FGCP Church Discussion on Communion

Does the Scripture Sanction the Sacraments? by Pastor Jim Jester

April 10, 2022

The question before us as a church is, does the Bible demand that we observe the alleged sacraments of the historic Christian faith?

Holy Communion by Pastor Don Elmore

There are different ways and different formulas that every church uses.  Which one is correct or are several correct?  Which ones are wrong?  They all can’t be correct.  Maybe none are correct. What are we as a covenant church to believe and do?

Scriptural Events After the 1st Resurrection

Presented by Garry Maddux

April 3, 2021

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 23:3-8

My name is Garry, I am honored to be able to share today. The title of my message is Scriptural Events After the 1st Resurrection. I have enjoyed studying future events in the bible since I was in high school. I believe God has given us special areas to study. Some like bible history, some like current events as related to the Bible, some like mysteries of the bible. My passion is the future prophecy relating to the tribulation and future Kingdom here on the earth. So today, I will share a little about myself,  happenings shortly after the 1st resurrection, and experiences later in the Kingdom. 

Stranger Danger

Notes of Pastor Matthew Dyer

March 27, 2021

Scrripture Reading Genesis 15:13

This is going to be more of a Bible word study than a sermon this morning, but I think the subject matter is very important, because if one reads the Old Testament and doesn’t understand this word we are going to talk about this morning, one can get rather confused, and also see what seem to be contradictions in the scriptures.

The word we are going to look at this morning is going to be the word Stranger, or what has been translated as Stranger in English from the Hebrew in the Old Testament. I think maybe a good title for this message would be Stranger Danger, like the Neighborhood Watch program’s slogan. Because if one does not understand what the Hebrew word is being used when Stranger is translated in to English in the Old Testament, this person is in for some dangerous theological errors.


by Walter Giddings

March 20, 2022

Scripture Reading John 6:55 My flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed.”

How many believe the above quotation is from The Scriptures?  The quotation is from The Scriptures.  It is incomplete.

The first word “for” got left off.  “For” translates the Koine Greek word gar G1063 from the New Testament, a primary particle, assigning a reason. 

How could someone’s flesh being food, and blood being drink, be an assignable reason for anything?!Cannibal is a compound word composed of Cain and Baal.  Does that tell us something? Baal worship?

I Have a Dream

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 13, 2022

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 23:21, 25, 31, 32

Who is Jeremiah writing about?  Who are the false prophets who are lying to His covenant people?  Who prophesies false dreams which shall not profit His people at all?

The following is from an email that I received from Pastor Lawrence Blanchard.  He got it from the American Renaissance website, January 17, 2022.  The article was written by Jared Taylor and was named, “Eyewitness Report:  A Multi-cultural Inauguration for Virginia”.

“In 2020, Virginia voted 55 percent to 45 percent for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, so Glenn Youngkin’s upset is supposed to herald great things for Republicans. Republicans depend on whites —  85 percent of Mr. Trump’s 2020 voters were white — and the huge crowd at the inauguration was more than overwhelmingly white.

The History of We the People - Part 6


by Walter Giddings

February 27, 2022

Does secession break the American Covenant of Perpetual Union?

Have Americans, We the People, become the Enemies of The God of The Bible?  What made this question so alarming is that the behavior of We the People in succeeding generations precisely mirrors the behavior of IsraelIsrael, in succeeding generations, rejected the Covenant they made with The God of The Bible!  We the People, in succeeding generations, rejected the American Covenant of Perpetual Union our forefathers made with The God of The Bible?  Did The Framers of The Republic believe The God of The Bible to be a Covenant God?

R U Woke? Part 7

Chapter 38 of Genesis

Sermon notes by Jim Jester

Scripture Reading: Genesis 38:1-5

February 13, 2022


This sermon brings us to the conclusion of the Genesis portion of the series. Upon studying through the book of Genesis, we have often discovered areas that were not quite clear or lacked specificity. We could even say, a bit confusing. Most of this we observed in the first sermon of this series where we covered the Gap Theory and the Second Account Theory of mankind; and then in the fourth and fifth parts, the Curse of Ham theory. It seems that this anomaly occurs more in Genesis than any other book of the Bible. Why? Besides jewish tampering of the Masoretic Text; age-old Christian tradition says that Moses wrote the book of Genesis out of eleven ancient documents available in his day, probably handed down from generation to generation. Genesis is composed of:

Who is Ruling America?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 6, 2022

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 32:4

America is ruled by the mafia:  Genovese, Gambino, Lucchese, Colombo, Bonanno or as they are called:  the American Mafia.  They, along with Yale University’s Skulls and Bones secret society, started in 1832, and the government’s CIA, have assassinated and/or controlled Presidents to protect their investments. 

The robber barons consisted of Carnegie, Brown and Rockefeller.  Dulles, Liddy, the Bushes, LBJ, Nixon, etc.; they have ruled as puppets with the mafia pulling the strings behind the scenes. 

President Biden is an international mafia criminal too.  Look at what his son, Hunter, has done, and look at what has happened to him!  Practically Biden’s entire family; brothers, son, wife, brother-in-law, etc. are mixed-up in performing the business of the mafia.  And what is done about it? – a lot of threats, but nothing.

The History of We the People - Part 5


by Walter Giddings

January 30, 2022

“But those mine enemies ... slay them before me.”  --- Jesus.

In our 1st Lesson, The Birth of America, we studied The Evidence that demonstrated America was not born in rebellion.  At every turn of circumstance or event our Forefathers who framed The Republic worked tirelessly to preserve their 13 Colonial governments under 13 Charters.  Two parties voluntarily forged these 13 Charters:  Englishmen and their King.  We found 2 forgotten historical events.  The 1st forgotten event was the October 26, 1775 Speech by King George III to Parliament proposing to remove The Colonists from His Protection and treat them as Foreign Enemies !  The 2nd forgotten event was Parliament’s passage of The Prohibitory Act December 22, 1775.  A member of Parliament David Hartley, said, “An inflexible majority in the Parliament have now declared all America to be an independent hostile state.” 

“An independent hostile state.”  Does this mean that the Englishmen of all thirteen states (!) had independence 7 months before July 4, 1776?  Did that mean then they were no longer Englishmen?  Were they now Americans?  Did that mean the proverbial Rug of humbly appealing to return to their Rights as English-men was yanked from under foot?!  Do we recall from Lesson 1, The Birth of America, “The Notes of Proceeding” of the Second Continental Congress of 1776?

The Second Song of Moses

Compiled from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

Audio not available.  Published, in part, in the New Covenant Messenger Jan 2022

PSALMS 90:1-2

This psalm (Psalm 90) was written by Moses and was called a prayer.  It is supposed that this psalm was penned upon occasion of the sentence passed upon Israel in the wilderness for their unbelief.

  • They were punished for all their unbelief, murmuring and rebellion that their carcasses should fall (all those over 20 years old) and be buried in the wilderness. 
  • That they should be wasted away by a series of miseries for thirty-eight years together. 
  • And that none of them that were then of age (20 years and older) should enter Canaan.

What if we were living at this time?  Suppose we were thirty years old when the punishment was explained to us by Almighty God that we would not be allowed to go into the Promise Land.  Everyone over the age of 20 years old, except for the faithful two Israelite spies, Caleb and Joshua, would spend the next 38 years being buried in the wilderness.  We would just wander around till the 38 years ended and all of us had died.  How depressing would that time period be?  Would we need something to help us get though this long time?  We couldn’t enter the Promise Land, we just had to wait and wait and wait.  How depressing.  Moses’ second song was written for this purpose.