Being A Member

by Pastor Mark Downey

I get emails all the time from people wanting to know where they can go to a Christian Identity church in their area.  Unfortunately, there just aren’t that many around the country for people to go to.  We’re not in the yellow pages.  I think there’s probably quite a few home groups spread around, but they have wisely remained underground.  And that’s what I suggest for those looking; start your own Bible study group and Lord willing it will grow into a fellowship. 

It took me years to find a non-judeo church, which was actually a group of tax protestors with a semi-retired pastor; and it took me another year to convince him about the racial identity of the White race in the Bible.  There are some ‘lone wolves’ that don’t want you to join anything.  But, I believe God wired us in such a way that we have an innate desire to belong to something, because most people don’t like to be alone.  We can’t all be hermits if our culture and civilization, indeed the Kingdom of God, is to advance forward.