Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore
June 10, 2018
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 12:15-16
Notwithstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh in all thy gates—Every animal designed for food, whether ox, goat, or lamb, was during the abode in the wilderness, ordered to be slain as a peace offering at the door of the tabernacle; its blood to be sprinkled, and its fat burned upon the altar by the priest. The encampment, being then round about the altar, made this practice, appointed to prevent idolatry, easy and practicable. But in the settlement in the promised land, the obligation to slay at the tabernacle was dispensed with. The people were left at liberty to prepare their meat in their cities or homes.
The unclean and the clean may eat thereof—The unclean here are those who were under some slight defilement, which, without excluding them from society, barred them from eating any of the sacred meats (Leviticus 7:20). They were at liberty freely to partake of common articles of food.
Do you think that our LORD is angry at His people? We are living in very dangerous times. The world has been turned upside-down. What used to be against the law, is now politically correct. Every person is learning that what used to be “free speech” is no longer. A citizen is not allowed to criticize certain people who are pulling the strings or who are the people who are having their strings pulled. If they do, they either lose their jobs or they are killed!
We are awaiting the fall of the controlling power of mystery Babylon. The United States, ever since the Federal Reserve Act, but even sooner in some of the other Christian Israel Nations, has indeed been handed over to the beast with all the people of the earth being deceived by the unclean spirts emanating from the mouth of the Beast and from the mouth of the False Prophet, while under the economic control of the Jew. Almost the entire book of Revelation has already occurred. All we are awaiting is the fall of Babylon and the return of our Savior.