Being A Member

by Pastor Mark Downey

I get emails all the time from people wanting to know where they can go to a Christian Identity church in their area.  Unfortunately, there just aren’t that many around the country for people to go to.  We’re not in the yellow pages.  I think there’s probably quite a few home groups spread around, but they have wisely remained underground.  And that’s what I suggest for those looking; start your own Bible study group and Lord willing it will grow into a fellowship. 

It took me years to find a non-judeo church, which was actually a group of tax protestors with a semi-retired pastor; and it took me another year to convince him about the racial identity of the White race in the Bible.  There are some ‘lone wolves’ that don’t want you to join anything.  But, I believe God wired us in such a way that we have an innate desire to belong to something, because most people don’t like to be alone.  We can’t all be hermits if our culture and civilization, indeed the Kingdom of God, is to advance forward. 

One of the Most Important Events in the History of the Jew

by Pastor Don Elmore

This is a question that probably very few, if any, Christians have ever thought of; let alone even answered.  What was the most important event in the entire history of Diaspora Jewry?  The answer will probably be a very surprising answer when you consider that the Jewish representative makes the answer so strongly and accurately. 

The author argued that this event was the "...first since 212 C.E., when the Emperor Caracalla granted citizenship to all free men in the Roman Empire.  American Jewry was the modern world's first free Jewry.  One can understand why the Jews of Philadephia joined so gladly in the Federal Parade of July 4, 1788.  In this, the greatest spectacle that America had yet witnessed, the Christian (?) clergy walked arm in arm with 'Rabbi' Jacob R. Cohen."  Question mark and emphasis added.

A Terrible Error Of The Mainstream Churches

By Pastor Don Elmore

What is one very important area that the mainstream “Christian” Churches never mention?  Who are the main people that the Bible is addressed to?  You could go to church every time they have a service and never hear this very important fact talked about—What happened to the majority (5/6) of the tribes of Israel after they were divorced, cut off from the covenant, cease to be a kingdom, became uncircumcised, were no longer referred to as “God’s people”, who were without hope, without God in the world (Ephesians 2:12)?  In other words, what happened

Morris Seligman Dees

By Pastor Don Elmore

Do you know of a man who has a perverted sexual history, who has been a hater of Christians, who has gotten Christian pastors fired from jobs, who has labeled many Christian churches as being “hate groups” (some who have been listed as being in the wrong city, some who don’t even exist, and many of the people and organizations that he has listed are mislabeled?) Many television and radio stations, as well as newspapers and magazines, just copy their internet version instead of finding out what is the truth. His organization, which he heads, last year put out their hate list to law enforcement and as it was beginning to be enforced, they had to back off, for it was so ludicrous. Here is part of their patriot hit list of forty:

Perception of Reality

by Pastor Don Elmore

Reality: It's Not What It Is; It's what we Think It Is

“Almost everyone believes that they see things as they are. Almost no one does. Our perception of reality rules our lives no matter what we think. Propagandists know the very high manipulative value of peoples’ expectations based on their perception of reality….So the difference in people is the way they think. Our individual perception of reality controls our thought processes. Our thought processes control our lives. Word manipulation and semantic trickery controls our thoughts and our total being.”—Copied from The Bob Livingston Letter, August 2010.

The jews are a small percentage of our population: less than 3%. During the Articles of Confederation they could not vote or hold any office in the states in which; they lived. With the ratification of the U. S. Constitution, jews could hold federal office. They rejoiced; for they knew that the state restrictions would soon be gone too. And they were right.

Now jews will soon hold 1/3 of the Supreme Court judges (33 1/3%). They also hold a much larger percentage than their population in the House of Representatives, Senate, State Governors, State Senators, State Representatives, Mayors, etc. Who are these people? The chosen of God and the covenant people in the Old Testament? Are they descended from Judah? Be careful how you answer these questions: It’s not what it is, it’s what you think it is.