Positive Christianity Part 2
Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey
May 15, 2016
Scripture Reading: John 21:15-17
Last time, we started an investigation into the relationship between Christianity and Adolf Hitler's National Socialist Germany. We discovered that from 1920, the Party Platform stood for Positive Christianity. They called it positive because the nominal churches of that era were influenced by judaism, the opposite of Christianity in many respects, and therefore had mutated into a negative representation of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven that our Savior preached. The primary element that promoted a negative Christianity as it related to government and everyday life was what we call 'liberalism'. And we exposed what liberal theology does to a society. It creates a schizophrenic race mixing mentality and destroys the genetic integrity of the White race, the true Israel people of the Bible. Without a jew-free Christian Israel, God's plan for the ages is neutralized. Even though Positive Christianity was not Christian Identity, it nevertheless had the moral Law of God in their hearts and mind. They believed that the mixing of races would bring down any society, as history clearly demonstrates. Therefore, many Germans came to the conclusion that their German heritage could not be sustained under the immoral influence of jewish communism that was destroying their nation and for that matter, all of Europe.
True Israel is to administrate the Laws of God and to be the guardians of the Word. If the enemies of God affect this divine appointment, they effectively change the law of the land, making God's Word of none effect. This negative influence on religious issues is operating successfully in our country today. It's what Adolf Hitler put a stop to, defeating jewish communism with Christian nationalism. It's the positive action of biblical teachings that we need today to turn things around: to give our children a future, devoid of mongrelization, perversions and violence. It's standing on the promises of God like National Socialist Germany did, taking to heart II Chron. 7:14,