s not the real issue—nine of them were found to be alive and well.