Biblical History Part 1
Almost, But Not Quite
Copied from the sermon of Pastor Don Elmore
August 28, 2016
Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 33:20-22
The Bible says that “God hates Esau.” But I wondered exactly who are the descendants of the Esau in today’s world? I know that Esau is our enemy and I wondered who else in today’s world are our enemies. So, what I found out begins in today’s sermon and will continue on in the following messages.
The first enemy of God’s people had to be the first murderer. It was Cain. And do you remember Cain’s punishment for killing his half-brother Abel? God told Cain that he could no longer be a farmer, and the land would not produce for him. And that was forever. In addition, he would be a wanderer and a vagabond. And that was forever.
So, in today’s world what would Cain be? Wouldn’t he be a globalist or internationalist? Wouldn’t he instigate the establishment of the League of Nations and the United Nations? The Bible, according to the faith revealed through Moses and the prophets, forbids very strongly confederations such as these two institutions that have been established in the last century.
The conflict between modern day Cainites and the rest of the world has now escalated to International Law; hence there is a war against nationalism, national independence and sovereignty through the United Nations and the media. When a nation becomes a member of the United Nations, it surrenders its sovereignty and independent status and becomes subject to the International Law of Cain/Canaan/Edom, and is not free to decide its own destiny.