Four Hundred Year Argument - Part 3
Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore
February 14, 2021
Scripture Reading: Acts 26:6, 7
The Apostle Paul, at his trial, was not accused by the Jews of saying that God chose certain people of all races to salvation by His secret will. In other words, he was not accused of being a Calvinist.
The Apostle Paul, at his trial, was not accused by the Jews of saying that any individual of any race could chose Almighty God as their Savior by saying a sinner’s prayer. In other words, he was not accused of being an Arminian.
He was not accused by the Jews of not starting a soup kitchen for everyone in his community where he was preaching. In other words, he was not accused of being a community preacher.
The Jews accused the Apostle Paul of preaching a racial message. It was about the “hope of the promise” that was made unto the twelve tribes’ fathers. That was the promise that the twelve tribes hoped to come. The Jews accused the Apostle Paul of being a racist, of preaching a racist message of hope to a group of people who were kin to each other. He was accused of being a Christian Identity preacher.
Calvinism and Arminianism are the two main theologies of today's Christian world. But they are both wrong. See why Christian Identity is superior to either of these two theologies and what is wrong with their views.