Who Chooses? Part 8
Ernst Zundel
Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore
August 20, 2017
Scripture Reading Matthew 23:15
I can relate to the life of Ernst Zundel. Ernst tells his followers that he was a believer in many of the Jewish lies for most of his youth; me too. Then something happened that made him study one of the major incidents and he found that he was told a big, big lie. And after he testified that he didn’t believe that particular lie, he was persecuted.
Ernst Zundel died almost two weeks ago. Who was Ernst Zundel? He was a man who spent 7 years in jail for believing something that the Jews said was true. He didn’t run into a group of Jews in a rental automobile; He didn’t knock over any tombstones in a Jewish cemetery; He didn’t paint a swastika on a Jewish synagogue; He didn’t even punch a Jew in the nose. He just believed what they said was so outlandish that He refused to believe it. And He taught that it was wrong and showed the proof of his statements. He went to jail because He believed the truth and not a lie.